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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Don't forget that if you get some Teleporters you can build maps inside each of the Pillars, and if you get a respawn point and a Grid, you can build maps underwater, creating a whole different feel to the maps. If I remember correctly you can't spawn underneath the water in Forge World, or inside the assorted Mountains and rocks.
  2. I'd be comfortable with eating just Chicken the rest of my life. Chicken Sandwich, Chicken Spaghetti, Chicken Tenders... the works. If you had been given 1,000,000 $ to buy anything you want, but only for 1 week until the left over money in you're possession is taken away... What would you buy or do with the money?
  3. My preference is all over the place, but for the most part I'll only play High Quality games. Don't want to bring up my Achievement/No Achievement ratio with ****ty games I don't like. Anyway I don't like games like Final Fantasy. Looks incredibly annoying to me.
  4. I do think 343 would actually shelve out more DLC in the next year. Maybe more free maps like Forge Island or something random, I don't know. I just think the point when ALL DLC for Halo 4 stops is at least a couple months before Halo 5 comes out.
  5. Been online since August 2011.... I think. I haven't been able to get online since last summer due to my Gold subscription running out.
  6. quoted from https://blogs.halowaypoint.com/Headlines/post/2013/10/29/Spartan-Assault-is-coming-to-Xbox-One-and-Xbox-360.aspx "Grab your controller and prepare for the Flood; Halo: Spartan Assault is poised to storm living rooms around the world this holiday! Today, 343 Industries in conjunction with Vanguard Games announced that Halo: Spartan Assault will be available worldwide for digital download this December for both Xbox One and Xbox 360. " "Halo: Spartan Assault for Xbox One and Xbox 360 will pit gamers in a galactic-scale war against a persistent and overwhelming enemy from long ago – the Flood. With over 30 stimulating missions at your fingertips, play longer than ever with the all-new online Co-op mode and the Operation Hydra expansion that delivered an action-packed addition to the single player campaign."
  7. Yeah the ending scene takes place like in 2580 or something. And from the looks of it, it was Re-Terra-formed.
  8. I don't think so, but there is always the possibility that it survived.
  9. Noble 6: Hyper Lethal Vector. I mean there's only 1 other Spartan with that name...
  10. Break Those Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion by Meshuggah. Just a warning this is probably one of the heaviest songs I have ever heard, and I don't mean that in a bad way: Like the distortion hurts the ears or something. On the contrary it is very clean, and well executed.
  11. I loved everything about the mode. The ending was pretty awesome. The only thing I hate is that there is no Season 2.
  12. Yeah I don't play Matchmaking in Splitscreen due to the large amount of lag. I'm also wondering if that problem gets fixed.
  13. Hey welcome to 343industries.org!
  14. Jurassic World is alright I guess. Doesn't really have that ring that "Jurassic Park" does. I can guess from the title that Dinosaurs take over the world or something.
  15. You know that actually makes me think. That would make for a good Firefight gametype, where the enemy team plays as Grunts, Brutes, Drones, and Elites and such. I'd definitely play that. To be honest I really didn't care that Elites were absent in Halo 4. I don't think it would be the end of Halo 5 if Elites were still absent. I do agree it would bring in more Players if the Elites were present, but I think Halo 5 would survive without them. Oh and do you know what those predictions are? Just predictions, not the actual path the Xbox One will take once it launches. For all we know the Xbox One could be the best console that Microsoft has shelved out yet, and be a best seller, or fail horribly. We don't know.
  16. Actually I'm 99% sure it is not. Halo 5 is most likely coming out next year. It would be overkill to have 2 Halo games in the same year, and Halo 2 for that matter. It would stiff Halo 5's population like hell, unless Halo 5 is a kick ass game.
  17. I swear my Xbox S severely scratched my Halo 4 disc. I can't really prove it cause it's really quiet, but I really take care of my games, and now I literally have to wash the disc every time I want to play it.
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