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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. I'd probably just wing it and become a Vigilante.
  2. As far as I know you can only put music on the 360 by use of a CD disc. The 360 rips the music from the CD and you get you're music. It doesn't have to be an actual Album CD from a band. Just look around for a blank CD and put Music on it.
  3. Granted. You're Xbox becomes free for Lift Off, and it blasts into the void of space on a Saturn III Rocket. I wish a Mars Rover on Mars found a Cigarette lighter (or other random Earth object) on top of a mountain far away from it's initial landing... Bringing in that "WTF" factor.
  4. Looks good Primus reminds me of those Beast Transformers. I think Optimus Prime was called Primus but I don't remember.
  5. I've seen this before. I vaguely remember someone saying it was a fake, but I don't remember who.
  6. Rocket Race online is pretty hectic. lol Probably one of the most entertaining things that was in Halo: Reach.
  7. In the new Halo Bulletin it says... While Multi-Team, Dominion and Champions Bundle DLC are each giving up their permanent spot in the matchmaking line-up, we will be adding a single rotational playlist to the mix. That playlist is slated to change every two weeks, and the tentative schedule for the rest of 2013 is as follows: *Please note any and all of the below is not final. **Did I mention the below schedule is not final? ***It’s worth noting the following schedule is not yet final. 2013 Tentative Rotational Playlist Schedule 9/30 – King of the Hill 10/14 – Oddball 10/28 – Forge Playlist (specifics coming soon) 11/11 – Multi-Team 11/25 – Dominion 12/9 – Race 12/23 – Rocket Race Yep. Looks like Race is (more then likely) coming in December!
  8. I already knew it was Halo 5. I just thought that this kills the possibility that the game would be called "Halo: Fungus Dingus", or some sort of name that indicates a Spin-off. Plus it came from a legitimate source, and we get a look at the possibly final Halo 5 logo.
  9. Would really like Flood to come back. Both in Spartan Ops and Campaign.
  10. I_Make_Big_Boom


    From the album: Tacos and what not

    Okay I felt like my other sig needed something... I couldn't figure out what so I just decided to rehash the whole thing. Strangely it feels like Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, but I don't care.

    © SelfDestruction Boyo

  11. A guy named Finaj on Reddit recently saw that Axis Animation, the creators of the Halo E3 trailer, had also posted the same teaser on their Vimeo account. While there is nothing different about the video, at the end a "Halo 5" Logo can be seen instead of just "Halo". The full cinematic was view-able on Vimeo here., but it has since been restricted to Member only viewing. This is what the Halo 5 logo looks like at the end of the video
  12. I'm not sure if you can get the Achievement outside of the Map packs. I have yet to get it since my Gold ran out. Now what it means by "effectively" is that you camp for I think at least a Minute without being hit by enemy fire (or maybe just not being hit whatsoever).
  13. Granted. The language gets dropped due to it being too archaic to comprehend. I wish I could create Singularities.
  14. I_Make_Big_Boom


    From the album: Tacos and what not

    My new signature.

    © Self Destruct

  15. Halo 4's campaign was not easy. For me it was pretty hard. It was up there with Halo: Reach. Now Halo 2 for me was pretty easy.
  16. I like to use higher sensitivity since: 1. You turn faster, which means... 2. You react faster to threats. I think the higher the sensitivity the more careful and precise you're aiming will need to be. It depends on the Player. There isn't a single sensitivity level that works for everyone.
  17. You don't have to unlock the Vidmasters to get Recon anymore. Bungie gave Recon to EVERYONE after the Halo transfer. You have to be on Xbox Live for it to show up though.
  18. This is some hilarious **** right here Prince decided to use an image from Dave Chappelle's " True Hollywood Stories" skit from his show on his "Breakfast Can Wait" single cover.... AHHHHHH This is the cover.... Oh god I can't breathe lol That brings back some memories http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaKHR6oe52Q
  19. Awesome work man. It sounds a little underwhelming compared to the original, but still good work
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