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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Pepple ned to die or else imma gonna have a rampage. We need to spread the ward. Divide and conquer.
  2. Halo's a system seller for Xbox. That's the only reason why they're pushing them out like this. When Xbox is dead, and Halo is free to enter the PC realm whenever it likes I'm sure they'll give 343 more breathing room.
  3. I'm not wowed, but I appreciate the fanservice. The only thing bugging me is whether the MK V Alpha is just another part of a new MK V line in Halo 5. If we DON'T get gametypes in February... bloody murder.
  4. Could this be considered off-topic? I hope not. Remixes barely count as new maps, and forge maps don't count, nor do Warzone Assault maps count as three extra warzone maps. You don't count the TDM, Conquest small and Rush variants of Battlefield maps as 4x the extra maps in that game, and you don't count the equivalent in Halo as a new map. The scenery has been drastically changed, but it's the same template. Kinda like getting a paintjob for your car. A manufactured sports car is *new*, but it lacks originality (unless it's a unique model). I think you're confusing new with original content. I agree that it's not original, but it's definitely new.. because it's hot off the presses. Same goes for content released later than the main game. Give it a year and it won't be new anymore. Now New has different meanings. New is recent, NEW new (the way you're using it) is never-before-seen content. I think that would be classified as "Original" content like I said before, because using new for both recent, and original content would be counterproductive since a word already exists for the latter. We've got a crapload of maps originally covered in foliage mowed over by civilization, and then recovered by foliage. Ever heard of Gridlock from Gears of War? So this new map is definitely not an original idea, but one that is somewhat new to Halo I guess. Maybe contained in 5. So the map is new, but not original: at least if we're talking about ideas on a wide spectrum instead of just Halo. We could stab it all day saying nothing is original in the game if we go with that argument. Hell, nothing is original anymore. And both (Spartan Ops wasn't well-recieved so I can't really count it, though I would be happy for its return) should be in. The purpose of a sequel is to expand and improve upon its predecessors, not remove content. Why would SO be revived if it wasn't well-received? Isn't that the OPPOSITE of what you should do? They'd have to up their game, and do damage control with people who hated the mode before. Swaying public opinion is easy because marketing is life, but the work required to make it NOT suck would... well lets look at the Campaign. Do I need to explain further? However... knowing 343... they'd do it anyway. Halo 5, and MCC are a good example. If there's money DO IT! And the sequel DOES expand... depending on how you look at it. It's the safest approach to Halo, and lacks the complexity of Halo 4... well actually it trades it with a familiar yet foreign complexity to Halo. Spartan Abilities are new. Original? No. Is it an expansion? Yes... no? It's both. Not only does it introduce *new* (unoriginal) mechanics into Halo, it abandons all manor of custom loadouts, and AAs. AAs technically are just non-universal Spartan Abilities, but not as lame. Then there's Warzone, which is Reach Firefight, but with 0 privacy. Oh, and classic MP attributes. So the moral of the story is that things can expand while receding. Classic Halo: a series that not only improves upon it's predecessor's ideas, but squanders potential for greatness at the same time. Spartan Abilities are like the scrumptious dinner you get after having been force-fed god awful hospital food / medicine for a year. Halo 5 Campaign is like clawing your own eyes out after getting laser eye surgery. Plus, if the content wasn't there to begin with it has not been removed. You're talking about feature bleedthrough, like Firefight ascending into Reach. Forge World was supposed to launch with Halo 5, but it was held back. THAT is removed content. Halo 5 has been in development for three years,there is no excuse to launch a half-baked game with five game modes and a half-arsed campaign. There is no excuse for including forge maps as equivalent of main maps aside from the game being rushed out to meet christmas. Things that were missing at launch - Game modes, forge, BTB maps, maps that equal more than UNSC base - are staples of the franchise. Custom games are as much a staple of the franchise as the multiplayer. Halo 4 literally was in Beta mode at launch, and MCC was a trainwreck. 343 have an excuse they're not willing to tell us about, and we can do almost nothing about it. When they fix something they break everything else. We can never win. I think the excuse was that they spread the resources too thin between all aspects, and had to focus a large majority on the MP to assure the game's survival post-launch. The solution they came to was to make the game as safe as possible, and then build on it. No coolio OG BTB maps? Oh, we're not paying for them, so... Work isn't cheap for a new map, and the funds to make it have to come from somewhere. They've figured out that they can now milk REQs to death without worrying if it will fail or not pre-launch, so if the money gleaned from them is suficient enough they could reroute it into map development. In the meantime we get free maps built using an archaic mode... that we did not pay for, but could be worthy of