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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Arkham City was one of the best games I've played in awhile. Arkham Asylum was also pretty good. I would have preferred a sequel, but it would be pretty hard to follow up to Arkham City. Plus I'm excited to see how Deathstroke plays out in the game. He's probably one of my favorite villains
  2. I think my favorite map would be Adrift. For the love of god... I hate Haven and Settler sooo much. I just feel like Haven is too open. Plus everyone just HAVE To pick it all the friggin' time. I just downright hate Settler. It gets picked all the time, and the Sniper Ridge area is pretty annoying. I usually had terrible games on Settler so if I had better games on it more often Id probably like it more.
  3. I,m glad to say that I chose to get rid of Cancer at the beginning of my prestegious career as Commander In Chief in Saints Row IV.
  4. An fusion of the ODST firefight, Spartan Ops, and some elements from CoD Zombies and Gears Horde mode would probably do it for me. I only ever played Reach Firefight in Matchmaking, where it was very entertaining. Custom Firefight was really pointless seeing you could edit it to make yourself invincible. I only used customs to get the Achievements (this was before I had Xbox Live). I also really enjoyed Spartan Ops. I really dont see room to complain for it. The only problem I saw was the Gold requirement + Its been discontinued. I really would have liked a Season 2 before Halo 5 comes out (they said something about it continuing in Halo 5 I think).
  5. Just take the URL from a Youtube video, and paste it in the topic. The video should show up. Anyway you do make a good point @Chaoswolf210, but what I take from the ending is this: 1. The Didact is not defeated. He may be momentarily out, but from what he's saying, "The Reclamation has only just begun", I'm thinking that he'll return with allot of force behind him to take out the Humans. Like War Sphinxes (possibly shown in the Halo 5 trailer), and other powerful Forerunner technology. Maybe even other Forerunners. I don't think his Prometheans would return seeing that Requiem crashed into a Sun, but anything is possible. 2. I doubt the Didact fused with Master Chief. What I do think is that Master Chief's evolution has been accelerated due to The Librarian unlocking his immunity to Composure, and if you remember correctly, The Composer collects a Human's essence, and turns them into Prometheans. Though this may not be true digitization seeing that the Prometheans are described as both "Inorganic" and "Digitized" in nature, and if it had been true digitization then The Forerunners would have used it the first chance they got. Anyway about the Master Chief on evolution. The Librarian had to unlock the Composer Immunity for Chief to defeat The Didact. There's no telling what else was unlocked along side the immunity. Forerunner DNA, like you said maybe. Plus The Librarian was on Requiem when it crashed into a Sun, so for more "Thingies" to be unlocked The Librarian would have to be alive... But Forerunners teleport all the time so I think she's fine. To important a Character to kill in the first game she's depicted in, just like the Didact also. 3. Forerunners are not living data. They created the Composers as to turn themselves into data to become immune from the Flood, but The Composer failed, and the Forerunners had to fire the Rings. If they had been data, then they would not had to have fired the Rings to stop the Flood. They would already be immune to them anyway. Cortana created a Hard Light shield around the Chief to shield him from the Nuke. She manipulated the Hard Light to restrain The Didact momentarily for the Chief to stick a Pulse Grenade to him. She also manifested herself into a physical form using the Hard Light during her last moment with the Chief. I don't think it would have been necessary to digitize The Chief to save him from the explosion. I do think that maybe Cortana had teleported them both away from the epicenter of the explosion, and then created a Hard Light shield.
  6. This is everywhere. I highly doubt any of this is true.
  7. Dead Space series. 1,2,3, and Extraction. Prototype 1 or 2. L.A. Noire, Red Dead Redemption, or GTA IV Saints Row 3, and 4. Battlefield: Bad Company 1 or 2 Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Arkham City Gears of War 1,2,3, and Judgement Just Cause 2
  8. It did get Game of the Year from a couple sites. So therefore it was "Game of the Year". It is a little disappointing since I paid 100$ for the LE, and now PRIME is up for grabs by pretty much everyone. Ah well.
  9. This just in: This "Real Wish" you ordered came with numerous additives and formalities such as... 1. A box full of old syringes. 2. 99 10 foot pillars of Human Earwax 3. A 100 year old Dried Cat Poo. 4. And a permanently discombobulated domesticated Raccoon, who was the subject of horrible experiments, and is now grotesquely disfigured. Now onto more pressing matters... I'd like to wish for the 'Merica weapon from Saints Row IV.
  10. I agree. They really do need to make a DLC playlist with all DLC included within.
  11. Holy ****. I haven't had the chance to play Halo 4 Online (as of late due to lack of Gold subscription), so this is... ******* GREAT!!!!
  12. Why the **** would you pay 10K for a friggin' Iphone?! There are a million other things you could have used that money on... People these days...
  13. I_Make_Big_Boom


    From the album: Tacos and what not

    I have yet again updated my signature. Tell meh what you think. And yes I do make all this on my own. By myself. Numero uno. Marachi... Parabola thingamajiggera.

    © Self Destruct aka. "Burrito Bruiser Baconator"

  14. I have a load of high quality maps that I made. My GT is SelfDestruct217 if anyone wants to check em out. I'll end up making a topic about some of my maps eventually though.
  15. Yo meh bro. Ho go though... row ya know? Oh? There a mow down low?.... God this is hard. Anyway welcome to 343i.org/pendulum-cerebral Cortex, where the frequency of loitering is somewhat allowed.
  16. Sounds strange. It just isn't the same without "Park" in it. I give it about a Month or two and I'll get used to the name... To me it sounds more like a Universal Theme Park ride then a movie title.
  17. I NOMINATE!!!!!!....... *DAHADDAHDHAHDDHAHDAHDHDAHDHAHDHADHAHD* drum roll... Sorry Caboose man.
  18. Fake. I really don't think they would put all those into a single list.
  19. I have The Grand Conjuration by Opeth in there now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL3xWJxr_Sw
  20. Oh I meant the same thing as you described but I forgot to elaborate lol Thanks for clearing it up though.
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