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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Okay this is more or less an area where you post all your crazy and lucid dreams. I for one have had numerous WTF dreams over the years, but I'll narrow it down to 1 for right now. I'll post other ones later. 1. A couple years back I dreampt that I was sitting around in my House in the middle of an evening day, where the sky is Gray, but its not dark out... All of a sudden I heard loud banging on my Window, and looked outside to see what it was. You see, my House and Neighborhood is situated right in front of a large patch of Forest. To this day I don't know how far it goes. Anyway I looked outside and saw... Sasquatchs. Yeah that's right. Back then I was terribly afraid of them: even though I had not seen one. I used to watch shows like Monster Quest, and Bigfoot documentaries on TV. Even now I'm still scared of them. What unsettles me is seeing a black mass of a Creature standing a ways or close to you... you can see it, and you can clearly see that's its looking at you. You don't know what it is, and you don't know what it's intentions is. You don't know weither or not to run, since if the Creature gives chase, you don't know what it'll do to you. Plus Bigfoots are renowned for their elusiveness towards Humans, and if it does do something to you... you may never be found again. I know that their not carnivorous towards Humans, but it still freaks me out about the potential and advantage they have towards you... Anyway I see a large group of Sasquatchs. I cannot see any of their faces. Its like I know their there, but my dream is fazing it. It creeps me out extremely... I immediately back away from the window. I'm the only one home, and I can't call for help since I have no phone. I watch as they continue to beat on my House, and I can see their slowly making their way to the front yard. I decide the only means of action is to escape. I did NOT want to be inside the House when those things managed to get in. So I carefully slipped out my bathroom window (I live in a trailer) and began running across my Neighbor's yards to my Aunt's house down the street. I manage to get there, but I notice they had seen me, and the large 100 group (maybe even more) of Squatches are now advancing towards my location. My Grandpa just so happens to be at my Aunt's, and we try in vain to call for help, but only to find out the power had shut off... Now in darkness we can see the Mob move across my Aunt's backyard (which is large) and tread onto the back Porch. They get up right in front of the windows... peer inside directly at us... and then my dream ends. Or by now should I call it a nightmare? It does seem fitting. Anyway to this day it freaks me out. I don't know what the Bigfoot's intentions were, but I felt an absolute malevolence emanating from them. I could tell they were incredibly evil... plus now I get a sort of Slendermem vibe from them since their faces were not visible. Now that that is over... Show me what you got!
  2. I have been in so many Clans its unbelievable. In all instances my experience with Clans is either... A. I'm not really involved with the Clan... B. The Clan decides to disband. Or C. The Clan sucks really bad. I would join a Clan, but it has to be legit, and structurally sound. PLUS I hate Clans that require you to completely change your Spartan ID and Colors. I would love it if the representation (on my part) be minimal so I can keep my Personal customization nearly intact. At least 1 or 2 changes is optimal for me.
  3. That's kickass man This has nothing to do with the trailer, but I hate it when Commercials and Trailers for movies nowadays literally give EVERYTHING about the plot of the movie: So pretty much ruining the experience of actual surprises within the movie.
  4. Wow thanks It'll be my duty to continue to entertain the masses... and that is a big duty.
  5. "Why don't we take Bikini Bottom, and push it somewhere else!?!"
  6. ...East? I thought you said "Weast"!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cooliest


      Lol I just watched this the other day too.

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Love this status and comment chain.

    4. TDM


      Ahem!! *Clears throat* ...LEEDLE-LEEDLE-LEEDLE-LEE!!!

  7. Does it have something to do with ancient Human Civilization?
  8. That's freaking sad. It pains me to think the kid could have been having a kickass time right before he answered the door, and it just all ends after that. May he rest in peace If he had been holding a firearm, then I really think the Officer should have just aimed, and told the kid to drop the weapon, but I don't blame them if it was just a freak reaction spasm. I've had those before, and people question why I did it, but I can never give a good reason. It just... happens. Good article Kenway.
  9. Oh yes I forgot! Terminator: Salvation The Book of Eli Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby 2010 (sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey) Doom (Loosely based on the Doom games, but I still thought it was pretty good) Abominable Mimmic (and all the other ones) Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon Moon And that is the end of the Self Destruct show for the time being!
  10. Master Chief's treachery persists even after the game has ended... But really if they were to summarize the Book, they should at least get someone knowledgeable about the Franchise instead of half a$$ing it.
  11. Yeeees. I really don't know why everyone hated it. It was a really good movie Okay I think some overlooked movies that were freaking awesome were: Pandorum Riddick (and Pitch Black and Chronicles) Repo Men Gamer Law Abiding Citizen The Thing (2011) Resident Evil: Retribution Cowboys & Aliens Tron: Legacy Predators Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Total Recall (2012 or 2013 I think) Red and Red 2 Super 8 Can't think of any more right now.
  12. "Don't know how many times I've been crossed of the list and left for dead... Guess when it first happens the day you were born, you're gonna lose count... So this, this ain't nothing new."
  13. Now its a prestigious Sierra Mist Sprite knockoff.
  14. You can't. The only way would be to start a new Profile. ....Buuut you could delete you Halo 4 saves, and that might work: though I have not tried it myself.
  15. Yo dawg, I got some new digs up in Shawty's new crib man. FRO SHIZZLE ITS DA SH%$!!!!
  16. Banned for being banned. Now your *REDACTED* will be cut off and sold on the Black Market.
  17. I'd just like to conversate with all the members when on Play dates. I haven't played with you guys enough to gauge who I'd want to meet most. I guess Redneck Selection will eventually reveal the secrets to me...
  18. Ravioli, Ravioli, GIVE ME THE FORMUOLI!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Maestro


      The Krusty Krab Pizza, is the pizza, for you and me...

    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      You got it set to 'M' for 'mini' when it should be set to 'W' for wumbo.

    4. Pbrabbit


      No Mr.Krabs HE WAS NUMBER ONE!

  19. For privileged Players who actually have "Skill" they are able to kill things faster. Unlike bad players, who spread fire, and run up and Sticky Dive Bomb you + completely ignore their radars while being openly assassinated.
  20. Its times like these that I wish I still had my Legos
  21. You quote Mendicant Bias, but yet you say its not him. Are you talking about the Halo 3 Terminals?
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