paid DLC. I remember Twin or RSR saying that adding new assets into a game is impossible after it's launched, and that only content held back can be put into designated "empty slots". We'd have to get him in here to clarify. But hey, at least we get ESPORTSESPORTSESPORTSESPORTSESPORTSESPORTSESPORTSESPORTSESPORTSESPORTSESPORTSESPORTSS. I'm so glad that we got a half-baked game rushed out with an obvious lack of content so that it can be drip-fed over the next year because it wasn't finished yet of a feeble attempt to keep people playing. Providing all the base content on launch would keep people playing if it was good. The only reason people didn't play Halo 4 custom games is because they were awful. Esports increase a game's longevity, and exposure... unless no one cares about the game. Like Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (I kid). You know what kills longevity? Throwing everything you've got in the barrel at someone from the start. People would eat through it in two months: three tops. You'd have to scramble to keep the content flowing in so the population would come back requiring even MORE money to maintain. I'm sure they would've resorted to paid DLC if they took that route, and we all know that quarantined DLC is bad for Halo. If there's nothing left to grind for then the players will leave for other experiences: killing the population. And I clearly remember us, as a community, playing Halo 4 MP ALLOT. Sure, it sucked that some features had not been carried over, but mods fixed the problemo. At first anyway. 343 just stopped caring after a while. But you know what is the icing on the cake? The knowledge that spartans running around with nerf guns, pizza skins and vomit skins is canon. The multiplayer is canon which means all that is canon. Any attempt this franchise had to take itself seriously passed long ago. I'd be fine with skins if they had a shred of seriousness about them - Battlefield has hundreds of weapon and vehicle skins, but even the 'silly' ones still have an air of realism (somewhat) about them. Why are there no camouflage variant skins? Why do we get neon-green and blue skins instead of something somewhat reasonable? Halo 4 was far from a perfect game but I was able to give benefit of doubt due to the fact that 343 was understaffed and only had two years to make the game; if Halo 5, a bare-bones, microtransaction-riddled and obviously rushed game is the result of a full team, a full timescale of development and a system much more powerful than the previous one, then I'm not sure whether I want to buy Halo 6. I remember Halo attempting to go with the canon route for MP 1 time: Halo 4. That's it. Well, mostly. Fotus, and Raider were in there. Every other game had hilarious gametypes, customization options, and general MP wackiness, and somehow we still took it seriously. Why are you singling out Halo 5 when it's not the first time for it to happen? Halo 4 still had absurd modes, but did we take it any less seriously? Without it it's no fun. Do you not like fun? I could easily come up with headcanon saying that those wacky skins are for Spartans who are outside the restrictions of the Spartan Branch, and can do whatever they want with their armor/weapons because they're just badasses. We've already seen plenty of canon spartans wearing the entire rainbow, so is it crazy to think the weapons would be just as vibrant too? Another explanation is skunkworks productions (343 loves this excuse). "This Pizza AR is trying to test if having a delicous looking pizza on your gun would make enemies hungry, or distracted by looking at it: increasing your chances of success in battle" idk. Sorry if I'm being redudant, or repeating arguments here and there. It's kinda hard with this wall of text you made, and it's really late. Of course, none of this has even scratched the surface of the abysmal campaign, the hideous-looking armour selection or the cringeworthy advertisments 343 constantly pumps out under the delusion people find them funny, nor the outright lies produced in the pre-launch marketing. Squandering. Subjective. Subjective. Fourth Wall. Self heckling. Shiiiinooobiiiiiii. Usual shady business practices, you got me there. Sorry, but I have little and less to like about Halo 5. The soundtrack was good and forge is amazing, but you don't play shooters for the soundtrack and forge is nigh-on useless without custom game options. The campaign length was a lie, the story was abysmal, the gunplay is standard-fare halo (Subjective, of course,but Halo gameplay has never particualrly thrilled me) and the variety is non-existent. For a multiplater appeal to me, I need motivation other than grinding for useless cosmetics and warzone weapons to keep me playing. A fun game with a number of options of playstyle that doesn't leave me wondering why I'm not playing prior entries comes to mind. You like Halo 5: great. Don't let me stop you. For me, it's another symptom of a cancerous practice in AAA games in recent years of releasing games unfinished and adding in the content later - Destiny, Battlefront (2015) and Halo 5 being three noteworthy examples. If I wanted to play early access games, I'd buy them on steam, at least then they're not full-price releases. If I pay £50, I expect £50 worth of content, and enough to rival prior entries on launch. AAA games are requiring more and more money to make by the year, and we're expecting them to continue providing us with a full game for only 60$. The Season Passes, and DLC will only get worse from here on out, or be replaced by microtransactions: which is a working business model. Get used to it, or do something about it. Of course, the age-old argument of "If you don't like it then leave" will come up at some point so let me stop you there. I've already uninstalled and sold the game with zero intentions of coming back. I'll buy Halo wars 2 because I know that Creative Assembly has a good reputation for their RTS games, but I won't be buying Halo 6 at all if it doesn't meet standards set by prior games in the series and myself. I have a headache. Goodnight.
