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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. I'm guessing it'll be a short exclusive for the One, and then afterwards the 360 (if it were to come out).
  2. Well for 1 ***SPOILER *** She had her arm amputated quite crudely after being assaulted by Palmer (which the UNSC sent to kill her) So we might see some Short alliance between Her, and the Storm against the UNSC. ...But she might also just ditch The Storm short afterward to go do some crazy $%&@ to help out the Chief or something. Idk those are my beginning thoughts... I'll post some more later when I can think clearly.
  3. That is a really good analysis man I could tell the above pictures of the Case were already fake without knowing they were on DeviantArt until I read the end, but the bottom picture is really convincing. That's from DevART too right? Anyway I know the thing is fake, but here are my thoughts on the case (however obvious they are). If they had released the art for the box, it would probably have an updated version of the Halo 2 (maybe Halo 3) MK VI instead of Halo 4's VI (or VII... no one really made it clear to me if it still was VI...)... Anyway those are my dumb thoughts, and keep up with the good articles man
  4. I'll probably go... well if only I don't get harassed by a roaming band of angry Oompa Loompas again... GT is SelfDestruct217.
  5. I highly doubt it. Chief has been able to handle allot up to this point, so it would seem pointless to include them as AI. There's a chance that maybe He meets up with 1 or 2 of the Spartan 2s, but I highly doubt the UNSC could justify having all of them in 1 place when they are more heavily needed elsewhere. If I had to take a guess, I'd say that Chief gets The Arbiter, or Important Spartan IVs (Like Palmer or Thorne) as allies, or maybe occasionally during future campaigns.
  6. The colored version is also in my album images. (forgot it was in there)
  7. From the album: Tacos and what not

    I sketched a little Warlock character from Destiny a while back. I also made a colored version which is displayed in the logo area of the Destinynews forums.

    © Numero Uno Self Destruct.

  8. A Grunt. Why? Because they have major swaig yo. I'd have a Plasma Pistol, and some grenades for the kamikaze fiesta.
  9. Alright I'll try to go. I'm already online right now if someone wants to join me.
  10. Dammit I don't have Gold today, and I can't pay for it right now
  11. Master Chief is coming to grips with his Humanity. He is beginning to become more then just a mechanical killing machine, and 343 showing his upper face gives a sense or a sign that he's shedding his outer layer, and letting his Humanity bleed through. Now I get that everyone has that immersion when playing with the Hero without a face, but it's been 10+ years now. I think by now a Hero such as Master Chief deserves to have a face.
  12. I've been having problems signing in for the last few months since my Account seems to think it doesn't know my password. Due to this I keep having to request for a new password, and then it decides it doesn't remember it again, and the cycle continues. I've been trying to change my password in "Email and Password" in settings to something I already remember, but it keeps saying "You must fill out the entire form", or "Your security key is invalid", even though I literally just put in the password I got from the email. Can someone help me? This is really starting to piss me off
  13. Banned for discovering my secret desire to dance in a Too-Too while standing atop the Eiffel tower.
  14. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Here's my new signature. I created the Thunderbird tattoo thingy last Thanksgiving break, and I just combined it with a fancy "Self Destruct" logo.

    © Doodle Bob

  15. Banned for bringing Skynet into this. Now you know damn well that all of us will now be killed indiscriminately by legions of Maniacal Mechanical Beings. Hopefully Ol' Arnie isn't one of them.
  16. Games that look like we're superbly created and not hashed in 5 seconds... Basically games that obviously don't suck. Like GTA V, Dishonored, Saints Row IV, Dead Space 3, and Batman Arkham City (I have yet to play Origins, which I really want to.) Games that suck are Bully, Wresling Games, Return Of Matt Hazard, and any other game that looked like it had skipped quality control.
  17. Spartan Assault has a full story. It's about Palmer and UNSC trying to stop a rogue Covenant Faction from obtaining a Planet Destroyer Machine. From what I've heard its not just mindless killing in Portable form. I'm just wondering how the Flood will play out in the story. The game is between 3 and 4 (I think), so therefore, If Palmer is fighting the Flood, then they are obviously not defeated like we were led to believe in Halo 3 (but I already knew that. There are some spots in the Galaxy were Flood still reside. Like samples stored on some of the Rings, and what seems to be full infestation of the surface of one of the Halos.) I'm thinking the chances of Flood returning in Halo 5 are pretty good.
  18. Actually The Flood will make an appearance on the Xbox One and Xbox 360 port of Halo: Spartan Assault as full on Enemy combatants. Now exactly how they fit into the story is beyond me, since Halo: Spartan Assault is after Halo 3, and a prequel to Halo 4.
  19. Half the time teammates in Halo 4 are horrible agents of destruction who go about doing their own thing 100% of the time. I have occasionally been matched with players who are supportive, but in my opinion it's not common. In FFA you can talk smack on everyone, but in Team Slayer it's not an option: Well unless you're in a Chat party, like @Rockubot says, with some of the other players on the other team.
  20. I think if they re-introduced more challenging ways to reach awards in Halo 5, then that itself would bring back allot of players. I mean 343 has been shelving out a ****-ton of XP, which leads to a crap load of 130-Hipsters. I mean all I thought about in Halo: Reach was reaching Inheritor rank. Even now I've only made it to Legend in Reach. In Halo 4 it took nearly half as long to reach 130, and even then there really wasn't much of a reward for reaching that rank. Only a Bird emblem that I didn't like wearing: even though I still thought it looked cool. I think it's probably since pretty much everyone has the Emblem by now, so I won't wear it. Anyway after I reached 130 the drive that kept me playing started to wain. I kept trying to get the commendations, but eventually I quit playing. Everything about the Campaign and Spartan Ops was pretty fine to me. I think in my opinion the story is nearly on par with Reach's campaign: which I hold higher then any of the other campaigns. I think the real problem was that Halo 4 was too... rushed. I feel like if they had waited until Summer 2013 to release the game, then most of the post-release problems everyone experienced in 2012 would have been nonexistent. To be honest I felt like the game wasn't complete when it came out. I mean now, if I had Gold subscription, I'd probably go play Halo 4 since I've been hearing it's taken a turn for the better lately with all the updates. Anyway I think the #1 thing I want out of Halo 4 that we currently do not have right now is being able to rank up past 130.
  21. This cotton pickin' sliver of information makes me want to dance around a large Telephone Pole incessantly for hours on end... That's Americanese for "I'm really FLOWERING exited".
  22. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Here's my new Profile Pic. Currently I'm working on my new signature.

    © Numero Uno Selfo Destructo Yo Yo

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