Round links:
Round 7: The Finale, Part 2
Scene 7, part 3
Torn hands clenched into fists, and the men fell to the floor convulsing uncontrollably. Sensory receptors succumbed, and for a moment all sight was whisked away. Irises traded their heritage for a beam with the dreadful hues of oxygen engorged blood. Memories etched into the brain raced back and forth in the asylum with brief glimpses of insanity flashing like strobe lights. Morphine could only hold back so much before the claws dug through. The animals have eaten the men from the inside out, and fled into the wilderness: free at last.
Eventually the pain subsided with minor stings continuing to reverberate. The musketeers beheld what they had become. These new minds flashed with thoughts incomprehensibly, and threw away the stringent of society. Rules need to bend to fight those who bent them in the first place. A rare opportunity to show these Mafians what they're really made of.
God turned his back on the men, and saved himself from witnessing what was needed to be done. The Detective, Rrhuntington, and the two Civilians, Yoshida, and Anarchy, moved forward once more unto the breach.
- - - - -
Penultimate 8. The Control Room of the supposed moon lay witness to some sort of odd banter between the old, and the new Mafians. The two Neutrals who were present in the room not that long ago seemed to have vanished. Whatever trace of them was wiped clean by small, robotic Forerunner droids, one of which was crushed underneath an amused Juggernaut's boot.
"I... I actually wasn't expecting this coming from you, Detective. The Boss spoke very highly of you, but warned us you would be the toughest to convert... may I inquire-"
"Whatever was left of my former self has withered away. We stand before you as new men. Do you question my commitment to the Mafian cause? We've cut our brains open for you. We've gone through the most excruciating pain imaginable for you. We've given up our past lives, our families, our humanity... Is that not enough?"
Dexter crossed his arms, "I just needed to make sure. We have come too far to have our plans fail, Detective. I'm sure you understand that. Now onto more pressing matters..."
Dexter Grif stood atop the ramp like a fisher of men. He preached to the newbloods about the Mafian's way of life, and other mundane things connected to trans-mundane ideals. Boring things really. The Boss lost himself, and kept the sermon going on for an hour before he remembered the plan. Newbloods tried to keep themselves looking interested, and were nearly about to give, "The feeling is eating at you isn't it? Something just beneath the skin that's impossible to scratch. I know this because it's happened to all of us. The feeling... of being what you were meant to be, Rrhuntington. It's a feeling you won't like at first, but you'll come to accept it. Our own Bat here just lost the new recruit training-wheels like you fine lot will, and I'm sure she would be willing to show you the ropes. But for now we need to continue with the plan."
"And what is the plan, if I may ask?"
Dexter, confused, double taked, "Oh yes my mind went ablank for a moment... I'll explain as best as I can".
A horrendous digression rolled off the Boss's tongue. All of the information managed to disgust the Newbloods with every word, and it continued to get worse. Scylla... Earth... the Mafians planned to use Asbolus: a Forerunner planet destroyer, to cleanse the entire galaxy of all sentient civilization. Mass conversions of "chosen ones" into Mafians on a grand scale would commence, and a new era of Metahumans could begin unhindered.
The Scyllan Government was in on this the entire time. After everything is destroyed, the Government of Scylla would inherit half of the Galaxy for themselves, and the other shall go to the Mafians... but little did they know the throats of these "allies" will soon be split while their guard is down. The Mafians would show no mercy for their creators. With all opposition, and competition out of the way the Mafians would rule the galaxy with an iron fist. Nothing, not even the UNSC or Covenant, could stop them.
By this point, Rrhunt, and the others loathed being in the presence of such madmen, "-and so, our communion will manifest on the clean slate of this galaxy. No more oppression. No more dictatorships, and horrifying experimentation. No more decadent upper classes feeding off of the despair of the street rats. The ultimate reign of the Mafia... is at hand. Who knows? Maybe our influence will reach into the stars beyond our galaxy."
"What about the Halo Array?"
"They'll be tamed like Asbolus was. Whatever Forerunner artifacts, weapons, or ships will be ours for the taking. If any surviving Forerunners happen to be alive... we will obliterate them."
"And you know for certain Scylla won't try to stop you?"
"Why would they, Anarchy? They believe they'll receive a grand harvest once the cleansing is over, and have no reason to kill us now. We're the ones in control of the moon. Not them."
Yoshi blurted out, "What makes you think they won't just take the moon, and claim the galaxy for themselves?"
"A death sentence. We'll rain fire, and brimstone onto their world, and wipe it from existence. That is enough explanation for right now, " Dexter turned, and faced the console, "First order of business: Activation of the moon, and the destruction of a few asteroids. For testing.", he typed some code into an input terminal, and the moon shook. A hologram of the surrounding space appeared behind the console, and moved: indicating Asbolus was turning. A small space rock was highlighted by a target reticul, and a beam of blue energy blasted up through a colossal shaft. The asteroid exploded quite spectacularly, "Behold!"
Lasers fired at multiple meteoroids, and space junk. Clouds of dust, gas, and debris flung out into the void of space. A voyage into the infinite expanse... never to return. Dexter danced like a jester, and the other Mafians laughed, and 'woo'd' at the destruction. Rrhunt, and the others shuddered at the rock's remains, but joined in to keep their cover.
- - - - -
Two furious men stood in a maintenance corridor near the lift. TD held some sort of receiver in his palm as Dexter's spiteful plans seeped through the speaker, "-after everything has been destroyed, we'll finish whatever's left of the Government's forces and-", Director crushed the device, and threw it at the wall. He had heard enough. The recorder he placed on Yoshida before he left has paid it's due... and what a damned bounty it is. Treachery. Fooled by snakes in the grass.
Director called Control, and revealed the Mafian's true intent. He, and Ledgend prepared for war.