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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. HOLY CRAP! I had the complete opposite happen to me not that long ago! I was playing Team Doubles on Simplex I believe, and some guy comes up behind me and try's to assassinate me. But something happened and I glitched out of it, floated around his right, and beat him down. I don't know why, but I know it has to do with the Assassination escape loophole (the one where you can escape an Assassination if you move forward at the right time) I'm actually mad I didn't assassinate him
  2. I had the same thing happen to me. The only thing you can do about it is actually replay through the Campaign. It won't delete you're commendations or Achievements because of this glitch though
  3. In my own opinion I thought the Halo 4 end battle with the Didact was pretty badass. They took a minimal approach and I like that. Not like Call of Duty and their 5 minute button mashing combos to beat and strangle a single person (which I think is still pretty cool. MW2's and 3's endings were the best. Though escaping from the underwater facility in Black Ops, and catching Menendez in Black Ops 2 was still pretty cool. The music playing during the underwater escape in Black ops was SOOO badass.) One of the problems I faced in Campaign was how faint the background music was on some levels. I also liked how they played the Original Halo theme when Chief sees the Halo ring, which made me want it back soo much. I'm not dissing the Halo 4 theme, it's just I would have rather-ed the original / updated Halo theme. I also would have liked at least a couple remake songs from previous Halos, but It'll do I guess. The song that plays during the credits is most definitely from Halo 3 though. Everything about the Multiplayer and Customization to me was grade A. Some of the maps were bland, but others stood out tremendously. I didn't see a problem with Ordnance, it's just that when the whole other team gets Binary Rifles it's extremely hard to even try to do anything. Maybe they can make it where there can only be a set number of the same Power weapon on the map at one time. Like 2 Binary's at once. I really hated how the weapons despawned sooo fast. I can understand since it's Power Weapons galore in Halo 4, but come on at least keep it slower for Loadout weapons! I can't really think of anything else so I'll just leave it at that.
  4. Yeparuney its true. But due to the dropped DRM Family Sharing will also be dropped.
  5. Oh wait I didn't think it was the core my bad. Here's another view of the core that looks similar to the top left picture But the supposed core in the top picture seems to be a little to high up in the sky compared to this picture.
  6. It's possible, but I remember that the one in Halo 3 doesn't have a Planet near it like shown in the top left picture. It could be the other Ark or somewhere else for all we know.
  7. Yeah if you actually go over to that area in Impact it's a real invisible barrier. Don't know why it's there though.
  8. I looked forever for the Chupacabra and Unicorn. And when I was about to give up I FOUND them!!
  9. Banned for thinking of cookies and frolicking in the grass during highly dangerous combat exercises.
  10. I just want the Mammoth in Forge. I mean come on that thing's like an Ultra Elephant.
  11. There's also a crucial part you didn't notice. If you look at Chief's cloak it appears it's smaller than what you would expect since he's wearing a huge Power pack. He would have a huge hunch behind his head if he had it on. I've heard somewhere that Frankie completely discounted this, so if it's true please tell me lol
  12. Redneck Warthogs. They look very similar to this...
  13. Banned because I accidentally launched my cat into orbit using a straw and some pocket lint.
  14. This actually surprised me. I didn't think they would do anything to be honest. Sounds like a good idea. Maybe Half Life 2, Gears of War 1-2, Dead Space, Fallout 3... idk just throwing it out there
  15. Why thank you kind sir Anyway I'm not educated on War Sphinx'es (that's the correct pronunciation right?). I just know that it would be epic for Chief to have to fight through these to get to Borestellar's "Supposed" Cryptum, or maybe to just have to fight one being controlled by either Didact.
  16. I'll get GTA-V and Saints Row 4 as a double deal since both games are pretty good. I'll still play Halo 4 though (if only I can get my friggin' 360 back)
  17. Banned for playing Republic Commando (which was a badass game)
  18. You can use any regular map for Mini Slayer. The only thing you really need is the actual Mini Slayer gametype.
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