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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. I buy cheap headphones all the time. No Bieber for me. Would you rather... Live in a sensory deprivation tank for 2 weeks... Or... Have one of your senses randomly malfunction (turn off) every day for a month?
  2. Alright, so Axilus already did Spartan Edition (it totally went under the radar for me) which leaves only Spiderman, you, and me as the host of future games. I already have most of my game completed so I think I should go after Spiderman. Unless you object?
  3. I was planning on doing mine after Spiderman's game, but seeing how Axilus has yet to do his I'll probably have to hold off. So either I do the game after Spidey, go further after Axilus, or wait after your game. I dunno how it will play out yet. Do you have an idea for your game already?
  4. I've been making allot of dead-end Mafia threads (ideas that seemingly die), so sorry. They're all here because I can't save them anywhere else, and really if it exists here then there's a chance it'll come to fruition: like the ACTUAL GAME I'm doing next: Mafia: Stand Alone Complex. This is an old one I left alone last year. Basically there's a bunch of roles like Axilus' Covenant Edition game, and all three Factions are capable of winning the game. There's quite a few new additions as well. Feel free to give feedback if you want. Oh, and if you want me to move forward with some other concept - like one I've posted before - then tell me. Greetings, sadists. I am your host, Illumninati Destructo! Puzzle: Host Participation: Roles: Rules: Player List: 22+ Role Status:
  5. What should I do for my next Mafia game?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fishy


      Call of Duty style. With Ramirez.

    3. Maestro


      Forum style. It'd be so meta.

    4. I_Make_Big_Boom
  6. Don't fret. Game was fun. I will look forward to the day when I can return to the saddle, and trample over the faces of Protown. But that day is not today. Today is the day we were defeated: especially me. Bravo, Protown. I still hate your guts, and want you all to suffer in an eternal blaze though.
  7. Quite a few retail games now require Prime to purchase on Amazon. Secondhand copies are still available: http://343i.org/3cp

  8. If I had a nickel for every time I had a nickel at this current time I'd have 0 nickels.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I'm not even going to mention nickelodeon.

    2. Melody
  9. We Mafians are so inactive that we're basically experiencing Heat Death. There's only 1 of us alive anyway. Chances of us surviving are slim to none based on how you Protown freaks manage to sniff out Mafians with your sixth senses. It's suspicious, but I'm not going to point fingers. Maybe we just suck. But I'll advocate for continued unruliness. Because if we DO win... this will be the greatest play that'll be remembered never.
  10. How is love?

    1. rrhuntington


      It is only for Destruct Septim

    2. Melody



      an intense feeling of deep affection. ♥

  11. Wasteland Workshop - serving as a follow-up to the 'Automatron' precursor - from what we know mostly contains advancements in homestead design along with creature harassment. The package includes... Capture cages for monsters, animals, or humans alike: like Preston Garvey. Pitting of tamed, wild, or domesticated creatures as well as unfortunate humans (like Preston Garvey) in a gladiatorial extravaganza for the amusement of yourself, and your bloodthirsty settlers. OR unleashing of said creatures / hostile humans upon your unsuspecting posse for maximum carnage. Planting of... plants onto excavated ground on aggravating dirt-less structures: like concrete, house floors, or in the enclosure you keep your enslaved humans in. Utilization of groundbreaking technology like Radiation Scrubbers, Fusion Core Generators, or artsy Neon Letters for spelling "STAY THE FRICK OUT OF MY ROOM, PRESTON!". Giant elaborate deathtraps of all shapes & sizes (floor spikes, rotating wall blades, humongous rat traps, etc) used for big or small game: like Preston Garvey. Forgery of legitimate concrete or metal structures that lack the myriad of holes, and overall lack of quality by amateurish contractors. Looking at you, Marcy. Release a grunt when an active ceiling fan slams against your cranium. And finally, as Bethesda exclaims, "new design options for your settlements like nixie tube lighting, letter kits, taxidermy and more!" Check out the video in the spoiler if you'd like a more in-depth look at... whatever you're looking at: The Wasteland Workshop descends upon the masses worldwide on Tuesday, April 12th across the Xbox One, PS4, and PC platforms. Then, in May, 'Far Harbor' - a full-fledge expansion I liken to Point Lookout - approaches the Fallout 4 community like a tsunami. Here's to hoping Preston Garvey has an "accident" on the voyage to this mysterious land. Thanks for reading! Sources: Bethesda.net, Youtube
  12. Fallout 4's 'Wasteland Workshop', and it's unfulfilling info-dump: http://343i.org/3cg

  13. I'd love to see that aircraft carrier converted into a legitimate MP map. Also, ChewyNutCluster is god.
  14. I'm ready to be fooled.

    1. Composite Armour
    2. Melody


      You're already a fool. :P


      Step one down. ;D

    3. Halo6 Follower
  15. I want to see a behind the scenes video for these Beth cinematic trailers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSZ4tSoumNk

  16. I wish I had a theme song.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Melody


      I have my own, it's in the spoiler on my profile. :D

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Can you even imagine what it's like to have more than 3 theme songs


      Good because you're isgnifact minds cannot comprehend the Destrekt, ia m beyond all of yaogui

    4. Delpen9


      ^The second half of that second paragraph is second to none in unintelligibility.

  17. Can someone help a noob out in GameMaker?

    1. Maestro


      I think Bnus has tried it out

    2. Unease Peanut
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