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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Yesterday, a Gamestop pre-order trailer for Halo 5: Guardians released with the revelation that Locke's personal armor (Unease P34nut calls it *Hunter* armor, though I'm not sure where he got this from) would be an exclusive pre-order bonus from Gamestop. ...However, Josh Holmes on NeoGAF (under the username "SalientOne") confirmed that Locke's armor is actually obtainable by everyone on Day 1, and that people who pre-order get it from the start. This indicates that whoever doesn't pre-order will most likely have to unlock the armor by different means, like completing the Campaign on Legendary or through Multiplayer Commendations (if Halo 5 even has them). Here's the official pic of the armor, though we have seen the armor 100,000 times already: http://i.imgur.com/xMSGHJu.png?1 And the original post by Unease P34nut on the pre-order trailer is here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/40290-halo-5-guardians-pre-order-bonus-trailer/ In the same post on NeoGAF, Josh confirmed that the Halo 5 behind-the-scenes development vidocs, The Sprint, will be returning. The release date for the second iteration of The Sprint has yet to be announced. The specific posts by Josh Holmes on both the Locke armor, and The Sprint are in the sources below. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: NeoGAF, 343iCF http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/40290-halo-5-guardians-pre-order-bonus-trailer/ http://i.imgur.com/sxNOUVH.jpg View full article
  2. Yesterday, a Gamestop pre-order trailer for Halo 5: Guardians released with the revelation that Locke's personal armor (Unease P34nut calls it *Hunter* armor, though I'm not sure where he got this from) would be an exclusive pre-order bonus from Gamestop. ...However, Josh Holmes on NeoGAF (under the username "SalientOne") confirmed that Locke's armor is actually obtainable by everyone on Day 1, and that people who pre-order get it from the start. This indicates that whoever doesn't pre-order will most likely have to unlock the armor by different means, like completing the Campaign on Legendary or through Multiplayer Commendations (if Halo 5 even has them). Here's the official pic of the armor, though we have seen the armor 100,000 times already: http://i.imgur.com/xMSGHJu.png?1 And the original post by Unease P34nut on the pre-order trailer is here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/40290-halo-5-guardians-pre-order-bonus-trailer/ In the same post on NeoGAF, Josh confirmed that the Halo 5 behind-the-scenes development vidocs, The Sprint, will be returning. The release date for the second iteration of The Sprint has yet to be announced. The specific posts by Josh Holmes on both the Locke armor, and The Sprint are in the sources below. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: NeoGAF, 343iCF http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/40290-halo-5-guardians-pre-order-bonus-trailer/ http://i.imgur.com/sxNOUVH.jpg
  3. Actually, Locke's armor (Hunter from what P34nut says) will be obtainable by everyone on day 1 (confirmed by Josh Holmes on NeoGAF). People who pre-order from Gamestop get it the second they start playing. The Hunter armor probably unlocks after completing the Campaign on Legendary, like how MK VI in Halo 4 was. Anyway, here's an official pic of the armor:
  4. But the votes are already locked. The power of the Stealth Elite says "at any time before vote lock", not after. I also think it's kind of ironic the way that RNG turned out, if ya kno wat I mean Ax.
  5. Allot of people haven't voted at all. By that logic, everyone who's afk should be working with the Mafia. It's not relevant. And Mafia is down to only 2 people, and you're out of power. They're not going to escape the next two rounds, and we'll have plenty of people to sacrifice to kill the Mafians. The only person who can stop us now is The One, and none of us know what his/her power is. WE have it in the bag unless The One decides to mess it up for us.
  6. Vote Count: 0 - Kakashi_Hatake 5 - Arbiter747 (Ledgend1221, Caboose The Ace, Self Destruct, Ash, Kakashi_Hatake) 0 - Total Mayh3m 3.5 - Mr Kittens and Gibberish (Church, rrhuntington, Arbiter747, Infinite Passage (Edward Kenway)) Here's the list of Mafians. The white dash notes that that person is still alive, and the red dash indicates death: - Arbiter747 - Storm Grunt - Church - Hunter (1 life left) - lilsilmarillion - Elite Ranger - rrhuntington - Storm Zealot - Edward Kenway - Elite Warrior
  7. Report #5: rrhuntington, and Church are voting for Kittens because they're Mafians, and Kittens happens to be innocent. Using scene deduction in the roundup above, we've figured out that Arbiter is Mafia (since max 1-2 Mafians show up per Lynch). So vote the guy out pls.
  8. Arbiter747, and Church are the last Mafians! Vote them out whenever you see them on the Suspect List. I vote Arbiter747.
  9. Re-edited my Mafia 15.0 post. I'll take that 12.0 spot btw. 15.0 is up for grabs now. Self Destruct is your host this evening! Mafia 12.0: The *Void of complicated crap* edition of Mafia. So in a nutshell there's absolutely NO Neutral, or fringe Faction aside from Pro-Town, and Anti-Town. Yayee. How To Play: Factions: General Rules [READ]: Player List: 20 or more if player attendance becomes larger in the next few games. Role Status:
  10. What's the 1 thing you hate in the entire universe? Anyway, I'll take a dare peas.
  11. I'd be Events Management. I'm not really into making things for people as frequently as someone in Forum Productions does (despite how artistic I am). However Events do come naturally to me. Of course if it came down to it I wouldn't care which one they decide to choose me for. I'd just be grateful I'm being considered. And I'll do that reluctantly... >_>
  12. I respectfully request both a truth, and a dare.
  13. Wait are we getting an award, or an emote? I'm not sure of the exact details.
  14. Yo Brandon, welcome to 343iCF (no affiliation with the real 343 btw).
  15. Completed. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/40251-i-love-hello-kitty/?p=362363
  16. Greetings. I know why you're here. Do you know why you're here? Are you sure? I'll explain lucidly just to get you up to speed... in case you're not entirely sure why you're here (seriously, if you don't know why you're here then why the hell are you continuing to read?? Escape while you still can). 1: You're here because of Hello Kitty. Don't even deny it. 2: You're expecting me to write a 400 word essay on why I love Hello Kitty... in due time. 3: You like amusement at my expense. 4: Raisins. Now lets begin. I love Hello Kitty for a few raisins. Firstly, it's because I adore her cute fluffy coat. But I love her coat more when it's soaked in the blood of hundreds of human sacrific- I just love her coat. I'm blushing just thinking about it. Secondly, I love those eyes. Those eyes: they absorb all light, and swirl about like a boiling black cauldron of death. Even a single glimpse lets you peer into Hello Kitty's inner abyss to see her amorphous demonic soul constricting the life out of newly consumed victims. Her glare could rend the flesh off of a... let's just say her eyes are mighty fine. They perty. Thirdly (yes, Thirdly), I love Hello Kitty because this particular forum will be graced by her presence even more so than now. Soon we shall receive an idol to worship underneath a... we're getting a Hello Kitty award. You don't know how grateful I am for this. I love her. We all do. Now she'll be able to love us all the time... by watching us... all the time... with that expressionless face of hers... just so we don't mess up... and not love her... so cuddly, and cute. Thank you for taking the time to read through this glorious sermon. All hail Hello Kitty. She nice 'n stuff.
  17. I just thought the circumstances of the last Lynch were very peculiar. No hard feelings. I'm usually very pushy in Mafia so I can get answers. At least we know who the final Mafian is.
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