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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. RNGing the roles makes the most sense, but Ax has already sent the PMs, and da PMs already are owned, and the ones in the PMs thought they had cool roles, and the ones in the PMs will be sad cus they arent cool and no one likes them anymore and ye... Seriously, those who have been waiting to get a cool role would be cheated ya kno. And I am not speaking of myself because I have no friggin role. I'm Mafia GOD. I'M OP WITH ANY ROLE. GET IT?
  2. If you're ready to unleash a Protown ambassador right off the bat, then sure. I'm indifferent towards it really. The new guy would probably be a prime target, and wouldn't last long anyway.
  3. Lol no, we're all just screwing around right now. No one's Mafia, Protown, or Neutral before the game starts, and RNGesus is indifferent towards us during this time. The first person to die will be in the Execution of Round 1 after the game begins... well that's only if the Medic doesn't save them (he/she can protect 1 person from Execution every Round). Death by Elite Ranger, or Vigilante would then be considered the first kill if they choose to do it on Round 1: which would be the dumbest decision ever made in Mafia.
  4. ^ I'm saving it for a rainy day. @@RedStarRocket91 48 hours after the game starts AKA OG Round 1. Or to be more accurate, when RNG force-feeds mercury cookies to someone. But in reality it's the Maefia doing the force-feeding, and RNGesus is like "Wuddafrik, they blaiming me for no raisin, ill kill em all".
  5. Well the game hasn't started yet, so NONE of us have gotten PMs. We're currently waiting for Axyboy to start the game. Do we need more people or what?
  6. Here are the almost uncomplicated basics. Game Start. You get a Role PM, or you don't. Those who don't get Role PMs are Civilians / Spartans for the rest of this themed game. Civilians are the equivalent of Canon Fodder except for when they actually decide to do something about their powerlessness, and kick major ass. If you get a Role PM you'll know immediately what faction it's for, and what you're supposed to do with the power given to you. That's the role of the Game Moderator yo. Oh, btw, it's Civilians vs Mafia, but Neutral can be buddies and/or enemies with anybody. There is no exception. Though, you don't know who's who without clear-cut evidence so... Do whatever you want, but your allegiance lies with NO ONE but your Faction... however... you aren't forced to show it publicly. You're allowed to deceive others as much as you want, but remember: it can come back to bite you if you're not careful about what you say. Finally, we have the 48 hour wait before Round 1 (this begins immediately after the game starts). You ask the Moderator AKA the one running the game to activate any role power you might have if you have a Role PM. Finally finally, banter and argue all you want. Dribble, garbage, jokes, you name it. That's what I'm going to do. Finally:Finally:Finally, Mafia scheme, and choose who will die on Round 1/any round during this time. Round 1: BOTH the Execution: Mafia destroying a player AND the Suspect List are posted::::::::::::::: Here's an example of what it would look like though Axilus' tastes differ from mine, so it's highly likely the layout / style / color will be different. Pretty much guaranteed: Execution: Mgfriggin Frag Ferlergur, da anti-Maefia Spartan, ded by lunges. Suspect List: Mgfriggin's Mother Fergilicious Boohoo baby Caboose The Ace You proceed to vote for 1 person to die from the 4 available options via random over-the-top-death (I don't know if Axilus will include ??? or RNG options). Only 1 person can die in a Lynch. Lynch: After 48 hours of voting, Axilus will lock the votes: preventing ANYONE from altering them. The Lynch is part of a separate post from the original Round 1 post. Whoever had the most votes dies. If it's a tie then... usually we're forced to choose between those 2 on who will die in ANOTHER round of voting, but if that doesn't solve it... RNG eviscerates a player. In. Cold. Blood. Just how it likes it. End of Round 1. Continue. 48 Hour Wait. Same as the one that starts with the game except you already have whatever PM you have to have. Round 2 Begins: Repeat everything from Round 1. Oh, and you can make discussion or "Freedom Force" PMs with anyone regarding the game. Places to plot behind the scenes, or have backdoor shady deals, etc. There's almost ALWAYS a Freedom Force PM, and if no one invites you... it's probably because they don't trust you.
