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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Round Links: Round 4: Execution Drizzy_Dan, Detective, Executed. Suspect List: Caboose The Ace Constantine The Great (Pbrabbit) Church Axilus Prime You have 48 hours to vote 1 person to die. Role Status (List): Role Status (Image):
  2. Don't listen to Mrastro the bastro. Vote for me: your beloved Destructo leader broi - http://343i.org/2yp

    1. Maestro


      I'll just leave this here before I go to work: http://343i.org/2yq

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      RRrrrrrg Mastsro I'll get you for this!

  3. Round Links: Round 3: Lynch Ash, Spy, Lynched. You have 48 hours until Round 4 is posted. Role Status (List):
  4. You had every opportunity to do so. You did have 48 hours to do it. Anyway I found that the votes were a little jumbled. I'm posting the new count right now: Vote Count: 7 - Ash (Edward Kenway, Fishy, Constantine The Great (Pbrabbit), Frankenzer, Thel Destruct (Arbiter747), Drizzy_Dan, Yoshi1176, Caboose The Ace) 0 - Drizzy_Dan 6.5 - Fishy (Axilus Prime, Ash, Yang Xiao Long, Schpy Destruct (rrhuntington), Total Mayh3m, Bnus, Ledgend1221) 1 - Ledgend1221 (BATMAN) 0 - Null
  5. Votes are locked. RNG will decide who dies this Round.
  6. Vote Count: 7.5 - Ash (Edward Kenway, Fishy, Constantine The Great (Pbrabbit), Frankenzer, Thel Destruct (Arbiter747), Drizzy_Dan, Yoshi1176, Caboose The Ace) 0 - Drizzy_Dan 5 - Fishy (Axilus Prime, Ash, Yang Xiao Long, Schpy Destruct (rrhuntington), Total Mayh3m) 1 - Ledgend1221 (BATMAN) 2 - Null (Bnus, Ledgend1221) Look at your vote count, and then look at mine. Learn to count, broi.
  7. Round Links: Round 3: Execution Total Mayh3m, Civilian, Executed. Suspect List: Ash Drizzy_Dan Fishy Ledgend1221 You have 48 hours to vote 1 person to die. Role Status (List):
  8. Round Links: Round 2: Lynch Edward Kenway, Civilian, Lynched. You have 48 hours until Round 3 is posted. Role Status (List): Role Status (Image):
  9. Votes are locked. The Lynch will be posted shortly. Vote Count: 1 - Bnus (Ledgend1221) 1 - Pbrabbit (Yoshi1176) 7 - Edward Kenway (Bnus, Arbiter747 (Thel Destruct), rrhuntington (Schpy Destruct), Caboose The Ace, Axilus Prime, Pbrabbit (Constantine The Great), Yang Xiao Long) 3 - rrhuntington (Fishy, Drizzy_Dan, Frankenzer)
  10. We've gathered here today to spread the glorious message glorious SD of cool. It says that he whosoever holds the power of the SD shall control the world, and glorious glory beyond. Now, go forth mighty SDs AND PERGE THE LAND OF ALL IT'S UGLYNESS NOT GLORY. WE SHALL CREATE A NEW WOOOOORLD OORDERRRRR FOR GLORIOUS SD GLORRRRIOUS GLORYGLORYLGL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and if you betray us you die. Have a nice day. SD, out.
  11. I say we kill the host. If we do this the game will be over, and we can all go to Goofy Goober's Ice Cream Party Boat.
  12. Round Links: Round 2: Execution Mereel, Civilian, Executed by Mafia. Suspect List: Bnus Pbrabbit Edward Kenway rrhuntington You have 48 hours to vote 1 person to die. Role Status (List):
  13. Seems pretty lively to me, but it could be better. You would have to see the Shoutbox to see the actual activity (if you don't see it right now). I blame MCC, and lack of news. We'll get an activity spike once the news starts rolling in pre-E3, and after. Not to mention the ODST MCC hype. To answer your question, yes, Halo is still competitive. It's never not been competitive. However the balance is horrible in MCC, and I hope they fix this problem soon.
  14. The Lynch was posted yesterday. There usually is a full 48 hour wait before the next Lynch/Execution is posted (the Execution comes tomorrow on schedule). It only comes early when all parties are ready to go (though it still comes on the final day). Besides, the Mafians haven't chosen a target yet. I'm not about to deprive them of the remaining time they're given to decide just because 1 person wants me to.
  15. You can trust me. Pinky promise I'm not Mafia. I swear.
  16. Round Links: Round 1: Lynch Rue, Civilian, Lynched. You have 48 hours or less until Round 2 is posted.
  17. Votes are locked. Round 1: Lynch will be posted soon.
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