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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Round 1, and Rules Change of Mafia 10.0 has been posted - http://343i.org/2p3

  2. RULE CHANGES [READ]: Zombies can get Vaccinations, but they're unused 7 Vaccinations are given out per Round (1/3rd of the players) Any player that turns into a Zombie will be added to the Alpha Zombie's PM New Revenants will report to Tesla or Frankenstein's PM: they DO NOT report there if they spawn as a Zombie (because of the 25% Infection chance) Tesla & Frankenstein are immune to Infection You will not be told if you're Infected Round links: Round 1 Scene 1: Execution "When you go to the bathroom, you should never take a potty directly adjacent to a neighboring urinator, especially in between two. Breaking this rule will lead to several tragic instances: you could see your neighbor peeing, causing you to vomit; you can miss your pee while talking, causing you to vomit; and you can slip on pee while not watching where you're going, causing you to vomit." A mysterious man known only as "The 9th Reject" paced back and forth on the television spewing nonsensical sentences (which would seem to be the ramblings of an inappropriate speculator), while holding a charred cigar. Unaware of the grisly scene surrounding the TV he continued his bizarre extrapolation. Through the gaping hole in the damp apartment, a commercial airliner collided with an unstable skyscraper: shivering the structures all around, and causing the screen to flicker on what remained of the power grid. Yet somehow it carried on with the message, though it's clear the TV is on it's last legs. "When you vomit in the bathroom, sanitary workers must come in and detoxify the hydrochloric goob. This will lead to a huge line being formed in public restroom." The skies were grey with dust, ash, and smoke particles lingering throughout the concrete jungle. Sounds from occasional explosions, crashes, and car alarms had long since withered away except for the occasional resurface. Feels like the whole thing was pulled straight from an Action Movie with an Apocalypse plot device. Hard to believe that this was once the great city known as Nessus... "The line will put the world into utter disarray, causing car crashes, fights, and desperate men peeing in their tighty whitees." Life could not be spotted anywhere... this changed once the survivors of the crash called for help. Corpses drug themselves from every crack, and crevice of the destroyed streets: lured out by the screams. One of these corpses, the Alpha, watched over all of them like a General. It made sure the plane was scrubbed clean of the living before fiery ignition. The Alpha lept from building to building. No mere mortal could ever hope to achieve it's level, even if infected. Outside the heavily fortified Military bunker, dubbed the "Gulag", a condemned individual fled from a pursuing horde of undead. Militants on the top of the complex cheered, and bet on the poor person's survival. "Someone will contract a deadly disease from the defecating and urinating men, which will inevitably spread to the rest of the world. " The man tripped on a piece of rebar, and a cadaver sinked it's teeth into his ankle. Alpha, hidden in shade on the upper floor of University, scowled as the accused defiantly kicked the undead, and ran off into an alley. 5 infected sprinted in pursuit. "The end. Zombies." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Why am I even trying to explain this to you, clone?" A Mafian held a magnum to Ash's forehead as the commander looked on, "We killed you before. She made sure of it. Yet here you are", he stooped down, "Why do you think this is?" "I don't know what you're talking about you freak!", the subordinate pistol whipped Ash across the cheek, and the commander grabbed her face. "I can kill you now... but it wouldn't make any difference. None of this makes any difference", hammer was pulled. The magnum with the tribal engraving moved like a belly dancer, "We're all just shadows of reality... all of us. Unoriginal. Mafia, Neutrals, Protowns IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. Ohhh hoho, but we know the truth now. WE KNOW THE TRUTH! And we will make sure they will suffer as we have suffered... TEN THOUSAND FOLD!" Ash slumped, beaten and defeated. She still knew nothing of what the madman spoke of, and this bothered her to the brink of insanity. She wept... not like her past life had done. She would die with a whimper. "This is the first of many farewells, Test Subject 4086. The rest of you will get to make our "acquaintance" soon", Skull fragments blasted into the wall. The Juggernaut hauled the body out of the room, and threw it to the Zombies. They vacated the premises as a swarm of undead ascended up the stairs. As the Mafians escaped over a fallen radio tower, the commander held a metal shard up into the light: a piece of the Moon once known as the infamous Asbolus... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - End of Scene 1, part 1 The Alpha Zombie has Infected a player. You have until Round 3 to get a Vaccination, or risk turning into a Zombie. Vaccinations: Ash, Civilian, Executed by Mafia Suspects: Mr. Kittens and Gibberish Tony Stark Pbrabbit The Director You have 48 hours to vote who dies.
