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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Then the people playing would know someone from a previous game who was Mafia is most likely not one in the current game.
  2. Halo 5 Beta ends at 11:59pm PST on the 18th, which is 2:59am EST on the 19th.

  3. 1: English. I know a few Spanish words, but that's it.
  4. The Announcer occasionally says things that have nothing to do with what you're doing (like Killing Spree even though you haven't gotten any kills). He also repeats the game status a few times (like "Game Over, Tie! - Game Over, Tie! - Game Over, Tie!"). After a match is over when looking at the Spartan Hub, your player model is either Baby Blue, or "Lightish Red" according to what team you were on the previous match. You can't change the armor, or color, and the model is low resolution. The Carnage Report sometimes carries over from previous games, and won't display what happened the current game. Matchmaking kicks you out allot.
  5. It was a... sticky... situation eh? I'll take a dare.
  6. That's a little harsh don't you think?
  7. What's the worst thing that's happened to you in a store (any kind)?
  8. Frank pls. Ur the Scotch Mafian.
  9. Dammit. I dare you to... put this as your pic for a day.
  10. I'm one of the only ones who didn't believe all the crap you pulled. Look at how many people did. I really don't understand why. I also don't see how what I did is of any significance since the Mafians were already screwed at this point. I guess I'm just the scapegoat even though we're winning. IMO you wasted a kill on Bnus. We already had enough evidence for who is Mafia anyway. I chose to protect someone else because I doubted you'd try to kill him again after you had your power wasted.
  11. Ignorant? Or hesitant to suddenly trust Bnus all of a sudden like you fine Mafians did?
  12. Seeing how we have to go all the way back to dig up the votes, it is a good compromise. I do see that not everyone can post immediately after the roll call, so yea It's out. People are going to have to count the votes instead of leaving it to the Hosts to do for themselves (which is already hard).
  13. If I hadn't protected him from the start he would not have made those investigations... that's what I'm getting at. And the Mafians can't really do anything to me anyway. I'll just project myself. The only thing they can do is try to lynch me, but as you can see the alive Mafia population is few, and far in between. No use hiding now.
  14. I don't see him complaining. He painted a target on his back at the beginning of the game, I can't protect him forever. If I had died would you be be just as mad as you are right now?
  15. We already have everything we need.
  16. I don't know if you noticed... but... I did I protected him multiple times
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