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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. You can play the game offline, but only in Campaign. You just need to install the game, and you're set. However, Multiplayer, Theater, Customization, and Requisitions are locked, and I'm not sure if some of them or ALL of them become available once you download the 9GB update when connected to Xbox Live. I know because I have yet to get the update myself, and have beaten the Campaign entirely offline.
  2. Heyo, welcome to 343i Community Mutiny Forums, where it's your job to throw everyone else off the ship. Last man standing wins. I can add you to the two Skype chats if you want.
  3. I require the Legendary canary, and Special Guest awards, if you would be so kind.
  4. If you're the Secret Hoodlum, yes. If you're a regular Hoodlum, no. Fishy specifically said you're a Hoodlum, so you're one of the regular ones. Either you're trying to make false facts, or attempting to keep me in an argument loop to confuse me: which is not working. You're a Hoodlum. End of story.
  5. Um... what. That role description is self explanatory. There's no connection between it, and what we're talking about right now. And the claim isn't false. You were investigated as a Hoodlum. The evidence is clearly there. Also, a Secret Hoodlum AKA the Spy is the only Mafian who shows up as a Tourist. If a Mafian is investigated, and is NOT shown as a Tourist then they're not the Spy. All Mafians being shown as Civilians when investigated defeats the purpose of having a Detective.
  6. It's the Detective PM. And in that same PM he said he was just going to do the exact thing you just said he can't do, but only for Mafia.
  7. If it were me I'd be questioning the reasoning behind the majority suddenly sticking with, and picking 1 person out of 4 when there's no information on any of them: at least information that's explicitly stated before I said it's rrhunt or Caboose later on. Did anyone ask who to kill? No. They chose Caboose. Did the votes change when I said it's either rrhunt or Caboose? No. They still chose Caboose. I wasn't in the position to tell everyone to NOT vote for him. Even if he protested more, or tried to show us fabricated proof I doubt it would've changed the outcome. However something I think that COULD have made a difference would be the other Mafians or sympathizers attempting to save their comrade. Yoshi flat out voted to kill Caboose, and the other Mafian we knew of who was alive did the same thing. Their reason to vote for rrhunt would've needed to be substantial to prove to me and the voters that he was the culprit. I on the other hand had ironclad evidence behind the lines that it was indeed Caboose or rrhunt. To me it did not matter who died: the other person goes on to be the actual villain that we kill later. I only would've stepped in if they provided proof that contradicts what we've gathered so far. But it seems they had no intention of saving him. It could be a part of their plan. I don't know. Ask them yourself since you're the Neutral. Now onto the point that matters most: He's Mafian. Isn't it the goal of Mafia to sabotage any and all action pushed by Protown? Him committing suicide still gives the same result, so I don't understand why that would be undermining what we've done. At the end of the day a dead Mafian is a good Mafian. Besides, we troll each other all the time. Plus we're here to have fun, and trolling is the best kind of fun.
  8. People were really quick to kill Caboose, so I think that's where the real poor sportsmanship lies.
  9. *Earth shattering revelation above me* What if you fuse the hair together into an unholy abomination?
  10. This is tough. I'm a jack of all trades when it comes to most of the guns, and it's hard for me to choose just one gun out of dozens. But if it was mandatory I'd pick the Reach Grenade Launcher with the CE Magnum, and Halo 4 Incineration Cannon following close behind.
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