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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. New Halo 4 map Vertigo has player driven events like the Halo 3 map Zanzibar. In Vertigo there are 2 diferent main platforms, which are not identical due to Vertigo being Asymetric. On each of these platforms is a Switch. When you shoot the switch on either platform, a wave of electricity comes over the platforms and completely destroys the shields of all Players on the Platforms - which leads them to all be killable with 1 shot. These switches will reset after 2 minutes and can be activated...

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom
    2. Gojira


      I hope it plays like Last Resort/Zanzibar

    3. EliteSniper


      Yeah, I noticed that too! I'm definately going to buy this DLC :)

  2. quoted from: http://halo4nation.com/multiplayer/champions-bundle-dlc/ http://thecontrolleronline.com/2013/07/the-pit-coming-back-to-halo-4-in-the-championship-pack/ The Pit is back! The Champions Bundle, which was announced at RTX, will cost 800 MS Points ($9.99) and will include the Bullseye Map Pack, which includes Pitfall (a remake of The Pit) and an all new map called Vertigo. It will also include the Infinity Armor Pack (Mark V, ODST, and Prefect armors). The Champions Bundle will include a new game mode called Ricochet which was designed specifically for Pitfall and is described by 343 as being “like combat basketball.” Finally, along with all of this new content are a number of new weapon skins. The Champions Bundle (800 mspts): The Bullseye Pack Infinity Armor Pack Steel Skin Pack Bundle-only bonus content New Armor Skins New Stances New Weapon Skins The Bullseye Pack (480 mspts): Map: Pitfall (The Pit remake) Map: Vertigo Sports-themed Spartan Armor Gametype: Ricochet (will become free to everyone in matchmaking after 2 weeks) 5v5 Fight for ball at the start, have to throw or run it into opponent’s goal zone to score it in the opponent’s goal Goals stay the same for both teams, but the ball spawn changes Infinity Armor Pack (240 mspts): Prefect Mark V ODST Steel Skin Pack (240 mspts): Steampunk skins for all loadout weapons (UNSC, Covenant, Forerunner) COMES OUT AUGUST 20th Doesn't anyone think the Prefect armor looks very similar to the Forerunner Combat skin?
  3. What if... A horde of Smurfs flooded the Forums, and took over... Then a posse of TelliTubbies would show up and challenge the Smurfs in AN EPIC BATTLE FOR GOOD AND EVIL. SCARY BOLT OF LIGHTNING, VERY VERY FRIGHTENING. AHAHAHAHAA!!! The end.
  4. I keep seeing this everywhere. I really don't see how the game was ruined by the Weapon Update. If anything it brought back the Carbine, and other Precision weapons into the limelight that was hogged by the DMR for the past months. The update did absolutely NOTHING wrong with the guns. If anything it made the weapons better. Just wanted to get that out.
  5. Banned for trying to ban The Grand Master Pubah Self Destruct.
  6. I_Make_Big_Boom


    This is only a Community site. Waypoint is where they will answer you're questions. And yes the only reason why Elites weren't in Multiplayer was that they couldn't come up with reasons for Spartans to have an excuse to Use Elites in the War Games. I'm sure it's because of the Truce with the Separatist Elites, that include the Arbiter, and they don't want to get in hot water with them or something. Cause how could UNSC justify using and Killing Simulation Elites to Separatists, should they ever find out about it?
