Even with a Mafian situated right in from of them... prime for the kill... people still find ways to mess things up.
But I wouldn't chock this up as a Mafian trying to alter the voting crowd. They have the power to stop the Lynch so they don't need to sit here wasting their time trying to get people to change their votes.
Just hurry up and use the "Stop Lynch" power already so we can get on with the game (for Mafians who are reading this). I can prove 10 ways to Sunday that EK IS Mafian, so there's absolutely no way the votes could change, at least not from people who know what they're doing.
Oh, and I'm only going to point out that a certain person who everyone's on a witch hunt for are either innocent or Mafia IF they have the highest votes. I'm NOT going to do it if everyone's sitting around speculating. This prevents me from saying "Yo, Person BBQ is innocent", so the Mafians don't get the chance to kill someone who's confirmed. I don't want to bring attention to that person unless it's necessary.
They want to keep the levels of ambiguity as high as possible for as long as possible. The confirmed player, if deded (by Mafian hands), will no longer appear on Suspect Lists, and only people who happen to be unconfirmed will be targeted by the masses (since they don't know who to kill). This is like "The killer is one of YOU 4" instead of "Ok, we've proven that Steve & BaconBoy are innocent, that just leaves YOU 2".
However, this does not last forever, since the pool of players shrinks as the game goes on. But like I said before, they want to keep that mystery going for as long as possible.