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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Heres mine I was in a Clan so thats why I have my Emblem and Tag like that. I really need to change those. I quit the clan a long time ago.
  2. I think he means that he's one of the guys who work with Forerunner tech stuff so It can be used by Humans. Live reverse engineering Alien technology to be used by Humanity. Like say getting a Light Rifle, reverse engineering it, and using the technology to make Weapons for the UNSC better and what not.
  3. Hmmm i think we can wait a little in case anyone wants to join. I have to go soon and I won't be back on till tomorrow to do a battle should we start it though.
  4. Name: Pluton Preferred Weapon: Covenant Carbine w/Pistol Race and/or Occupation: Brute Prototype (non-canonically from Halo: Legends) Power/Ability 1: Splash (no need to explain here) Power/Ability 2: Throw big ******* rocks (Throw big ******* rocks) Power/Ability 3: Charge (charge up electricity and release it whilst punching people) Bio: Special Weapons: Super Charged fists, occasional throwing of exceptionally large rocks Appearance: (he's the big ugly monkey)
  5. Learn yo gramma right. Anyway yeah I highly doubt it would be in 2014. They said that Halo usually has 2 E3s so we might see it in 2014's E3 and then it'll be released in 2015 but I don' know.
  6. Nothing is scarier than a pack of Creepers outside your house.
  7. God my ipod is slow... Anyway i dont know where to post this cause no one has told me yet so. I can make sigs for anyone who wants one. So long as it isnt a GIF i can do it. I cant get to the first post on this so if im not supposted to say this then im sorry. Ive done allot of sigs for people before on my old forum so dont think im mediocre at it. For proof just check my profile pic and sig out. I custom made them myself. Oh sorry Mecha Death Rhino i didnt mean to snuff your post
  8. I know. Im just saying that Spartan Assault is the next game in the Saga even though its a Windows app. And its been confirmed as being Halo 5 already. Don Mattrick specifically said "The next Halo, Halo 5, is being released in 2014" My ipod is really slpw right now so i cant get the link, but ill be on my pc tomorrow and ill get it to you then.
  9. Dammit @Caboose you're banned for banning people for liking change
  10. Yes Halo 5 is not the next Halo.... Halo: Spartan Assault is. Halo 5 is definitively the next Halo after Spartan Assault (as far as I know of).
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