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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Gears O' War, and Zoo Tycoon. We all know damn well we want a Brumak and Locust monster exhibits that unexpectedly (but actually intentionally) malfunction, and unleash horrific Abominations onto the innocent Bystanders, and Tourists. I'll admit that I also did the same thing in Zoo Tycoon, and let out a freaking Tyrannosaurs Rex to wreak havoc (and eat people) in my park: Why not let the masses do the same in this Family Fun adventure? I'd pay for that!
  2. Hey welcome to 343.org Enjoy your stay!
  3. Nice review! I might eventually sell a bunch of my stuff for an XOne when some real good games start coming out, but for now I'm just gonna continue to fart around on my 360
  4. I'm not going to be on much since the 343.org Mobile version isn't working, and I'm too lazy to go through the hassle of getting it to work.

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      how is it not working ._.

    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      how is it not working ._.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Well if you must know, the upper right Square notification button won't let me click it. SO I can't see anything within it such as Status Updates, and Notifications. That is why I switch to normal PC view, but now it won't let me click the Full Version button either. I would have to get onto an actual PC to see normal view. I downloaded Firefox and now it's working, but I find Firefox to be real glitchy compared to Chrome.

  5. It's not working anymore. I just tried the promo code, and it says it's invalid.
  6. Idk, maybe everyone was just acustomed to the Japanese version. I mean the reboot was kind of a drastic departure from the traditional Godzilla, so I guess that's why people disliked it (though I liked it allot). The new movie looks real cool though, and I'm sure it'll get some good reception from the Old-fashioned fans.
  7. "Surely you can't be serious?" ~ "I AM serious. And don't call me Shirley."

  8. Well if I had gone to Mars, I bet I would of suffered from Cabin fever within the few Months after we land and set up shop on Mars. Unless I'm grouped with a very friendly and relatable group o' People, but if not then I can see grudges and hatred forming quickly. Tensions would rise, and eventually it would go to hell in a handbasket. You'd need to keep morale up so that people won't go crazy. I think the best thing that they should include is Television, though I don't know if a signal could travel that far and work. Oh, and of course we would need a facility for "Special Activities" *wink wink nudge nudge* in case Crew members grow affectionate towards another, which is highly likely to happen.
  9. Eviil! Eeevviiiiiiiiilll!!!!!! Evil evil evil eviiiiil!!!

  10. I've read from somewhere (The Halo Wiki I think) that even though the Physical Gravemind has been destroyed, His consciousness could still be alive in another Flood form that was not on the Ark. I mean somehow He can control each Flood form over vast distances in Space, so its not out of the realm that maybe He transfered his persona into another Form before his death. And even if It's actually dead, it would just take another outbreak to form another Gravemind, and there is still plenty of Flood still left. So yes, I believe the Gravemind is still alive.
  11. This is a very good analysis man. Like this seriously deserves some recognition Anyway I haven't had the chance to read Escalation, and I'm not sure who the leak is, but whoever it is could be someone no one realizes. What also is interesting is the fact that the Comic has a Spartan that has become "Corrupt" or "evil" if you will, but this but this is not necessarily the first time Spartans have gone against their creators, like Augmenties and recruits attempting to escape. Just imagine in Halo 5 that Insurrectionists have recruited defected Spartans, or have managed to recreate the Spartan Augmentations to fight against the UNSC: OR maybe just Rogue/Insane Spartans, and Spartan Pawns (being controlled by High Ranking Officers) becoming another Enemy faction, juxtaposed to The Flood, and Covenant splinter Factions. OR maybe even the Storm (or another Remnant) has created a Super Soldier program of their own, and create gigantic Elite monsters.
  12. Ah crap I won't be able to make it to the Game. I'll be in Houston all day tomorrow
  13. Hold up, I'm gonna keep trying!! A Dreadnought?
  14. My friend tried to assault me... so I sued and we then went to court. Of course He tries to obnoxiously plead his case, but in the end I get to keep all his dol-ACTION figures 9.9 Sundered. (Shadow of Sundered Star, which is the Didact's name.)
  15. *An Elephant walks into a bar and sits down.... The Bartender politely asks the Elephant to leave, the Elephant sighs, and walks back out without causing trouble...* *The end* Mjolnir.
  16. I dedicate this song to Ledgend1221!! Why doesn't the video show!?
  17. Hey welcome to 343i.org Hope you have a nice time here! P.S. Watch out for Caboose the Ace... He's a michevious one he is...
  18. Give this Man a round of applause!!!
  19. ...Maaaaybe..... 9.9 Do you like current Pop culture? If no, then I freaking applaud you.
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