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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Round Links: Lynch: Have a seat, grab some cookies and a pillow, and let old mummy SD tell yer a story. Aight, so Pro-Town as per usual was, and still is in an uproar over the death of a guy who breaks people out of jail cells (jail cells that strangely fail to stop the angry Townies from breaking in, and killing people every other day. Might be the lack of security, as in there's literally 0 security guarding the jail cells...) simply because the Goon shot 'em to death with a pistol grip. Caught up? Good, now stop fidgeting and shutup. Drizzy, stop pinching Church's buttcheeks, alright? And so, due to this outrage, the Town demanded a sacrific-I mean scapegoa-I mean... OK they wanted someone to die. Happy? No, Frankenzer I'm not going to get you a glass of milk! What am I, your mummy? Oh wait I am, nevermind. Still, no. They perused the Suspect List like they always do: sorting the Reds from the Greens like mummy SD said to do. And in their search for the sourest out of the bunch, they noticed wee, little BATMAN: the immensely jacked caped-crusader flexing on the shelf with the other suspects - the other suspects' muscles being so puny compared to the BATMAN. Pro-Town took one look at her, and decided she gon diey because raisins, and raisins are pretty sour, and sour are pretty Reds. And so, the BATMAN she ded. Oh, and she a Civilian. OK, that's the end of the story, go to bed before I whip all of you! DRIZZY WHAT DID I TELL YOU? STOP GRABBING THEM CHEEKS! You have 48 hours or less until Round 3, Part 1 is posted. Player List: Role Status:
  2. Unfortunately for everyone who's in the game you've all got less than 24 hours to get your votes in. I'm not going to bend over backwards for inactivity. But hey, another Lynch without a death is gerd. More meat to eviscerate later.
  3. ^ I'll use this, thanks for suggesting. Oh, and thanks to all of you for participating. I'd do something more with the comments posted here like in Caboose's version, but I feel that would be like playing favorites.
  4. Round Links: Execution: After escaping certain death by playing possum not long after obtaining a 5 Star wanted level last game, Haxilus CRIME - the absolutely savage former Mafian mastermind - settled down, and changed his evil ways... like, over the course of a week or something. The Mafians weren't having that, so they got the Goon to bust in, and eliminate the man with the most lee-git hax around with the only firearm the entire Mafia has at their disposal. So yeah, death by pistol-whipping for le Axilus Prime, the Jailkeeper. Suspect List: Drizzy_Dan BATMAN Composite Armour Dat Boi Null RNG You have 48 hours to decide who dies in the Lynch. Player List: Role Status:
  5. Yo, campers suck, but really though: camping is fun. Still, nuke 'em. Welcome to the forums btw.
  6. Round Links: Lynch: The Townie mob was far removed from being silent on the issue posed not that long ago by the Spy, but even so: overall, the consensus was against a payment of blood... The Town has spoken. No one dies today. You have 48 hours or less until Round 2, Part 1 is posted. Player List: Role Status:
  7. Votes are locked. Round 1, Part 2 - Lynch - will be posted shortly. Stand by. Locked Vote Count: 0 - Composite Armour 2 - Yang Xiao Long (Composite Armour, Kakashi_Hatake) 2 - Axilus Prime (Wam, Caboose The Ace) 0 - Kakashi_Hatake 3.5 - Null (Melody, Delpen9, Drizzy_Dan, BATMAN) 1.5 - RNG (Axilus Prime, Yang Xiao Long, rrhuntington)
  8. Tis a tale of love, loss, downfall, and redemption. . , . いいえ。 . 0.0
  9. RNG is for RNG to kill one of the players on the Suspect List. Null, like Axilus said, is for no one to die. Either option follows through if they're voted for the most, just like every other competition between people with allot of votes during Lynches. The most popular choice is chosen, or RNG chooses one out of a tie. For example, if Kakashi were to get 30 votes, and Null got 31, then no one would die even though Kakashi got 30 votes.
  10. Execution: There was a mix-up, and nobody died. However, the Mafians appear to have discovered a new ally: the Spy! The Townie mob wants to know what all the commotion was about, and they won't be satisfied until SOMEONE pays for the disruption... Suspect List: Composite Armour Yang Xiao Long Axilus Prime Kakashi_Hatake Null RNG You have 48 hours to decide who dies in the Lynch. Player List: Role Status:
  11. Site Poll 40 - Halo's expanded material - is up: http://343i.org/3g9

  12. Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll! Poll 39 - 'Anime' - is here if you'd like to read the responses, or post a late reply. Moving on, this weeks questions regard expanded universe material surrounding a certain gaming juggernaut... What are your favorite Halo novels and/or reading materials? Also, what would you like to see out of future Halo reading materials (Comics, Books, Lore Dumps, etc)? The next Weekly Site Poll will be posted on 9/10/16. Feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response! SD, out!
  13. If I don't team kill you first. Oh yeah, I forgot: If you don't already know, you can post something along the lines of, "I don't want to be investigated / protected / removed from the Suspect List..." once per Round to prevent the goody-two-shoes Special Roles from targeting you with their powers. Though that kind of crap won't work against the Mafians. I implore you all to go back, and re-read the thread and Rules if you haven't already. Carry on.
  14. Mafia 22.0 has officially begun! All Role PMs have been sent, and if you haven't gotten one then you're a Civilian. Round 1, Part 1 will be posted either 48 hours from now, or when all Roles have complied. Player List: Role Status:
  15. Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll! Poll 38 - 'What are the HARDEST to kill villains / enemies in gaming?' - is here if you'd like to read the responses, or post a late reply. Moving on, this weeks questions venture outside of gaming, and into animation spawned from a specific culture... What anime are you watching right now? Explain what they are. Also, which anime are your favorites overall, and why? The next Weekly Site Poll will be posted on 9/3/16. Feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response! SD, out!
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