  3. It's a tough call for me. FuD seemed to be more emotional, and Nightfall seemed more philosophical / questioning of morality. I'd have to pick Nightfall since it feels more mature, and serious, and it does have it's moments.
  4. Vote for me if you want to live.

  5. Im interested. As long as V isn't as content starved as Ground Zeroes then i think we'll be fine.
  6. You think it doesn't belong as a starter... or it should? I'm confused. I want BR starts. I hate the AR, and SMG starts, and someone else always manages to nab the BR spawn before I do. From what I seen from the Beta, the BR is fine. I think the DMR is what needs work imo.
  7. Role Status: I suggest everyone go back to the rules, and re-read everything. I want to be sure everyone knows the rules, and what the Roles are.
  8. I read this either from a message in the Beta (the ones that pop up and tell you stuff), one of the Halo: Bulletin Vids, or via some other source of media. I remember quite clearly them saying this. I'll try to get the source if I can. I'm guessing they already have enough data from Halo 4 for the vehicles, or will do testing with players at future Events (where they do tournaments).
  9. Night of the Living Mafia, 10.0... has begun!! You have 48 hours or less until Round 1 is posted. Any Role must reply to their PMs to use their powers. If you did not receive a PM then you're a Civilian.
  10. Yes. Alpha Zombie can do it once per Round. Regular Zombies do it once every 2 Rounds. The Alpha Zombie is the only Zombie at the start of the game. The 25% chance i think should stay. If the Alpha Zombie dies before they can do anything then at least there will be a chance that new Zombies can spawn. And the Conjurers dont have to resurrect people if they dont want to.
  11. Alright I think this may be the last change: The first Zombie is an Alpha Zombie. They get to infect someone 1 time per Round, and their votes are counted as 1. Turned individuals are regular Zombies, or Undead. They infect people 1 time every 2 Rounds, and their votes are .5. There are now 10 Vaccinations given out per Round. This will be done via existing PM, or new PM if you don't have one.
  12. So Zombies getting to infect someone 1 time per Round, or once every 2 Rounds? Remember, Zombies are against everyone except Zombies. Anyway I have a rule change: Pro-Town: Pro-Town Roles will each receive an inherent PM (which NO ONE ELSE is allowed in), and a "Proof PM" where they are allowed to invite anyone, and talk to anyone they please in it. If that Role is turned into a Zombie the Host will tell them via their inherent Role PM. Dead-Town: Zombies may add other Zombies to their PMs. Anti-Town: Mafia can be added to Frankenstein's PM, and Frankenstein to Mafia's PM. NO ONE ELSE. Mafians will each receive their own PM if they are turned into a Zombie.
  13. They focused on small, arena combat for the Beta. I believe they confirmed that they will show "BTB" and "Vehicle Combat" later this year.
  14. The only role other than Anti-Town, and Pro-Town that is "Neutral" is the Zombies. Revenants, and Ghosts stay with their Factions. If you don't count the Zombie we have 20 players: 5 Mafians, and 15 Pro-towns. I'd like to at least keep the ratio this way. If I added another Special Role I would need to rework the ratio (which is 1/3).
  15. The Sign Up List is full: 21 players. NO NEW PLAYERS WILL BE ADDED THIS GAME. I need some feedback on some things before we start the game, so I'd appreciate some cooperation so we can get this started. Here's what I need: Should Revenants lose their Zombification chance? As in they no longer have 25% chance of becoming a Zombie? Should Zombies get to infect someone 1 time per Round, instead of 2? Should more Vaccinations be given out? If you have any other suggestions, or ideas then I highly suggest you reveal it now.
  16. Ello, welcome to 343iCF!
  17. I have a suggestion. What if... Revenants lose their Zombification chance. Zombies get to infect a person every Round. More Vaccinations are given out.
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