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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. This is the ending of the movie. I'm warning you, don't take it lightly.
  2. Damn Andy Warhol and his live fire training exercises.
  3. When's the last time you used actual Forge instead of that Halo 2 editor you've always used? Just curious.
  4. I have a feeling even after all this time Msoft will still be wishy-washy about having Halo on PC, and they'll probably delay the Windows 10 release or something.
  5. I want all my guns to have PIZZA DECALS our I'm out. Your move Micro****. In all seriousness, big Halo theme is the guns. You ain't got the guns, you ain't got me OR the fans. Nobody gonna sit here and say to themselves "Wow, the Sniper Rifle is pretty cool!", no THEY SAY "THE SNIPER RIFLE FIRE DEATH, AND PUNCH HOLE THROUGH TANK."
  6. Props to Vitamin D over here giving out codes for free, I hope all of ya'll appreciate what's going on here. I sure do.
  7. I'll swoop in yet again like a bat flapping its wings in the night, like the terror that screams out to all of those in hunger, if you don't mind.
  8. I really like the new design. They managed to strike a perfect balance between old and new, but it's still a departure: especially when you contrast it with both the original Halo 3 and Halo 5 versions. The Infinite version is what the Halo 3 version looked like in my head whenever I remember it, but looking at the both of them separately is really weird... The Halo 3 version looks bug-eyed in comparison. Anyway, I'm not holding out hope that the game's gonna be good simply because the helmet looks good. It's a step in the right direction, but we're still gonna need a major leap here people.
  9. Got anymore of those RPG Maker or Visual Novel maker codes?
  11. "The Council decided to have you hung by your entrails and your corpse paraded through the city. But, ultimately, the terms of your DANK execution are up to me." ~ Prophet of No Ragrets
  12. Word on the street is that Schnikslik7 has cooties, but you didn't hear this from me.
  13. Dude, like... to be or not to be, bruh

  14. The sequel is me cus my face is currently off
  15. I remember quite a bit, but I don't think there's anything that comes to mind before I was 4. I remember when I was told I was going to enroll in Kindergarden when I was 4. I remember watching Attack of the Clones on VHS in an apartment, and I also remember sitting in my mom's van while some guy was trying to rob it: a guy who came to the realization that I was in the car before bolting off. It was late at night, and we chased that guy around the town, but eventually lost him. I also vividly remember running up some steps and smashing my left brow on the edge of one, enough to show bone in fact when I was 5 or 6. Didn't hurt at all, but I saw a pic taken like a week later and I had a humongous black scab on my eyebrow, but I was sitting there digging in the dirt with a dumb smile on my face. One of the funniest things I don't remember is that one of my long-time school friends liked to constantly remind me that I used to call him "Dumpster Breath" before we became friends in Elementary School lol.
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