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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. "Alright Boys, let's take some pictures!" *proceeds to take framed pictures off the wall...*

  2. I don't know. I don't know why 343i had the grand idea of making it Gold exclusive. Sorry man, but your gonna need Gold to play it.
  3. Every freaking day The Sun will burn my eyes. It NEVER let's me look at it!!!! Installation.
  4. The only way to play Spartan Ops is to be online, and have a Gold subscription: even if your playing alone. Its real stupid, but there is no way around it.
  5. Okey the Weed Pillars have been distributed, and the local populace should be feeling the aftereffects right about..... Woooooooah now.... Horses everywhere Masan!! GRD
  6. I once found the Ark of the Covenant... and after I touched it... I blew up. It hurt... like... ALLOT. Hinge-head.
  7. Here are my thoughts... 1. Put all the skins for a specific Weapon (and Universal Skins) in a sub folder; that way you don't need to scroll through all the skins to get to other weapons. 2. Have a Skin Commendation unlock system like Gears of War. One that is separate from Specializations. Plus skins that are unlocked by doing something specific in, or just playing, other Halo games. For example Gears has Golden Skins that are unlocked by doing specifics for previous games. 3. Have a Skin maker. One that is similar to the Black Ops 2 Emblem Maker. Plus maybe Color customizable skins. 4. Live skins: ones that pulsate and move. Like having an AR with an Aura, or electrical arcs. Maybe even Armor Effects for Skins.
  8. I listen to mostly Metal, but I love a multitude of Bands with different styles. I would say Tool appeals to me the most. Northlane, Heart of a Coward, Gojira, Deftones, Lamb of God, and Chimaira are also good ones. I can list more if your looking for new music.
  9. The sash wringing... the trash thinging... mash flinging... the flash springing, bringing the the crash thinging the...

    1. HIWBC



  10. Obsessing about... 1. Getting fit. It's been hard since my Family has allot of bad habits that prevents me from Working Out. Plus I can only work out when I'm alone, and no one is around. But I've still managed to make progress 2. Getting better involved with the 343 Community. 3. Eating healthier. Family bad habits still try to hold me back though. 4. Getting more Sociable. Been making real strides in that area recently
  11. Is it those freaking huge Sentinel things that the Chief had to blow up on the Mammoth?
  12. Who wants to be my Hombre for the Ninja Event?

    1. ShockGazm


      Yeah, I'm up for it. Slayer and SWAT are the option, you can choose. :) Just private message me if you want to partner up with me. Msg me here or on Xbox Live, my gamertag is ShockGazm.

  13. I can understand where your coming from with lag issues. All throughout Reach (and occasionally Halo 4) I had terrible lag. It was due mostly to my weak internet connection, and the only solution was to get a new Router (I think thats what its called... Im not very knowledgable when it comes to Internet), but unfortunately at the time I had no way of getting one. And so I had to truck on with crappy connection. It wasent until recently that I got a new Router, and better Internet. Plus I find (at least for myself) that Halo 4 has less lag issues then I had with Reach. Im sorry to say Im not sure what you could do to fix the lag. I think turning off the Router, or disconecting from it for a little while may help. Maybe even disconnecting any other devices from it may also releave some of the weight from your Router, so it dosent strain from playing 4. Other then that the only other option I would think is to get a new router, but dont take my word for it. Im just now getting all the Internet workings and stuff. Now concerning the conduct of Members whove negatively replied to your topic, I shall say that it was very inexcusible. They should not have replied in such a rude manor, but In their defense, I think your username had a part in it. Not trying to nag, but it did seem trollish, but now that you have explained I can see why you had it. Even though the replies were unjustified, I hope you can remain a part of the Community. We do have good people here, and it would be wonderful to hang with you around the Forums
  14. Halo is a very elastic franchise. Something happens, and it is sure to bounce back. Even if it takes awhile. I'm sure when Halo 5 comes out, Halo will peak, but eventually it'll drop down and go up again after the next big release. A never ending cycle to the death of the Franchise, which is a looong way from now. Who knows, maybe it'll never end.
  15. My fellow Gorilla Ninja watches over all...

  16. From the album: Tacos and what not

    I'm currently working on this. I started sketching this a few months back.

    © Jerk Store Grunt Incorporated

  17. Welcome to the 343i Community Jon! I'm planning on reading the Books, since I have yet to read any. Which one would you recommend?
  18. Oh crap I never thought about that. Sorry I imposed on your Topic man, it won't happen again. Now relating to your request, I'm sorry to say I don't know any legitimate clans I could refer you to, but the other guys who posted here seem to have the right idea.
  19. Heck yeah I will! Looks like a real good game, and the Story is very intriguing.
  20. Pull the lever, Kronk!!

    1. Vitamin Pwn
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Why do we even HAVE that lever?

  21. Welcome to 343i Community forum Minionz Hope you have a great time here!
  22. Welcome to 343 Community forum Mattias!
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