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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Lol it says "Self Destruct and Yang Xiao Long are your hosts this evening" on the front page. We made an agreement where he does even Rounds and I do odd Rounds.
  2. Hardy har har malarky, SD wins agane. 7 - rrhuntington 7 - Self Destruct 4 - Blake Belladonna 1 - Zaguroth 1 - The Director 1 - Deerpen9 I'll come up with some riddle later.
  3. First: I don't like burrios. Second: I don't like mayonaise either... come to think of it I hate all condiments... except gravy... I like gravy... AND THIRD:.... we're having fried Ruby tonight.... with gravy.
  4. Votes are locked. The Lynch Scene will be posted soon. Ruby Rose is a dead deaded.
  5. I updated the thread to include the new Regret map, Menu and other Screenshots, new Controller Schemes, and other info. I also fixed allot of the false information.
  6. Or Caboose could have been bluffing, and you just revealed your role out in the open for everyone to see. I won't confirm nor deny that's true though. Same for your speculation, and your assertion that you're the Sniper. I doubt we'll even get two more attendees anyway, so I might as well remove Join-In-Progress.
  7. Yep. Newcomers aren't exempt from Brainwash. Lets just hope the Hacker can survive long enough to use it.
  8. You're forgetting the Hacker's Ultimate. There's a chance that the three newcomers could become a Mafian just like everyone else. I also set the game up where the Mafian-Protown ratio was even, but we got an extra Mafian instead. Once the Hacker uses their ability one of the Civilians will be converted: making 6 Mafians to 9 Protowns. Adding 3 more Protowns makes it 6-12: making it even. And you know full well that ALLOT of people die in Mafia. Adding 2 more Civilians isn't going to hurt anything.
  9. Originally we were supposed to have 4 Mafians, but something went wrong, and we got 5. Adding 2 more people evens the game.
  10. Join-in-progress is still up in Mafia 8.0, but there's only 2 spots left. If you would like to join reply to the thread, and you will be added.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Buns


      what a silly idea. Then we know those who join in won't have roles.

    3. Akali


      They'll have a unique role. Lazy

    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      You'll know these people are Civilian until Round 5 or 6 (Hackers Ultimate). Then their identity will be questionable.

