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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. You're welcome. I'm optimistic though and I really think this will turn out to be a good movie.
  2. It is done. I wish @Frankenzer's wish was somehow corrupted.
  3. I'm sure most of you know about the new Robocop movie coming out in 2014. I was just looking around and found some images, including some pictures of the new Robocop suit. And a picture of this thing. I can't remember what it's name is since it's been forever since I've last seen Robocop. I just wanted to see what you think about it. There's more info at http://www.omnicorp.com/#
  4. Looks too close to a Zealot Elite in my opinion.
  5. This is a great idea. For one being shot at 24/7 by Enemies with unlimited Ammo is a real pain. If the Enemy ran out of ammo, then 343 could put allot of combat choices for the AI in. Like the Enemies having to run around looking for ammo, or just picking up another gun: Maybe even UNSC weaponry and Forerunner weapons. Maybe even running the frick in and attacking you Hand to Hand when they run out of ammo. I would also like to see Grunts and Jackals at least trying to fend for themselves in CQC without just running off at the first sign of trouble.
  6. If anything there will be the same amount of quitters quitting for every single game. The only thing I can tell you is to keep playing, and raise you're CSR. Then you'll be pared will higher skilled players, with those players will probably be less prone to quitting. I think the one thing 343 needs to do is remove Team Killing entirely. I have been killed 3 times in a row by teammates without ever getting to ban them, so to say it's justified to have it in so people wouldn't shoot each other is really stupid. The large amount of immature players makes Team Killing one of the worst things I experience in Halo 4.
  7. For being too old for Kid stuff, Lego games are really entertaining. I don't have Lego Star Wars 3, but I have played 1 and 2. Sorry. I am looking forward to that new Lego Marvel Avengers game. Looks really cool.
  8. You did not wish for anything And so as Punishment you shall be covered in tar and feathers, and paraded through the Streets... while tied to a pole on a Marte Gras Parade Float of Mister Rogers. :spiteful: Anyway I wish my iPod 4.2.1 could support new games.
  9. Anyway I think Hivemind is pretty cool. It really helps out that you don't get killed in 1 friggin' second from a Flood lunging at you from 20 feet away.
  10. My name.. is Inigo Montoya. You killed my Father. Prepare to die!

    1. SternuS


      Fantastic movie!

    2. Fishy


      No. Your name is ☢Self Destruct☢

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Shhh @Fishy... they don't need to know that!

  11. Spartan - B312 from Halo: Reach. AKA Noble Six. What I thought was really cool is that he decides to stay behind at the end of Halo: Reach, and protect the Pillar of Autumn, despite the overwhelming opposition of the Covenant. The Lone Wolf level really did do a justice to the game, and I think it was one of the best endings I've ever seen in a game.
  12. Granted. The Toilet ends up being too powerful for you to control, and it leads a Revolution of the Toilet race against Humanity, leading to our total extinction and the rise of the Toilet Empire. I wish I knew what this wish was for.
  13. Well here's my profile pic. I worked on it for like an hour and this is what came out of it. For some reason my picture won't show up in the shoutbox, and I've tried everything in the uploader. Plus the file is really friggin huge, and to get it to 50 kbs it would have to be reaally low res, and I really don't want that.
  14. Where did you get the info from? Where's this quoted from? I can't find anything about this anywhere.
  15. Yep. The Campaign is a handful on Legendary, but the MK. VI armor totally makes up for it.
  16. Granted. You think you're good at crime fighting, and you go running along rooftops in a Red suit. Eventually tripping and falling off, and down 20 stories below. I wish my Dog would stop harassing me.
  17. Grant-a-mundo! The new Color Palette is now a color which will cause mass destruction of the imagination once viewed. I wish that my wish will not get corrupted and/or twisted in a way that causes total world domination and congregation of the Earth by intergalactic Mole people.
  18. From what I remember you don't need to be online to get the Armor. I'll explain the whole process: 1. Start up the game and load "The Covenant" mission. If you have not beaten the game, you will not be able to go straight to this mission. Play through the rest of the game until you reach this mission. Play through the entire level until you get to the part where the Flood will assist you. 2. After the cinema scene where the Arbiter kills the Prophet of Truth, go back into the hallway where you entered. This hallway has a total of seven glowing rings. 3. Kill all the enemies in the room, and then go to the entrance, BUT DO NOT GO INTO THE EXIT. 4. Imagine that each of the rings in this hallway has a number. The one right in front of you is number 1, and the one right before the room with the Prophet of Truth is number 7. 5. Jump through the rings in this order: 4, 6, 5, 4, 5, 3 and 4. It is very important to jump through these rings only. Jump as cleanly as possible without touching the edges, landing squarely in front of each of them. 6. If you have done this correctly, all the rings will light up, and Music will begin to play, and the skull will appear at the end of the hallway either in front of the Hardlight bridge to the Platform that Truth was killed on, or actually on the Platform. If this does not occur, go back into the adjacent room and try again. 7. If the skull does appear, grab it. Now the last thing you have to do is carry the skull to the Exit, and jump into it. And there you have it. Remember that you have to get ALL 13 skulls to get the Full set of Hayabusa Armor. The Katana, I've heard, will randomly appear once you've gotten 1000 gamerscore in Halo 3.
  19. Vertigo seems cool, but you can never beat the Classics
  20. Granted. Sadly someone in the Studio says, "Clatto! Veratta! Necktie!!", and you get sent to the Middle Ages. I wish Boba Fett had a Chainsaw in the Star Wars movies. Survival of the fittest!!
  21. Everytime King of The Hill shows up no one votes for it. Its really infuriating. Same thing in Legendary Slayer. All everyone wants to play is god damn Haven over and over again. At this point, to me Haven can go to hell. Anyway I think Skirmish is cool. I would like to play KOTH every once in awhile but I guess Ill have to live with it.
  22. I havent even gotten 1 yet. Not worth the time I say. Im okay with 99%.
  23. You're wish is my comma- *while delivering the Dish of Fish the Waitor trips and dumps the food all over you* Anyhoo I wish Steven Speilberg and James Cameron would have a gaint climactic Robot Monster battle for the control of Middle Earth.
  24. Maybe we can have more Emblem customization. Ive been on Black Ops 2, which has an extensive emblem creater, and Ive seen some pretty hilarious Emblems As far as Im concerned I would only really need the Stripe colors from Halo 3, and Ill be set. Other than that the current color system is fine. Needs something new though.
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