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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Banned for lacking the know-how needed to survive in a Shark infested Moon orbiting Space station.
  2. Well since Halsey sided with the Storm Covenant it could be possible. At least with the Storm though. I doubt the Separatists would support that due to the dishonor medics have in their society.
  3. I wouldn't even dare try. Well unless if I was playing co-op. I'm already an SR-130 so it doesn't really matter unless for that LASO emblem.
  4. Maybe when a flying vehicle get's shot by a really powerful weapon, instead of blowing up it should crash to the ground. Like shooting a Banshee's wing off, and it tumbles in the sky to the ground and then blows up.
  5. He did activate the rings on the Ark, and survived the firing of the rings. He lived to see humans re-seeded on Earth, but I don't know if he's still alive.
  6. Pretty much all of us were freaking out over the DRM. Now that it's gone it's A-OK right? We'll to have a policy that was worked on for YEARS to just be completely dropped in a couple hours... that's whats worrying me. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for the removal, but what does this mean to the Console? Could it be anything bad? Well for some of us it is... I'll just let some articles explain this I'm way too tired to type all this crap. quoted from: http://www.ibtimes.com/xbox-one-3-biggest-features-we-lost-result-microsofts-180-1316783 http://kotaku.com/xbox-one-drm-reversal-cuts-features-requires-one-time-514419715 Xbox One DRM Reversal Cuts Features, Requires One-Time Connection "Microsoft announced that it has reversed course on used games and DRM with the Xbox One. While one could interpret that as a win for consumers and journalists, Redmond, Wash.'s big 180 comes at a considerable price. Here are 3 features we're losing as a result of the switch. 1. Your games library can't be accessed from any Xbox One besides you're own: Prior to the reversal, you would have been able to play your entire games library from any Xbox One, not just yours. That will no longer be possible. Games you purchase digitally can be played from any Xbox One. 2. Disc-based games now need to be in the system to play them: Before Microsoft announced the Xbox One changes, the system was designed to allow you to play games sans disc. Not anymore. So you better take care of them, or else. 3. Downloaded games cannot be shared or resold: So much for letting someone else play your games while you're on vacation, at work or at school. While you can share your discs with anyone at will, anything you download will be bound to you. It's possible that Microsoft can choose to resurrect some of these features in different forms or add new ones between now and the Xbox One's release. At this point though, these are the losses we're incurring as a result of the Great 180. Microsoft clarifies that the planned day-one Xbox One update will "complete some of the software that won’t be there," is actually not a result of today's DRM policy change. Rather, it was always planned and will simply be required for playing off-line, among other things. Not a patch, they say. But, yes, your new Xbox console would have to connect online once in order to do the things Microsoft described today. And then you can keep it offline and play games without re-connecting to the Internet forever." Okay for at least the people wanting these features... how does removing them affect you?
  7. Microsoft more than likely changed the DRM cause the PS4 got such a high boost in sales. Plus the polls on Amazon didn't help either. Makes me think they didn't care about us and more about the money. I'd say our complaining had a part in it, but I think Microsoft was paying attention more to the money than us :/ I'd say since they've already been making Halo 5 for a long while now, I don't think they would change anything major. Unless 343 really cares and listens. I would like some Halo 3 esque gameplay, but I still think Halo 5 needs to move on with the gameplay in Halo 4.
  8. That thing scared the living **** out of me like the first 2 times. The last time you see him to fast and it doesn't scare you as much.
  9. Banned for sitting where you're sitting, and thinking what you're thinking.
  10. I feel like the Wii U isn't getting the amount of love it should be This, for the Wii U, is some really good news.
  11. If someone teabagged my corpse you bet you're ass I'll come after you. Other than that I usually teabag team trolls (who I have intentionally killed on behalf of the team). Plus I use it to "communicate" "tactical" "strategies" to my fellow teammates
  12. She's a core character to the Reclaimer trilogy so I don't think 343 would ever drop her. I like the idea of Spartan Assault delving into her past.
  13. This happens to Halo 4 ALLOT, but to be honest I think it's pretty fun You get to play just like everyone did on Day 1
  14. Its fake so don't stress lol It looks like the "MC Kid's" head is from 300.
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