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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Halo 5's Forge won't be shown "publicly" at PAX Prime - http://343i.org/35b

  2. Hunt the Truth Season 2 begins recording on Saturday: http://343i.org/358

  3. The 1 thing that interests me is the increased attention in relation to story. If the story's good I'll get the game. I don't care if the gameplay is good or not. I'll probably quit playing after I'm done with the story, and wait for like 5 more expansions to come out before getting back into the game.
  4. It's do or die. I'm going to consider this game won & quit if neither the Mafians, or Host(s) decide to do anything to get the game out of the funk it's in. I can understand if the Host has things going on IRL, but the secondary Host should've continued in their place: which they did not (unless Yang is still in the game). Refusing to do anything only exacerbates the problem further. The struggle isn't really over just because we've figured out the identities of all the roles. The Mafians still have 3 lives, and the remaining Neutral Roles can convert to Mafia if they desire. Also, the Grimm Reaper can kill, or bring back anyone they wish. This game shouldn't be over: if anything it should be raging ATM... but it's not.
  5. "I think they **** up the game 1 buy taken split screen out of it and I thought it was going to be online with 4 player like halo 4 halo 3 and halo 2 halo 1 but no and I think they should take it easy on the new armor and guns but that me" I'm having an extremely hard time understanding this monorail of a sentence. Halo 5's Campaign HAS 4 player drop-in drop-out online co-op. You play Blue Team or Fireteam Osiris, and each team has 4 playable characters. You cannot do this offline however. 343 justifies this as not adding it in based on that feature compromising the quality of the game. I don't really care honestly, but I do see why someone would be upset. Oh, and Halo: CE & 2 DO NOT have 4 player Co-Op. Only 4 player splitscreen for Multiplayer, and 2 player splitscreen for Campaign. I don't know where you got that from. It might have been that way on the OG Xbox. Possibly even the 360, but MCC for sure does not have that for CE & 2. Only for 3, and 4. Also the last one is subjective, and the metric ton of new armor can be seen as a good thing or bad thing. The weapons are the same way. Some may see it as an incentive to keep playing, and others see a "quality =/= quantity" presence, and be disinterested. I'm holding my full judgement until I see all of what Halo 5 has to offer, and I think you should too. You're not forced to buy the game at launch.
  6. Then admit defeat, and let the Host end the game in Protown Victory since you're so disinterested. You can still work on the next game even though this one is over. I doubt anyone's going to steal your spot any time soon.
  7. I could've sworn I saw a Gamecube in a house in either FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald, Sapphire, or Ruby.
  8. They finally decided to kill me. Great job, we're all proud of you. Vote for Fishy or Arbiter747. One of them is the final Mafian. If one of them isn't a Mafian we'll know the other is the actual one. I won't force you to take a chance with this, but it's more than the 25% chance we had voting for 1 out of 4 people at the start of the game: It's 50/50 now. Godspeed, Protown.
  9. Placing... for what? The Dinosaur game? I forgot about the one you were hosting on your own, hold on I'll put it on the Unknown thing.
  10. For Class President. Thank you, thank you, much appreciated *party favors, crowd cheers, big win, hooray*
  11. I need to refine my game, so you can get ahead before me. I doubt I'll get mine started any time soon anyway. Hosting (as of 8/10/2015): 16.0: Church ​ Unknown Placing: Mafia Game Delpen9 ​Mafia: Stand Alone Complex Self Destruct Mafia: The Forum Awakens Pbrabbit Caboose The Ace Yang Xiao Long [NAME UNCONFIRMED] Fishy ​[NAME UNCONFIRMED] Simple Soul
  12. I can't think of ways to debunk the whole EK Mafian thing off the top of my head, but I know they do exist. I'm just saying that, if questioned, I'm not going to sit idly by with little to no proof of my claim. Also, we don't know for sure that EK is fully inactive. He's been present in Skype for the last few days, and could just be replying to the Mafian PM without taking the time to stop by the thread. OR he's intentionally avoiding the thread due to some strategy they've got going on up there. I've found that trying to save yourself from the hungry crowd only puts you in a worse position than you were in before. Finally, the Psychic's powers take 2 Rounds to recharge, and they decided to use their power at the end of Round 1. You won't be seeing another confirmation from them until Round 3, and even then it'll have to be relevant to the current "struggle" everyone's in. Oh, and PS: I've confirmed most of the roles in the game. I only need to find out the roles of 6 particular people, and I will have ascertained who's Mafia, and who's not within 14.0.
  13. Even with a Mafian situated right in from of them... prime for the kill... people still find ways to mess things up. But I wouldn't chock this up as a Mafian trying to alter the voting crowd. They have the power to stop the Lynch so they don't need to sit here wasting their time trying to get people to change their votes. Just hurry up and use the "Stop Lynch" power already so we can get on with the game (for Mafians who are reading this). I can prove 10 ways to Sunday that EK IS Mafian, so there's absolutely no way the votes could change, at least not from people who know what they're doing. Oh, and I'm only going to point out that a certain person who everyone's on a witch hunt for are either innocent or Mafia IF they have the highest votes. I'm NOT going to do it if everyone's sitting around speculating. This prevents me from saying "Yo, Person BBQ is innocent", so the Mafians don't get the chance to kill someone who's confirmed. I don't want to bring attention to that person unless it's necessary. They want to keep the levels of ambiguity as high as possible for as long as possible. The confirmed player, if deded (by Mafian hands), will no longer appear on Suspect Lists, and only people who happen to be unconfirmed will be targeted by the masses (since they don't know who to kill). This is like "The killer is one of YOU 4" instead of "Ok, we've proven that Steve & BaconBoy are innocent, that just leaves YOU 2". However, this does not last forever, since the pool of players shrinks as the game goes on. But like I said before, they want to keep that mystery going for as long as possible.
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