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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Wait... what? So Bnus is dead?
  2. Payed to play video games. As much as I love doing things I love I'd rather get paid for doing it. Would you rather sing on a show like American Idol, or listen to someone who sings extremely bad on that show?
  3. Got Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts? Here's a place for ye - http://343i.org/2nn

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      I have the first one on Nintendo 64...Does that count :P

  4. The servers for MCC will stay up when Halo 5 comes for sure. They won't forsake MCC when the new game is out.
  5. You're supposed to answer my "Would you rather" THEN ask for one yourself.
  6. Jungle. At least you'll have a sliver of hope to return back to civilization. If you're on an island you would have to build a raft to drift into the ocean in hopes of reaching the mainland. The problem with that is you'll soon dehydrate from lack of fresh water, and starve (unless you can catch, cook, and eat fish while on the raft). Would you rather want the world completely cut in half, or have it's rotation completely stopped?
  7. BAAATMANNN NOOOOOOO. You were too young to die. Will the next Mafian pls stand up?
  8. It depends on who you play with. Everyone isn't experiencing the same thing you are, like myself. The problem should be fixed if bigger penalties for quitting are added. For now we must make do with what we have.
  9. Batman needs to throw a batarang to stop the lynches.
  10. You get bored of everything.
  11. In the Player Customization menu, the Player Spartan turns erratically, and skips.
  12. It's from the perspective of someone who's not the answer. No.
  13. Completionists beware: The Master Chief Collection is getting another batch of Achievements. The description over at TrueAchievements.com states they're the, or a part of, Title Update 2. I'm not sure if the update for it has been released already. Full list of all 50 Achievements: - - - - - Thoughts? Source: TrueAchievements http://www.trueachievements.com/dlc.aspx?dlcid=5116
  14. I c wat u did ther. Go listen to Ghost BC you heathen.
  15. Yea yea booooi!!! Welcome to the Forums!
  16. Introductions are actually supposed to be posted here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/forum/53-introductions-goodbyes/ That's alright though. Welcome to the forums!
  17. I banter you banter, if no one banter they get bantered... in teh face if ye now wat Im sayin.
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