  11. Jailkeeper removes Delpen9 from the Suspect List Suspects: Ruby Rose BATMAN Pbrabbit Delpen9
  12. Here's a recap of Round 1: Round 2 Scene 2, part 1: The Police pretty much maintains order on all of the Cities, and States on Scylla : an independent Colony World situated outside of most of the UNSC's control, and one of the few planets to be spared during the Human-Covenant War (though it's not mentioned due to how remote it is). The UNSC rarely ever gets into Scylla's business, but has done so a few times before. The most cited example is when the UNSC had to quell the large force of Mafians who assaulted a couple cities more than half a century ago. That particular time (in the 2490s it seems), a force of only 5 Mafians managed to defeat all of the Police forces, Government Agents, and Military of a particular Scyllan city known as Sextillion... soon after their numbers grew like wildfire. They picked up any stragglers within the city, and converted them to the Mafian cause with an illegal brainwashing procedure. The anarchists then did a massive cyber-attack on two other cities (Pholus, and Nessus), and swept in before the Police, and Military even knew what was going on. The Scyllan Military, and Police then engaged the Mafians in all-out war on the streets. By that time the Mafians numbered in the thousands. The Scyllans, receiving massive casualties, were forced to contact the UNSC for help. A small fleet of UNSC ships proceeded to bombard key Mafian facilities, and ODSTs dropped in to finish the job. Beaten, the Mafians retreated into hiding in different cities around the planet, and into seclusion on the moon (Asbolus). The Scyllans were left to mop up the mess. Years later life returned to normal... or as close to normal as it gets for Scylla. The Scyllans, learning their lesson, obtained new technologies, Police forces, and Military forces in order to protect themselves should another threat like the Mafians rise again. The Mafian numbers grew and fell over the years, but never again reached their prime in the "Sextillion Incident". - - - - - Each City on Scylla has at least 2 Police Complexes. The main Headquarters was known as Alpha, and the rest were called Bravo, Charlie, and so on for the largest cities. One of the largest Police Complexes in the country was situated in Nessus (constructed after the Sextillion Incident), and was known as Police Nessus Alpha. It was guarded day and night by a mixture of Police, and Military Police forces. A dimly lit room inside Nessus Alpha hosted a conversation between a concerned Judge, and a familiar Cop... "So all these key figures wear these masks?", the Cop scratched his head in confusion, "Why the hell do they do that? Are they trying to like... I don't know. Hide their identity or something? I've seen like three of these guys wearing these robotic mask things the last few days including a Detective, and it makes me feel like something fishy is going on..." "Officer..." the Judge squinted at the Cop's name tag, "...Jenson. Mr. Jenson I do not make the rules. My agency does. My job is to follow those rules, and the rules state that in order for us to continue being active in the field we will be required to wear masks. It has not always been this way, but it's a good fail-safe against murderous criminals and all that. We have ALLOT of people wanting to bring down the Police, and the Government: including the Mafia. So in order to protect our families our identity MUST be kept a secret." "But Mr. Judge you don't even work for the Police. You work for some random agency. How do we know we can trust you? You "Agents" were always questionable in your motives." "Mr. Jenson I can assure you and the police that I am on your side." Jenson made a concerned expression, but relaxed, "If you say so Mr. Judge. Can I ask you something else? This interview has been going on for a while, so we need to wrap this up" The Judge leaned back in his chair, and crossed his fingers, "You may." "What do you do?" "Excuse me?" "You're a Judge right?" "If you mean the kind of Judge that sits in a court-house hearing peoples cases and all that: no. I am not that kind of Judge." "Then what are you?", Jenson leaned forward to hear the Judge's answer. "I... am allowed to make the same decisions a regular Judge does, but I am not restricted to the court-house. I am basically a field Judge who makes decisions on the spot: which could be anywhere since I have universal jurisdiction. This way the Police, and the Government don't have to go through all the paperwork, and they still get their criminal." "Soo... you can sentence anyone to death, and it would be legal?" The Judge did not answer for a few seconds, but politely replied, "Yes." "What?! Who comes up with this? That sounds like the worst thing I've ever heard! You sound like an executioner..." "Tell that to your Government then. We're not on 21st century Earth, Jenson." "Why would we be there?" "You don't know about the history of the Judges on Earth?" "No. I barely even read anything related to Earth." "Oh. Well let me start with... wait" The Judge touched some transmitter on the side of their mask, and tilted their head. A moment later the Judge stood from their chair, "Sorry Jenson, I have to go. Excuse me." The Judge adjusted their mask, and walked to the door... "Wait!" the Judge stopped to look at the Cop, "What is it? I'm sorry Officer, but I have somewhere I need to be right now. I think that's enough questions for-" "You say you hide your identity to keep yourself safe from people like the Mafia... how do you know you're truly safe? How do you know you're safe with me?" The Judge, puzzled, turned partially to see the