  7. Pluton jumped down from the Tower, and landed below. He had seen Spark, but lost him in the Jungle. Seeing the Red Flag in the distance, he begins sprinting toward it: Dodging enemy fire and infantry. He takes out Bernie's Data card, and plugs it back into his helmet. Hopefully the AI had recovered by now... A slew of data flashed before Pluton's eyes. Text zoomed to and fro, until Pluton could see Bernie in his mind's eye, "Well Bernie... have you decided to stop acting like a prick yet?" "I'm sorry sir. The Directer messed with my programming, but I was able to counter the hack. I believe I'm in working order now. What do you need?" "Focus on the top of the Red Tower and zoom in.", Bernie does so, and Pluton examines the figures there. A Spartan can be seen grasping the Blue Flag. The Spartan pulls out a Device, and begins messing with it. "Well they may have our flag, but there's nothing stopping us from... changing that..." Pluton gaze falls on the Flag. A small foreign lump can be seen sticking out of the Flag's Pole tip. This indicates that it was not originally there when it was made... Something else can be seen "off" about the Flag too but It's hard to figure what it is... "They really are that stupid," Pluton smirked. While running, he pulls out some kind of detonator. Pluton then looks up at the top of the Tower, and pulls the trigger. The Apex erupts in a fiery explosion. Sending debris flying everywhere. The Spartan can be seen flying off the edge, and plummeting down the Tower, but his fate left unknown with the thick Jungle blocking the view. After the flames dissipate, Pluton can see that the dummy flag had flown and impaled the Little Human to a Gaint box atop the tower. Yeah that's right: Dummy Flag. Pluton found some art supplies, and a Pole in the Blue tower, and made a fake Flag replacement for their real flag, which Des' had hid prior to their departure for the Red tower. You would think the Flags were permanently mounted to the return plate of each Team's tower, but It turns out you can take the flag off, and preferably smack a Fellow Brute across the head for denying such claims, "Harry you ******* I WAS RIGHT!!". "ATTENTION!!," The Announcer yells from above," The Red team has attempted a CHEAT in the game by capturing a Fake flag! They hereby shall be stripped of that point!!", It was music to Pluton's ears. Though the game was still on. He hopes He, and his Team can get the Red Flag in time... Halfway to the Red Flag, he sees a group of Spartans and Marines holding out in a Building. He can see them throwing up their arms in disbelief, and the Marines throwing crap everywhere in anger. Wow. What sore losers. He gets close to left side of the Building. He flexes his arms and raises them slightly in the air. Electrical charges begin to flow up and down Pluton's arms. He claps his fists together; sending out an enormous wave of electricity across the area, and plows through the building; Completely obliterating it in a massive explosion. Human limbs, and Guns fling about into the sky. He makes it to the other side, and continues running to the Flag. Leaving the Building engulfed in flames. He grabs an ODST along the way, and throws him into a group of Marines, with them flying into the air like Bowling pins. He sees the Flag Marker, and keeps moving toward it...
  8. Pluton sat still. He watched as Omegaman perched himself directly above the Human, Spark. Readying his Suppressor, he signaled to us to keep moving. As they turned a corner, Pluton could see some Traps strewn about the floor. Though they were partially hidden, he could easily make them out. Des' sits back on his haunches and examines the traps. He gestures and points to an nearby Air duct to Pluton, and they both crawl in and around the traps to the other side of the room. Facing yet MORE traps in the next room. "Hmmm...," Des' sighs, and turns to Pluton ,"You know we have probably been making allot of noise going through here." "Yeeaahhh.... Spark probably knows we're here already.", Pluton sits back and leans on a wall ," I think it would have been better to just run in and beat the little Human to death. Maybe crushing him with some rocks if we had the time." "I feel like an idiot. Really.", Des' chuckled. "Yeah... **** it you just want to just walk in?", Pluton replied. Des' thought for a moment. He then turned to the large amount of traps laying in the next room. A Death laser grid can be seen covering the floor. A leaf falls from the ceiling, and into the grid: Instantly being cut in half. "Yeah screw it lets go do it." Pluton gets up and walks nonchalantly into the next room, with Des' following. Spark, messing with his Boots, looks up at them, and then just continues to mess with his Boots. Omegaman can still be seen waiting in the Rafters above... "Well... How goes it?", Spark leisurely says as he gets up, and faces the Two Aliens. "Its fine. You really went overboard with the Traps. "Where the hell do you get Laser grids?", Pluton inquired. "Oh well they were in a Storage room that is Right in front of where you spawn." Pluton and Des' exchanged an annoyed look. It seems as though someone forgot to INFORM THEM OF THAT. "Well." Spark looked down and began kicking some gravel on the floor. "This is aqward." "You want to just get this over with?" "Yeah whatever." Des' un-holsters his Carbine, and Pluton does the same. Spark picks up his BR, and continues to stand on the lift. Pluton looks up at Omegaman, and signals him. The Jackal nods and gets ready... "Well. You guys really have been a pain in the ass. Shame I'll have to kill you no-", Before he could finish Omegaman shifts and jumps down from the Scalfolding. Spark hears the shuffles above, and looks up in surprise, but before he can aim his BR, Omegaman lands on him. Omegaman stands up and steps away from Spark's limp body. Pluton and Des' walk up and stare at Spark. Spark doesn't move. "That was fast." "What do we do with him?" Omegaman says to Pluton. Pluton picks up Spark, and tries to sit him up against a wall. Spark just falls over and lays on the floor in a weird position. Before Pluton can leave, Spark lets out a fart. "Oh god that stinks," Pluton coughs and waves his hand in the air and backs away to the lift. The Three of them get on the lift, and Omegaman prepares to start it, "Ready?" "Yeah. Lets do it." Omegaman starts the lift and the Three ascend upward. Spark can be heard snoring loudly below...
