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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Round links: Round 6 Scene 6, part 2 Sarge, Civilian, Lynched. You have 48 hours or less until the next Round is posted.
  2. Lynch Scene, and Role Status will be up later today.
  3. Vote Count: 5 - Dexter Grif (Ledgend1221, Ash, Anarchy, rrhuntington, Yoshi1176, ) 6 - Sarge (Dexter Grif, Blake Belladonna, Santazer, The Director, Pbrabbit, BATMAN) Ash Blake Belladonna Yang jumped the gun.
  4. NEW RULE: If you're going to change your vote then do so in another post. If your vote is at least a page away then you will be forced to make another post saying you've changed your vote. Going back to the original post, and editing it to say something else won't count. Don't try to deceive the Hosts into thinking the changed vote was your original vote, or else it won't be counted. And I would really like for some of you to keep updates on the vote count. We Hosts already have enough to deal with, so we would appreciate some help.
  5. The votes will be locked in a few hours. Vote Count: 7 - Dexter Grif (Ledgend1221, Pbrabbit, Ash, Anarchy, rrhuntington, BATMAN, Yoshi1176, ) 4 - Sarge (Dexter Grif, Blake Belladonna, Santazer, The Director, Ash Blake Belladonna
  6. What was the worst situation you were ever a part of in the Shoutbox?
  7. Infinite Ground Pound freefall in Halo 5 -

    1. Axilus Prime
    2. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      LMAO! I laughed harder than I should at that!

  8. Well then. M-L-P is banned. Great. No more of that.
  9. Am I supposed to ask for a truth now or something?
  10. Oh they'll come back again. Maybe not soon, but definitely later. Jailkeeper removes Ash from the Suspect List: Suspect List: Dexter Grif Sarge Ash Blake Belladonna
  11. Eventually I hope they'll add individual armor customization. For now I think they should focus on fixing the Servers.
  12. You played some sort of sick game... where's your humanity!?!?!??! I'll take a dare btw.
  13. Takanuva had a great year. Takanuva made allot of news! Allot of Events! And allot of art crap. Takanuva also became MoM, but that's not important. What IS important is we remember... this:
  14. Mike Colter's voice is like that in real life. He is very baritone. And I'm fine with the voice. Don't see any problem with it.
  15. There's 5 Mafians, and 6 Protowns with 2 Neutrals who are alive. Some people aren't doing anything right now, and didn't vote. You're lucky the Boss wasn't alive to use his secret vote.
  16. *Wish of every person who has ever played Mafia*
  17. Round links: Round 5 Scene 5, part 2 I'm taking a break from writing a Scene this time around, but will continue I believe on Round 7 if Yang is doing Round 6. Blake Belladonna, Juggernaut, survives the Lynch. He has 1 Life left. You have 48 hours or less until the next Round is posted.
  18. The damn hobo is toying with us. Time to use the Scotch against him.
  19. He's helping Neutral, not Protown. He's not breaking the rules.
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