Cop pointing a silenced Magnum at them, "Sit down... Mr Centurion". Slowly, Centurion turned and sat back down in his chair. "Give me your mask", a robotic shield was removed to show Centurion's true face. His eyes glared at the supposed Cop with uncertainty. The face of the Cop shimmered and faded away to reveal a mask like the one Centurion was wearing. As Jenson spoke their voice lowered in pitch until it was nothing but a robotic drawl, "You are an agent codenamed "TheSilverCenturion". All of these key roles are given these names instead of their real names. How did you know you could trust me Mr. Centurion when you and your fellow agents are just as secretive as us? How can we tell each other apart? The answer is you can't" Centurion motioned their hand to their pocket, but Jenson shook it's head. Another gun like the one Jenson was holding stuck out from the table, and into Centurion's stomach, "Don't even think about it. The silencer underneath the table is hard-wired to the frequency your alarm button runs on. You press that button and the gun will discharge. Give me the alarm". Reluctantly, Centurion handed over the alarm. He was helpless now. "Mr. Centurion. My colleagues have slaved for quite a long time to... acquire you. It was not easy to do what I'm doing right now" "Lower the weapon and I might consider not killing you... yet." "Heheheh you would like that wouldn't you Mr. Centurion? And you only began this job not even a few weeks ago... such a waste." Jenson positioned the Silencer on the table, and pressed a button within it's uniform. The door behind Centurion made a locking noise, "Centurion... I... will make a deal with you." "What makes you think I'll work with a scumbag like you?" "Well Centurion. As you can see I'm not your run-of-the-mill scumbag. I am a... professional. A scumbag would rob you blind, and leave you for dead. I am a better class of criminal... let's not call it criminal. Let's call it a... shark." "Whatever you decide to call yourself... you're still a low-life thug, Jenson. If that's even your name..." "We all have codenames, Mr. Centurion. Some are born with them, and others earn them. Anyway about the deal... I will let you live IF... you join us." "And who might the "Us" be?" The being leaned forward. It's eyes showed no sign of humanity, "Our influence hasn't been noticed in a long while, but you should know who we are..." Centurion thought for a second. He remembered the stories about the Mafians some fellow Agents told him during training, "No... you're-" "That's right Mr. Centurion. I am a Mafian. We would like to make your acquaintance, but willingly. Do not force us to use more extreme measures." "You're anarchists. You're just a group of monsters. I'll never join you." Centurion's hand nudged towards a nightstick latched to his chair. "Tsk tsk. I would have expected more of you Mr. Centurion." Jenson stood from it's chair, and pointed it's magnum directly at Centurion's forehead, "Pity that we didn't meet in the Police Nessus Delta in the wilderness. The wolves would have feasted on your flesh then. Farewell Mr. Centurion." A nightstick was detached from a chair, and smashed against a magnum's silencer: it could be used no longer. The two humans fought within the cold recesses of the small room inside the massive complex. Centurion swung at Jenson's face, but missed by a few inches. Jenson crunched it's knuckles into Centurion's side. Centurion called for help numerous times, but none of these sounds registered outside of the room. Patterns of black triangular shapes made sure of that. The two fought for what could have been an hour. The two attacked each other like alley cats: facing off, relentlessly brawling, and then backing off for the next round. It's strange that no-one checked up on the two during that time. The Mafian probably set that up as well... Each figure held up their fists and circled the room against the other. Neither of them seemed like they were ready to give up, "Heh... heh... Mr... Centurion... you fight well... your talent will BE MISSED-", the Mafian thrust it's fist into Centurion's jaw, and the Judge returned the favor. Jenson's mask malfunctioned and stuttered. Centurion seized the opportunity, and tackled Jenson to the floor. His fists each took turns smacking the Mafian's face for nearly a minute. Centurion's rage clouded his judgement. Jenson kneed the Judge in the chest, headbutted him, and heaved him off, "Ahhg... nnng", the Mafian removed the mask and held it at arm's length, "Such fragile technology. You might as well see my face Centurion. You won't survive anyway..." Jenson shuffled over to Centurion's fatigued body, and held him by the throat. Centurion's feet no longer touched the ground. The nearly lifeless body of the Judge arched in the air, and landed on the table with the sound of ribs and bones cracking. The Mafian remembered the Magnum that was underneath the table's top, and removed it. The weapon was cocked, fired, and thrown into a trash can in the corner. The Mafian opened the room's window and escaped into the black of night... but not before leaving a message comprised of Centurion's blood on the wall... "...and justice for all." End of Scene 2, part 1 TheSilverCenturion, Judge, Executed by Mafia Snitch appoints Delpen9 to be on the Suspect List EDIT: Jailkeeper removes Delpen9 from the Suspect List Suspects: Ruby Rose BATMAN Pbrabbit Delpen9 You have 48 hours to vote who dies.
  13. Updated the thread to include new ingormation as well as correcting old information. 5 of the Pre-Order Skulls have been listed as unlocked for everyone with 1 still locked.
  14. Apparently this map is 'Regret' in Halo 5 -