  9. So wait it will end in actual 48 hours? What if people don't have time to reply, and it ends before they can?
  10. Bernie's glazed eyes peered up at the Tower, and He let out a stressful sigh,"The Tower's size is vast. A Spire that looks ready, if even thrusted upward an inch, to crack the sky, and let the unrelenting fires of the Sun cleanse whatever lays beneath in a baptismal of flames." "Dammit Bernie please focus!," Pluton drudged heavily on through some thick brush clinging to the Tower's outer wall: Following the Separatists leader known as "Des' Xavum" to a Door further on, with The Jackal following behind. A Fly the size of a Cat landed on his arm. Pluton hungrily snatched it, and chomped on it. He then wondered what the hell a Cat was... it just popped in his mind for some reason. Is it some form of flotation device? Explosive? Maybe a form of Transportation... hmm... He's beginning to think these thoughts are coming from Bernie... For whatever reason, something teleported Him, and the rest of these fools, to an unknown world. A strange Voice called out to them from the sky, and demanded them fight each other to escape alive. Branding each of them with Team colors, and giving them the Objective to capture the other Team's flag atop their Towers. Of course Pluton could have given the lowest amount of **** for this. It seems as though they were in a Simulation of sorts. Maybe being controlled by Forerunners, or worse... HUMANS. The thought of it disgusted him. "Hey Pluton... I have a joke for you." In Pluton's mind's eye Bernie lifted his arms and grinned in a humorous gesture,"What is Big, Ugly, and is... ugly? YOU hahaaahaha-" Pluton yanked Bernie's data card from his helmet and pocketed it in his Bandoleer. It appears Bernie, has seemed to have forcefully succumbed to a form of Stupidity by this "Director". Probably to keep it from Hacking the system. Damn he is annoying... "Hurry! The other team seems to have taken a Defensive approach. They think we'll do the same, so we'll have the Element of Surprise!" "Des' Xavum you have no idea why we're doing this do you?", replied Pluton. "To get the Flag and get the hell out of here that's why!", Des' Xavum ducked as a massive Dragonfly darted above him, and into the forest. "No. It hasn't occurred to you that we're in a Simulation? We might have to more than just get the flag to get out." Des' Xavum stopped and turned to Pluton,"Yes. I figured that already. The Flag might not get us out, but getting it is a start." Des' turned back to the thick brush, and heaved up to the Large door on the Tower wall. Pluton and Omegaman followed suite. Des' began pulling the lever to the door, but unable to open it stands back and briefly rests. "I got it." Pluton grabbed the bar, twisted it upward, ripped the door off the hinges, and threw it into the Forest. "Thanks.". Des' walked into the Tower with the other duo following. Pluton glared at the back of the Elite's helmet, narrowing his vision. He knew that the Separatists were, at least on some level, allied with the Humans. He knew that at the first chance, Des' would try and ally with them to escape. He did not think it was much of a threat. More of an annoyance. He could have snapped the creature's neck ages ago, but he needs him to be alive... for his own plans... They slowed to a crawl. The Tower Lift can be seen across a large Generator room. The Three crouched beside a Widow peering into the room. The Jackal, Omegaman, whispered,"Okay. At least one of them will be trying to guard the lift. I can distract him/her long enough for you two to get to it, and start it." Des' looked through a tear in the wall, and sure enough a Human can be seen leaning on the wall. Instantly telling it was Spark. "Well look at that. Looks like you're little friend from earlier." Pluton smirked. Omegaman let out a silent growl, and bared his teeth. He crawled across the floor to another Window to get a better view. He can see Spark messing with his boots. Omegaman starts grinding his claws on his armor... "Time to go." Pluton and Des' stooped below the windows and around into a separate room as Omegaman climbed up the bars on a Wall and into some scaffolding above...
