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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Round List: ROUND 6 Execution: Yoshi1176, Civilian, got some ice cream. He did not survive the second lick. Suspect List: Yang Xiao Long Wam Church Drizzy_Dan Null RNG You have 48 hours to decide who will die in the Lynch. Role Status: Player List:
  2. Welcome to the 2016 club. Anyone who's not in 2016 get out

  3. You forgot Yoshi. He's not dead. Also, why does Comic Sans look fancy on Mobile? I feel like I rose a class just by looking at it.
  4. Votes are locked. Round List: ROUND 5 Lynch: Kakashi_Hatake, Juggernaut, killed to death. You have 48 hours or less until Round 6. Role Status: Player List:
  5. It looks like most of everything that was needed to be said has been said in this thread, so I'm just going to say this: I don't think Halo 6 should be made for a while: if at all. They need to get their asses on fixing the trainwrecks sitting in front of them before moving onto the 3rd disappointment in New-Age Halo (actually, it's more than 3). But if 343 is resolute on moving onto the next title, I would suggest they work on Halo 5: (Insert Subtitle Here). A continuation of Halo 5's story and/or a massive expansion for MP. Similar to Halo 3: ODST. All packaged into a single "game". Use any of the suggestions made here for the "Expansion", and once you have a solid foundation THEN begin production of Halo 6.
  6. Disregard. Yoshi is liverwurst, and liverwurst is evil. Just check the recent Player Lists if you don't believe me.
  7. Round List: ROUND 5 Execution: Axilus Prime, Medic, RIP: Rust In Pieces. Suspect List: Kakashi_Hatake Frankenzer Yoshi1176 BATMAN Null RNG You have 48 hours to decide who will die in the Lynch. Role Status: Player List:
  8. Round List: ROUND 4 Lynch: Arbiter747, Civilian, taken to the gallows by right-wing nutjobs. You have 48 hours or less until Round 5. Role Status: Player List:
  9. Votes are locked. 2.5 - Church (Iron Man, Axilus Prime, Frankenzer) 0 - Drizzy_Dan 5 - Arbiter747 (BATMAN, Wam, rrhuntington, Kakashi_Hatake, Caboose The Ace, Yoshi1176) 0 - Axilus Prime 0 - Null 0 - RNG
  10. RSR's tryin to derail the game so he can make his own Hello Kitty Activision Mafia version. He must be stopped: at all costs. Lynch will be up later today btw. Prepare for the dressing.
  11. Mother of god... you... you've got enough figures to have figures for your figures.
  12. LG Stylo or whatever. Phone thingy Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Candy Electric Razor Star Wars VII Trash Can, Cup, and Cotton Swabs Mini Heli Cashews Earbuds Screen Protector Titanic Headphones that will probably make my ears bleed Gift Card MARVEL and Halo 5 posters Carpet Blanket Jacket Why do some of these make me feel old.
  13. I'm happy I'm getting coal. I can add them to my fossil fuels stash for future use. MURRY FISTMAS

    1. Delpen9


      You dastardly, no good kids!

    2. Yoshi1176


      All your screaming blew out my menorah lights

    3. Yoshi1176


      All your screaming blew out my menorah lights

  14. Oops. Forgot. Round List: ROUND 4 Execution: Yoshi1176, Civilian, prevented from getting in the white van. Suspect List: Church Drizzy_Dan Arbiter747 Axilus Prime Null RNG You have 48 hours to decide who will die in the Lynch. Role Status: Player List:
  15. I think Halo 2 / Anniversary takes the cake for me. Halo 3 and 5 are close behind. 2 just has an atmosphere that is abysmally deep, and it's easy for me to get lost in the music. 3's was a little less so, and was geared more towards iconic tunes, and themes as well as building on the foundation that Halo 2 created. It still does not have the same atmosphere as 2. 5's music is like 343 throwing you into a blender. It's racy, epic, and brutal. It's meant to get your heart pumping. Not too elegant like 2 or 3. Also, there's ALLOT going on, and personally I don't like the compression all too much. Still, those trumpets man.
  16. I wanted to have some Civilians be Luvdisc Is Azzax Is Buu, but they're both pink, and their faces don't fit in with the rest: Though I did use the bottom one for a Civilian face. I also had an emo one, but I didn't take a pic of that one.
  17. The Lunch of Round 3 Mafia Classack Two - http://343i.org/39k

    1. Wam


      I do like lunch.

  18. Round List: ROUND 3 Lynch: rrhuntington, Goon, filtered through a potato. You have 48 hours or less until Round 4. Role Status: Player List:
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