    1. Delpen9


      leAnonkj befjvbzljfnlsrnboljfnobnbo

  15. Is there going to be an MCC update like every week or so from now on?

    1. E-Runner


      brb I'll ask my friends at 343 LEL JK

  16. They looked the same to me. We humans have allot of diversity when it comes to how we look. I bet the same is said for the Covenant species: including the Elites.
  17. Round 1, conclusion Scene 1, part 2: A strong cold breeze swept through the streets. A newly fallen leaf, misshapen & twisted, twirled through the air. It's familiar structure deceived a circling Falcon into giving chase. For an eternity they danced. The claws of the raptor nearly grasped the matter on numerous occasions, but not once did they make good on their threat. Eventually the leaf glided near a large courtyard surrounded by thick walls, and razor wire. The Falcon continued it's chase. A figure cloaked in a familiar-but-distinguishable trench coat peeked over the massive wall. They pulled some sort of communication device from their pocket, and put it up to their mouth... - - - - - The air inside of the massive complex was warm, but empty. Originally, four suspects were handcuffed to their chairs (which were bolted to the floors) inside different interrogation rooms, and were consistently watched by a presiding officer. As the days passed the number of suspects dwindled until only one remained. In one of these rooms sat a grisly officer with sweat rolling down his neck. He loosened up his collar to increase airflow, "They wanted to make this easy on you-" Rue slammed her fist into the table as hard as she could "I'M INNOCENT!! You're killing the wrong person!". "Look lady. The law states that the prime suspect will be be executed once they are proved to have the largest stake in a murder. You were caught with the victim's helmet... which was covered in blood-" Rue interrupted, "NO! I did not take that! Someone's framing me. I've told you this a hundred times!! I woke up and found it just laying there. The guy or whoever did the murder-" The cop straightened his posture, and leaned forward, "-AND the helmet had your finger prints all over it. Not to mention that they were also inside the victim's apartment", he sternly pointed at her with scorn, "YOU were in there. YOU did it. YOU will pay for it. This session is over" the man stood from his chair and called outside. Four officers entered, and tried to restrain Rue. They couldn't hold her down. "NOOOOOOOO!!!" Rue punched one of the officers in the gut, and kicked another in the groin. Each of the officers received a crushing blow. "That's it!", the interrogator pulled his nightstick, and slammed it across Rue's forehead. She went limp. Her connection to the chair was cut before she could wake to thrash about again. Each of the officers left with at least one broken rib. 2 days passed. Rue was given a single phone call. She was hit again for not releasing the phone. Soon after she was led out into a desolate courtyard. Her orange jumpsuit could have blinded bystanders, if there were any. 4 sunglass-wearing men clad in uniforms stood in front of Rue with... a different man at the side? An observer? A Falcon was hovering right above two large robotic entities behind the line of men. Rue saw the words "Yeti" and "Yang" embedded on each of their breast-plates as she was drug in. One of them, the Yeti one apparently, let out a bellowing cry, "Rue. You have been charged with the murder of Michael J. Caboose, and are sentenced to death. Do you have any last words?" A burly officer prepared his rifle while Rule stood chained against a large wooden pole. She slowly looked up as if she was going to respond. "Go. To. Hell." A leaf cut a path around the courtyard. It's surface collided strangely with a metal projectile. The Falcon stopped it's vendetta and flew away. End of Scene 1, part 2 Rue, Civilian, Lynched You have 48 hours until the next Round/Scene is posted.
  18. Votes are locked. Scene 1, Part 2 will be posted soon. Your time is up Rue.
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