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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. ROUND 1 of Mafia: Classic II - Revengeance is up - http://343i.org/39b

    1. Melody


      Is it too late to sign up SD?

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Yeah, sorry. You're going to have to wait until Axilus' themed game to sign up again, but I'll do another Classic game after his if you want to wait until that. Though that'll be a while.

  2. Round List: ROUND 1 Execution: JXZAW, Detective, beheaded by safety scissors. Suspect List: BATMAN Frankenzer rrhuntington Blue13 (Evil Soul) Null RNG You have 48 hours to decide who will die in the Lynch. Role Status:
  3. It's hard to see Halo ever be a thing without splitscreen, but even so you should've researched the game before buying an Xbox solely for it. That's ALLOT of money to spill down the drain, so an investment of that sort should've been an informed one. This is exactly what Publishers want the consumers to do nowadays in the age of broken games. There's few justifications of said cut, and we only have speculation as well as the word straight from the horse's mouth: 343 themselves. They made a statement - an official statement on Halo Waypoint I might add - saying that having splitscreen in the game would compromise the vision for Halo 5. They didn't scrape it under the rug and hope that no one would find out. They laid it out for everyone to see knowing there would be backlash. A few reps from 343 had already stated this beforehand a few weeks before I believe. Possibly around mid-summer, to late July. Granted, we can only take what they say at face value, and we don't know for certain if what they say is really true. This is coming from the same people who shoved out a broken game last year, so ALWAYS take what they say with a grain of salt. Now, about the actual viability of splitscreen: Halo 4's splitscreen is atrocious. Not only that, but the MCC's version of Halo 4 sucks just at much. Additionally, Halo 2: Anniversary Multiplayer also has framerate problems though I have not played it in a while so I would not know if it's been patched yet. Still, you have to wonder if Halo is even capable of running splitscreen anymore. I mean Halo 4 struggled to maintain composure not only on the 360 but on the Xbox One. However, it's a part of the travesty that is MCC so it's understandable if does not work quite correctly. Though I'm obligated to say that I have not played a "next-gen" game with splitscreen other than the MCC. I do not know if any game in the market other than Gears of War: Ultimate Edition even has splitscreen functionality. So I think it's just as much a question of IF the games can handle splitscreen as well as IF they even want it there in the first place. Having splitscreen in the game would mean that people would buy less Xbox Ones, so... conspiracy theories...
  4. Vigilante is too OP. With the small pool of players we have right now half of them would be dead by round 4. I think it should be shorted to having the option to kill a max of two different people, and only once per round. After that they get no more kills. I don't know how I feel about the Ranger getting a kill every 2 rounds since something like that hasn't been done before. Usually the Sniper gets to kill every 3 rounds, and that usually works just fine. Everything else checks up.
  5. What kind of chickenscratch is that? Where did you find these? Welcome to the forums btw.
  6. Mafia: Classic II has begun! PMs have been sent to all respective roles, and whoever does not receive one is automatically a Civilian! You have 48 hours or less until Round 1 is posted.
  7. Now that we have 14 people we can proceed with the murderings doog. Though I'll need a quick roll call so I'm not starting with everyone down for the count.
  8. I'm going to ask around and see if we can get a replacement for Ash, and after that I can start the game. I'll need a roll call so I know everyone's ready to go. I don't want to start with half the list AFK or something.
  9. Make yourself a sandwich, but not burrito. Make yourself into arnold, but not aliens vs predators.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom
    3. Maestro


      Make yourself Lenny, not Garry.

    4. Melody


      You know what.. I just noticed this status..

  10. Sorry. I've been really busy lately, and haven't had a chance to start. Not to mention the game is uneven, so I'd like to have at least 14 people before starting.
  11. Neither. The Covenant is bland, and lacking innovation while the Prometheans are now full of annoying teleporting bullet sponges. For example, everyone's praising the Hunters as being more formidable, and to me they don't seem that interesting. The only new things they do are scripted Lekgolo formation (does not happen anywhere else besides the spawn point, and is not like a Knight where armor can be shot off. It's strange how you can't disintegrate a Hunter despite knowing it's made up of hundreds of individual worms that you just saw clump together into a single mass...), being really angry in general, yelling at you if you kill their bond brother, deflecting grenades (not ones thrown underneath them), and the rapid fire fuel rod bolts (basically just the Halo 4 Promethean Suppressor). That's it. They don't chase you around, and they're not physically imposing at all. The changes are geared more towards surface behavior, and not significant gameplay altering mechanics. Oh, and this as well for Mr. Warden Eternal:
  12. We're probably going to start the game with 14 people if we don't get any more sign ups.
  13. I think they are too, but I'd rather save them for a future game where we'll have a more active community.
  14. The full suite of characters representing each role. From left to right: Goons, Spy, Juggernaut, Ghosts, Medic, Civilians, and the Detective.
  15. Posting this for later use. Mafia: Classic II will actually be called Mafia: Classic II - Reveangance. Buenos dias, ma name is Surf Destruct, and I am the dios de pimienta this evening. Mafia 16.0: Nearly the same gist as the previous Classic EXCEPT... there's now a hot potato. Well it's not a potato, it's really a pepper. If you hold it too long it will deliver unto thee various unsatisfactory side effects, so you'll need to give it to another player before it... explodes!? NOOO??? AFK players beware??? The mechanics of the Peppers are down below. Pick a number from 1-24, and post a suggestion if you feel I'm either doing something wrong, or not a specific something at all. Also, post questions if you have any: especially if you're a new player who doesn't know all the rules yet. The game will begin once I finish the role status images, and we get a full house. How To Play: Factions: The Peppers: General Rules, and Pepper Rules [READ]: Player List: Role Status [in Progress]:
  16. I'm probably going to do a regular game this time around now that I think about it. It could be just regular Mafia: Classic II. Classic III could be The Phantom Spice. Since there's low activity on the site people may not want to play a game with a complex mechanic such as the Peppers. They might just want the regular Mafia experience once in a while. The game is called Classic after all.
  17. Also, we don't really need to have the Peppers in the game unless everyone wants them to be there. This game could just as easily be as simple as Classic I if everyone wants. I just wanted to... *spice*... things up a bit.
  18. I thought it would be kind of a special Ghost role with some minor power the regular Ghosts don't have. The role was supposed to be created after someone is killed or affected by a Pepper, but then that would make everyone want to hoard the Peppers, and diminish their lethality. The entire reason for having Peppers is to get rid of AFK people, and make sure people who don't have roles have access to something that could empower them, or make them feel as though their role means something. Which would entice them to be active in the game.
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