  7. Oops, must'of overlooked this. Did he say something else besides Recruit? It's strange otherwise, because Recruit would be for regular old soldiers without much merit right? Every NPC Spartan running round in Halo 4 were all wearing Recruit. The only thing that sets Thorne apart is that his armor is blue: to match Fireteam Majestic.
  8. We have 14 people right? Should be enough. Anyway, I'm sure Axilus has his reasons for not starting.
  9. I never thought I'd get to see the god of kindergarten in my lifetime...
  10. Yo, britches, ma needs the Top 10 Award for Januaraoiraos: The Attrition Year.
  11. 0/0, thanking people for not having a sig deducts your pay by 10.
  12. I attempted to forge an explanation around said canonization of crazy weapon skins in this thread: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/42529-lets-predict-infinitys-armory-reqs-blurred/ Additionally, during the mission... Exodus? In Reach you could find holograms or whatever showcasing advertisements for Moa Burgers, and fast food. And I'm glad they're trying to stitch it together instead of leaving it in shambles. A massive undertaking that cannot be completed with new material always being released, but I think that's Halo's charm. It's universe is friggin huge! There's enough depth to shake a stick at Star Wars.
  13. It's the Deadpool of the Halo universe. It can exist within the canon, but also through the 4th wall. Personally, I think it's just a ghost armor that defies the word "existence", and reoccurringly haunts Andrew Del Rio in his dreams.
  14. I never said they were the same. Only the aesthetics are to a degree. Let's say you have two easter eggs: both of them are indistinguishable from one other. However, crack them open and you find that the first contains candy while the second holds money. A regular old GEN1 armor would not be compatible with GEN2 right out of the gate. There would need to be upgrades, and overhauls for it to work correctly. It may look the same on the outside, but it does not mean the inside is as well. Also, for regular soldiers without much recognition, or "ties" it's likely they wouldn't have a say in what armor they received. Veterans, and the decorated? Better odds. Finally. To "adapt" you're going to need gear that either fits with the environment, or to your specialization. EOD for Explosive Ordnance Disposal, EVA for Extra Vehicular Activity, CQC for Close Quarters Combat, HAZOP for Hazardous Operations, etc... Why would these exist if there weren't any personnel from other branches crossing over to do the same job? EOD is definitely not exclusive to Spartans of any generation. Either the person decided to get a biological upgrade to do his job better because vanilla Humans are weak, or the job/pay changed on some level. But if you're really adamant about not upgrading no ones going to force you to become a Spartan. But but FOTUS is for Vlad the Impaler, duh. Srsly, why would 343 post detailed descriptions of the armor if no one cared about it? BaconShelf obviously cares, and he's definitely not a nobody. Even I like to see the backstory of the armor... no matter how ludicrous it may be. I bet there's a few lore buffs who wear armor solely because it matches some fanfiction they've created around their spartan, or because they have an affinity for a lore aspect of it: like the manufacturer. If armor is going to exist they might as well explain it. Everything isn't explainable, but that's normal. There's no reality where FOTUS is canon.
  15. It's a preference of the person entering the Spartan Program. If they work best in that armor do you think it would be wise to give them something else? A good example is ODST, Helljumper, and Nightfall armor for former ODSTs, such as Buck. If it ain't broke don't fix it. And these armors are GEN2. Their design is dated, but they're just as capable as every other GEN2 armor.
  16. 20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e9/t OH WAIT THEYRE COMING BKCA FROM THD DED TO FLY INTO NEW LANDS!!!
  17. Imma get a drob on th e BAETMAN befor she sees me comin. Dis is my city. Congrats, I'm too cheap to spend money on something I'll look at in awe once.
  18. Might be a glitch in the system that affects a small minority, and not targeting... unless we have a particularly merciless 343 employee who's testing security on you. I dunno. I don't remember Bravo's handle on reddit, and I'm digging up nothing by looking for it. Just know that he might answer your question if you contact him there. EDIT: When I mean reddit I mean on r/halo, my bad: https://www.reddit.com/r/halo Also, he lurks around on twitter: https://twitter.com/Brav
  19. 10000/10, my bug brethren have all flown into your glowing death machine.
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