  11. Alright I'll try to throw a stone here Okay you know when you see transparent images that have, lets say Master Chief, and then just a blank void for the background like this one below? This is a PNG. You can make one of these, by making a new Transparent layer, fusing it with the background layer, and then deleting everything withing the Background layer, by pressing the "Delete" key. Then you can make whatever you want, and the empty background around you're image will be void of everything. I had trouble with this cause I could never figure out how to do this. I figured out that by doing the thing above, and then saving the image as a PNG you can make the image transparent. When the save box appears, It will say "Select file type (by extension)" below with a little + right beside it. Scroll down till you see PNG Image ~ png. Select that, then save. An "Export file" box will appear if you have multiple layers activated. Just select "Export" and it will save the image with whatever transparency you decided to have in it. I'm not sure what the "Ignore" option does, so I wouldn't press it. And there you go, a transparent image! Now onto getting the area AROUND whatever you're trying to focus on to disappear legitimately. You can meticulously go around and erase everything around you're focus with the Eraser while Zoomed, Or use the other Selector tools to delete everything if you want. OR you can use the "Fuzzy Select Tool" to get rid of the area without having to do the other options. It will work most of the time. What you do is select the tool, it is represented by a little 'Magic wand' of sorts. You can then alter what this tool selects in the Property panel. The Threshold bar will change how large the area the tool will select. Left to decrease and right to increase respectively. The "Feather Edges" checkbox will smooth out the selection and make it rounded. This will also give a fading effect to the edges of what you selected. You can also change how rounded this way works by activated scroll bar. Now after selecting whatever is around the image, you can then press "Delete" and it will delete it of course. And there you go. Hope this helped. I'll try to give more advice later on if I can.
  12. It did this to me before. When it happens to me, it happens when you start up Halo 4 and connect to Xbox Live while in the game already. Like being offline for a set amount of minutes, and then connecting back to Live. What I found fixed it was to go from Halo 4 back to the Dashboard, while still connected to Live, and then go back into Halo 4. Everything would re-load and it would be fixed. Hope this helps.
  13. I use Gimp all the time. To me it's really easy to use. I would take Computer classes years ago, which wouldn't allow Photo editing but I did it anyway behind the Teacher's backs It escalated to me taking Graphic Design classes. They did allow editing, and we did use Photoshop allot, but it was all scripted, and not allot of freedom in the work. I actually started doing actual editing and creation of Pictures around a year or two ago. I really hated Photoshop by then. Even though it did allow some cool features, to me it was really restricted. I found that Gimp was easier for me to use, and I've been using it ever since. A Halo 4 forum started up last summer, and I used my editing skills, and made a bunch of pictures for the site. I would say that's what got me to make dedicated graphic pictures and what not. Now it depends on what you're making for me to give some pointers. Like what exactly do you need help with? Or do you just need overall pointers on how to make stuff?
  14. Pluton lays low in a cave. Just after being momentarily knocked out by a bullet upon his Helmet. "Hmm..," Pluton rubs his helmet. A huge dent is in it, "Like a bullet can stop me." Pluton takes his helmet off, and finds the embedded Bullet in his skin. He pulls it out. Throws it across the cave,"I'll get that little-" "Sir.", Harry, one of Pluton's Stalkers, crouches beside Pluton,"What do we do next? The rest of the pack is hiding and waiting for you're orders." "Huh. Hold on." Pluton briefly looks at his helmet, and puts it back on, "Alright. Here it is. We keep laying low. Let the rest of the opposition fight among themselves. Looks like we have a bunch of Demons, and Separatists. And from what I can see a few lone forces. A rogue Jackal, and some other ones-" Pluton suddenly glares through the hole in the cave wall. At that moment an Elite stops by the hole Pluton is staring through. Immediately Pluton reaches out and grabs the Elites leg, and forcefully pulls the Elite through the hole. He grabs it's throat, and He and his Stalkers hold down the struggling Elite. Aiming his Carbine, Pluton stares daggers down at the Elite,"Who are you, Separatist? What are you doing here?" "That is of no concern to you VERMIN!", the Elite spews spittle at Pluton. Throwing his Carbine, Pluton rears back, and smacks the Elite across his Skull. Taking his Cleaver out, he embeds it in the cave floor right beside the Elites face, and stoops down right in front of the Elite,"You separatists. You're all the same. We should have killed all of you when the High Prophet gave his original orders. It would have been swift.... but too late. Now you resort to... slower fates." Pluton crushes the Elite's right arm with his foot. The Elite screams in pain. Pluton grabs the Elite's face, "Why are you here!?" The Elite does not reply, "Okay then", Pluton throws the Elite across the cave. The Elite tries to stand, but Pluton bashes him on the wall. Holding him up by his throat,"You tell me swine. I will not ask again." The Elite, gasping for breath, "Our leader... called us here... There was some object he said was of importance...," Pluton tightens his grip,"Gahah the object...uh... was supposed to be a key...To a cache he said." "A Cache? For what?" "Uhhhh Forerunner weapons!" "Huh huh Forerunner you say? Sounds... interesting. Harry! Rally the Stalkers!", Pluton turns back to the Elite,"You've served you're purpose." Pluton lets the Elite slump to the floor, and slowly walks over to the Cave hole. He turns back around and addresses another of his Stalkers,"You! Come here!" "Yes Pack leader?" Pluton looks at the Elite, then looks sternly at the Stalker, and then points at the Elite, "Fooood." Pluton walks off down the cave to meet his force. The Grisly Stalker coldly stares down at the Elite. The Elite glares back. The Stalker ties the Elite's arms and legs, pulls out his Cleaver, and drags the Elite down the tunnel.... the Elite, unable to fight, roars in fear...
