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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. ^ I once jaywalked. I guess we'll be seeing each other in Highway hell.
  2. Listen from this point:

  3. I tripped, and hit hit my left eyebrow on the very edge of a step... and survived.
  4. Welcome to the skunkworks.
  5. We're not going to be able to tell who's the Hoodlum right now anyway, so we shouldn't worry about it right now. Just make sure to keep ALL Tourists out of the vital Protown PMs. However we DO know that any living Tourist who's been investigated could be the Hoodlum. Keyword: could. Also, Melody's story about having a help PM from Fishy holds up, and she doesn't have the internet right now to add me to the PM. The only person who could add me is Fishy, and I doubt he would help me in that way. So this is a dead end we shouldn't take into too much consideration right now. The only person on the list who has the highest chance of being Mafia is Yoshi. Despite the Hoodlum sneaking around the chance that it's Melody is slim: not big enough for us to take a pot shot at. Also, like what was said before, Frank apparently is John Hammond due to screenshots. I vote for Yoshi. I suggest everyone else do it too. You can kill me later if we're wrong.
  6. I already have. Anyway, your argument to kill her just because there's a Secret Hoodlum on the loose doesn't really hold up. There's like 10 Tourists, and the chance we'll kill the Hoodlum is very low.
  7. What else is he supposed to call it? It's a Mafia help PM. The name fits. And we already have evidence against you. You are the only unconfirmed person on the list, and everyone else - like I said before - is accounted for. I think you're the Mafian.
  8. She claims it's only there for Fishy to explain the game to her in detail. It could've been sent to her at the start of the game. The date shown to the right of Fishy's name only indicates that someone recently replied, and does NOT show the time it was sent to her: the original PM post that is. She could've been asking Fishy how to play since the game started, and he himself posted in there today. On the other hand it could be the Mafian Group PM, and she just forgot to hide it before posting the screenshot. If she was the Secret Hoodlum she would've gotten a PM detailing her role as the Spy that is separate from the Mafian Group PM, but it seems there isn't one here. She could've hidden it, and forgot about the Group PM OR this IS the actual Hoodlum PM she was sent. So it's one of 4 things: 1: It's a help PM by Fishy, and is not for a Special Role: which would make Melody a Tourist. The fact that it says "Welcome to Mafia" as well as Melody being new to the game AS WELL as being investigated tells me this is the true case. 2: It's the Mafian Group PM 3: It's the Mafian Hoodlum PM 4: It's a PM detailing how to play Mafia as well as acting as her Special Role PM: which would mean she could be any role besides a Mafian
  9. Ohh that. Forgot about that. I've only got 1 more Vote Shoutout before people complain that I keep rerouting them, so I would rather she post a screen soon: you too.
  10. Everyone else is accounted for except for you and Frank, but if Frank is Neutral then you are the Mafian.
  11. Katashi Hamada is a Neutral Role not Protown. He said, and I quote: "I told Yashi who i was two rounds ago when i removed him from the list. Just throwing that out there." You did know Tony's role after he removed you, right? Around 2 Rounds after your removal from the Suspect List he's killed by the Mafians. Doesn't that seem suspicious to you? Possibly just a coincidence. I'm not saying you're Mafia. Instead I'm speculating, and suggesting that you're a semi-prime suspect. Neutrals aren't 100% trustworthy, and for all we know Tony might have originally worked with the Mafians, but decided to turn against them after they killed him. You could've been the medium between the two. A Special Role like Katashi Hamada: one who's allowed to remove people from the Suspect List, is a very VITAL role to have. The Mafians wouldn't kill him unless they either did not know his role, or they decided he was too much trouble to keep alive.
  12. I once was chased on a golf cart after ding-dong-ditching at 12am around Halloween last year with 5 of my other buddies - including a man wearing a hotdog suit - by an angry man in a mustang.
  13. I think we all should vote for either Melody, Church, or Yoshi. Frank apparently is John Hammond: the Sniper (who killed a Mafian already), and Tony Only, a Neutral role who I forget the exact name, says he removed Yoshi who knew his role beforehand... but Tony died afterwards. This seems like a situation beyond coincidence. So I suggest you all stop voting for Frank. Now you may be wondering who am I to order people around, and the only thing I can tell you now is to just trust me. If I end up on the Suspect List again you can go ahead and vote me out to ease suspicions.
    1. Wam


      I'll be sure to have my toy Captain America shield handy in case I get mugged.


  14. How many Protowns are there really? I think the population numbers you have for the roles are for a game that was supposed to be larger than this one. The numbers add up to 20+ when there's only 17 people.
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