  5. You're forgetting the rift that would form between people who do have the DLC, and people who don't. Why do you think they went with this strategy anyhow? They're using REQs to alleviate the funds needed to make post-launch content, and you're making it out to be a bad thing. It's just cosmetic, Warzone, and SR XP related stuff, right? You can get all of that without paying a cent.
  6. Kill the traitor before he starts traitoring. Thnx btw, I'm always happy to keep things fricka-fricka fresh 'round here.
  7. 1000/10, my insect instincts make me want to fly into those.
  8. Spartans can do this kind of crap to each other, and people wonder why the Chief / Locke fight was so slow. To add onto my previous comment made to RSR: They're calling the new MK V "MK V Alpha". I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a skin, but doesn't that indicate there will possibly be multiple versions of MK V? Why would they call it V Alpha instead of just MK V? Think about it... what if they brought back MK V, and named it Beta?
  9. First mistake: last mistake. High-ho, welcome to a magical place where dissing Waypoint is a common occurrence, and hating on any Halo game - preferably the newest one - is even MORE widespread. I bet Bravo on r/halo or twitter might be able to fix your problem if you ask him about it. Though I suggest you stop trying to break the rules.
  10. Deciding what to wear is a nightmare. Artistically, armor is eye-candy, and is good reference for concepts: of which I have created ALLOT. It's natural for me to like everything out of the gate. The ugliest looking thing is brimming with potential. However, I can say without a doubt that the Halo 5 MK V is a new favorite despite my indecision. It doesn't look dated, but isn't too far gone to be considered something else entirely: like Halo 4 Rogue compared to 3's. At that point they're only connected by name. Nothing more. Having evolved doesn't immediately make it bad though. It's a tastes thing. Personally, the Halo 4 Rogue looks like geometry gone wild, and I love it. There are obvious visual similarities between the two MK V versions. It's fresh, and isn't a drastic departure. It's like a descendant rather than a clone, if that's a good analogy. Does that make it bad? Well if you're a purist who prefers to have the original with you in every Halo MP it does, but it's never been that way: at least for long. Halo 3 changed the design, and it was changed again in Reach. Do we count the revamp in CEA? The jump from MK V to MK VI in Halo 2? Maybe not because it's Campaign for CEA, and MK VI is excusable due to it being an "upgrade". Still. MK V has been through multiple changes, so it's not something coming out of the blue. Plus, there are multiple versions of the same armor lines in Halo 5. Helljumper & Nightfall? Commando & Noble? MK VI & MK VI Scarred? They didn't abandon Bungie's legacy entirely (343's vision is hella different from Bungie's, I admit). They even dropped in an OG SPNKr, Security, and MK IV (speaking of SPNKr, I have an inkling they decided to include it because of backlash despite what you may say). What could possibly come next? If the fanservice is any indication, I predict we'll be seeing allot more legacy things this year. Also, they DID import most of the Halo 4 armors into 5. Seems like a no-brainer. Is it too far fetched to think they'll just haul over the Halo 4 version into 5 as a named variant?
  11. I appreciate 343 attempting to deviate with this version. MK V has been around since the beginning, and the general structure has as well. Sure, fans want the armor to be as true to the original as possible, but this leaves it stagnant. It cannot continue to evolve that way. I'll ask this question: what would've happened if Chief's MK VI armor stayed exactly the same as it did in Halo 3 going into Halo 4? Halo 2 going into Halo 3? Halo: CE going into Halo 2? Whether or not it needs to change is up to debate, but I personally was getting sick of the original: just like the SPNKr.
  12. I predict 343 changing MK V, or releasing a new variant to better resemble the original after buckling from pressure, or AKA fan whining. "DA MK V IS CRIMSON CHIN" "Make 5, th visoors, they aint big nuff to cutt stufs wit??"
  13. I'll cut you so bad, you'll wish I didn't cut you so bad.

    1. Wam


      I am so beaten scraing

  14. You ate my spaghetti. Now it's time for payback.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Maestro


      Only thing I had an issue with was the pacing. It went way too quickly.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Yeah they should've went with 50 episodes instead of cramming it into 26.

    4. Maestro


      They could've easily done that if they included more content from the manga. Caine the Longshot isn't even in the manga, and there's a transgender Gung-Ho Gun that never appeared in the series.

  15. The genus is me. 9 out of 10 farmers agree: Carrots that spontaneously combust need to be apprehended, and detained.
  16. I'll switch places with BAETMAN: Me go to 7, and she go to 17.
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