  15. After throwing around Sikslik7 like a rag doll for a couple minutes, Pluton gets bored and decides to go do something else. He shackles Sikslik7 and locks him in a cage inside the Red Base. Pluton's suit AI, Bernie, examines Sikslik7 before Pluton walks away,"From observation Sikslik7 had his armor locked up, and received some damage, but not enough to kill him. About an hour of rest and he'll be jumping around in the cage". Pluton just thought Whatever, he was annoying anyway. He ain't getting out of that cage anytime soon. Pluton still signals the Brute Stalkers to keep laying low, but be on watch for anything suspicious. Right then He sees a flash of fire over at the Blue base, and watches as a Small figure darts into a cave near the Base. Using his Carbine Scope, he can make out a Jackal figure darting over to the right of the cave, and seemingly stopping idle in front of it. "Hmm," Thought Pluton, "My Jackals don't have Assault weapons... That's not one of my snipers!," Pluton quickly orders a Stalker on top of the Canyon wall to slowly make his way to the location. He also commands his Sniper force to focus on the cave, and the Two figures, but not to fire so to get more information on what is going on. Pluton then activates his Active Camo, and makes his way to the cave. The Stalker then gets to the cave, and reports that the Jackal seems to momentarily run off. Presumably into the nearby Base. Pluton redirects their focus on the Spartan hiding within the Wall; waiting to deal with the Insubordinate Jackal later. He keeps his large Force of Brutes, and Chieftans along with their Vehicles stationed in the Phantoms a few miles away, as to wait for commands. With his Stalker right above the cave, and his Snipers standing by, Pluton sits right below the cave, and gets ready for Him, and his Stalker, to both simultaneously heave Spike grenades into the cave...
  16. Metal. Goes from Sludge Metal, to Metalcore, to Progressive Metal, to Thrash, and to whatever else. It doesn't really matter so long as it isn't too bland.
  17. Pluton runs into battlefield without properly summoning his army first. Their on a *Five minute* coffee break or at least that's what they told him. Based on horrible description, Pluton has around: -25 or so Brute Pack members standing by, which consist of Brute Majors, Minors, and what not. -1 Chieftain of the Jiralhanae/Brutes is currently standing by watching the whole thing, but will potentially enter the Battlefield in a fit of rage should all his buddies die. -10 Brute Chieftans w/Gravity Hammers, -20 War Cheiftans. - 6 Ghosts on standby - 4 Banshees on standby - and 4 Wraiths on standby. Besides the pack their are: -10 Storm Jackal Snipers getting ready to perch themselves around the Gulch. The remaining 20 slots reserved for Brute Stalkers, which by this point are already in the Gulch hiding around everywhere. Pluton, after finding some interesting gravel strewn around the Blue base of the Gulch, He actively searches for any other soul within the Gulch, beside his own army. Knowing he could be spotted (seems like he's acting less stupid right now), he clings to the Rock faces, and hides behind rocks. After 10 minutes he sees Sikslik7 on top of the Red base, and silently sneaks up on him. Pluton signals for the Brute Stalkers to keep laying low, should anymore enemies enter the field. Now right behind Sikslik7, Pluton rears back, and swipes and knocks Sikslik7 off the base and on the ground bellow... getting ready to bash his brains in...
  18. I'll use the Light Rifle for BTB and Carbine for CQB. Maybe even a BR if I feel like it. I need to start playing again
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