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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Pure sewage runoff... Just kidding. Im drinking a glass of water... but without the water...
  2. Yeah I'd like to see it. I don't care if they keep the Multiplayer original, or impose Halo 4s. To be honest I think it would be better with Halo 4s. Not a big fan of 2s multiplayer. Obviously I'd want the exact thing done with Campaign like they did with CEA: Switch graphics, and locked Skulls. Oh and I would at least like it to be for 360. I don't care if its an exclusive for the One for a few months until 360s release.
  3. Alright I'm looking for some fellow Halo 4 players. Preferably good skilled ones with mics that like to talk allot, and you are at least 18. I like playing CTF the most, but I'm up for anything else... EXCEPT MLG playlists and those weird kajiggers: Like Rumble Pit, Throwdown, and SWAT. I hate those things. I'm a casual player, so I'll only be on every couple days. GT is SelfDestruct217.
  4. That was great man. It was unfortunate that I had to sell that poor ol lad's jewels on the Russian Black Market, but Redneck Selection demanded it of meh. Happy Bacon Birthday
  5. Well it does take time to make mind numbing riddles
  6. A point goes to you kind sir! Winner winner chicken dinner! You were really close, but the answers I would have taken would've been either Plasma Grenades, or Halo 3 Landmine equipment. "Through time and space. Through winter and spring. I'm constantly placed. To supplant every king." This has a double meaning. For the Plasmas, it means its involvement with nearly every Halo game, and for both Landmines and Plasmas it means that they are both used during every season, and every year to destroy opponents. "Across the battlefield. With my Master I trek. To meet those who won't yield. Who's life I'm destined to wreck." This describes the purpose of both Items. They are both used by the Player with intension to kill enemies with the Items. "Thrown asunder by my master. With cheerful disposition. For His nemesis total disaster. Mere moments and total ignition." This implies the revenge factor we all get from using both items. I know that the easiest way to annoy opponents is to use the Plasmas. Landmines are equally annoying.
  7. Banned------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> For following that arrow.
  8. Here's to us loners on V Day *Raises glass*

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      What's wrong with being a loner on GTA V day?

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Some of us don't have GTA :(

    3. Caboose The Ace
  9. Really excited for Jurassic World. I've seen all the movies, but I can't pinpoint which is my favorite. They all seem on par with one another. Now I'd have to say that the Spinosaurus is my favorite. Out of all the dinosaurs, it freaked me out the most.
  10. Nope. Okay I'll post it again. Through time and space. Through winter and spring. I'm constantly placed. To supplant every king. Across the battlefield. With my Master I trek. To meet those who won't yield. Who's life I'm destined to wreck. Thrown asunder by my master. With cheerful disposition. For His nemesis total disaster. Mere moments and total ignition. Hint: Its not a character
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