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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Spidey hasn't been on for 3 days so I don't think anyone's becoming co-host right now. Not until he gets back online though he might be capable of managing Mafia by then.
  2. If we wait long enough we might be able to starve Protown to death. It will be a decisive victory for the Mafians, no doubt. Since Mafians only need sustenance in the form of pain & despair which is is ripe everywhere.
  3. I was going to do a Doom review, but something got in the way. Catalyst on the other hand has not been on my radar. Doesn't look like a game I'd be interested in. Anyway to answer my own question: I'd LOVE to see... A new Dead Space A new Left 4 Dead (probably not going to happen) or Half Life (almost certain that this will not happen) Collections similar to The Master Chief Collection for Gears of War, Fallout, or Dead Space A new Wolfenstein A new Banjo Kazooie game in the same vein as 1 & Tooie. NOT Nuts & Bolts Steins;Gate 0 for Xbox One A partnership between Nintendo & Microsoft to port Nintendo games to Xbox & vice-versa for third-party games The rumored suped-up Xbox codenamed "Project Scorpio" as well as the supposed "Project Helix": the initiative by Microsoft to start blurring the lines between gaming on PC & Xbox I'd HATE to see... A totally new Halo game that has not been teased or shown previously An expansion for Halo 5 that borders on being it's own game similar to Halo 3: ODST. I'd be swayed ONLY if they fix the garbage plot in OG Halo 5 somehow. Maybe retcon events
  4. Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll! Poll 27 - 'What would you change about a game you're hesitant to play?' - is here if you'd like to read the responses. Moving on, this week's question is about the expo we all have a love/hate relationship with... E3 2016. What would you like to see, and what would you HATE to see? This thread will be locked a week from now on Saturday 6/11, so get your exposition in while you can! And feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response! S.S. D, out!
  5. "Ghost target" "Follow target" "Tail target" Just take the reigns, RGNesus that way I don't have to play through this crap.
  6. Thanks for the replies, guys. I'm going to stop reposting comments like I did with Kakashi & rrhunt because it appears that I'm picking favorites: which IS NOT what I intended. Also the questions are a tad too confusing, so I'll simplify it. Anyone who's unsure what the question is asking can ask for clarification like P34nut did with Caboose's last poll. Common themes is staying though since it's a poll and all. It'd be kinda weird to not acknowledge how the previous poll managed like Caboose did with his renditions. Also, this is a work in progress, and suggestions / complaints are always welcome. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
  7. Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll! Poll 26 - 'Which games have you binge-played?' - is here if you'd like to read the responses. The common themes amongst the last poll's replies (regardless of how small that pool is) were... The drive to complete an objective, but an eventual "burning out" & inability to reach said objective Obviously the HUGE amount of binge-playing going on around here Kakashi_Hatake & rrhuntington sum it up nicely: Moving on, this week's poll is about the apprehension to play certain games due to somewhat "nitpicky" reasons... What would you change about a game you're hesitant to play? This thread will be locked a week from now on Saturday 6/4, so get your exposition in while you can! And feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response! DDOS, out!
  8. I hope not. By the time you're off your rocker we'll be fully disintegrated ;-;
  9. Contrarily, I believe that 343 has come to the conclusion that they can get away with trimming the fat on a product that doesn't need trimming, and still move enough units to cover expenses. They've done it 2 times now: 3 if you count 4's Beta-like state at launch. They took a hit to make the play, and I don't like that at all. It came at a price. A BIG price. In response to the OP: Yes, the AI is pure garbage. It's unforgivable.
  10. The Mafians aren't affiliated with any "city". Also, we're leveling the city so there's not going to be anyone to fail it... well, except you. And I'm surprised it took me asking for help from the Neutrals for you to finally ask yourself.
  11. Ahh, Halo: Reach. 2011-2013. Those were the days. I binge played Reach ALLOT, but it pales in comparison to the marathons I've run for Halo 3 in the years before.
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