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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. The first Round is usually the most hectic. Later on you will gather more evidence, and useful information to choose who to vote for... most of the time. Everyone usually takes a blind shot during Rounds 1&2. Oh and you aren't forced to vote. You can withdraw your vote at any time. The votes will be locked around 5 hours from now.
  2. What? There is no confirmation. I don't know where you got that from. EDIT: OHHHHHH I get it. The Scene with the Detective in the robotic voice, and mask. Yeah I didn't do that to nod to him. I did that to keep his/her identity anonymous. The Detective can be anyone unless proved other wise. Sorry. He can be anyone. You can be anyone. There is nothing yet to prove who each of you are unless the Detective starts giving some info out... which I'm not telling them to do. That's a decision they make. Commander Host contacting Yang, signing out woooooooooooooooosh.
  3. Oh yeah forgot. I kinda did the gender thing wrong. Whatever gender of the roles was shown in the Scene (besides Caboose) is unreliable. There's my 2 cents.
  4. Round 1, Scene 1 of Mafia 8.0 is up - http://343i.org/2li

  5. Round 1 Scene 1, part 1: "Welcome to the Grande Royal! We hope you enjoy your stay!" "What kind of burrito is that? "Grand Eh Royal"... I want some" Caboose retrieved his room key from the woman at the front desk after walking through a checkpoint. The hotel was bustling with tourists; not a strange sight at the dead of night from where it's situated. People from all over the country stayed here to get easy access to the casinos across the street... and more or less their financial doom. At the head of this empire sat a mysterious man... or woman. It's unclear what his... or her intentions are, but it would be best not to cross him... her... dangit. Rumor has it that the casinos, and hotels... are run by the Mafia. It's just a rumor of course... damn I think too much. Caboose took a sip from his Juice Box. "Man Mr. Juice, you're heavy. Must be... Ultra Juice". Corner after corner Caboose winded until he came upon the room labeled "80". A person in a trench-coat waited in the closet behind the door with their hand concealed. A key was thrust into the lock. A door opened, and a weary soul went to settle down for the night... - - - - - "Well damn" The Cop examined the poor man. His blood was strewn about the apartment. "What kind of person would do this?" "Well the Mafians apparently run these establishments, so they might have something to do with it", the Cop holstered his pistol and greeted the Detective with a stern handshake. "Glad you're here. It's a mess. Poor guy got stabbed- wait. Why are you wearing that mask? And why does your voice sound all... robotic? Show me your badge." The Detective flashed the badge hanging around their neck, "Sorry I can't tell you about the mask, Officer." the Cop raised his brow, and continued the assessment, "Anyway, the guy got slashed in the jugular after a struggle. The assailant then let him bleed out, and proceeded to scrub his blood all over the walls, but only after the victim rolled around in his own blood while holding a... Orange... Juice box. The man's name was... Michael J. Caboose: a tourist from some place called "Coagulation". There seems to be no records of it, or where Caboose comes from. All we know is that he tested some sort of simulation for a Government Agency... which seems a little far-fetched since the witnesses described Caboose as extremely eccentric, and horribly clumsy. In any case this is the only information we've got." "We've got a few suspects in custody. One in particular was seen skulking around the apartment not that long after the Assailant bailed, and they are our prime suspect". "Thank you, Officer. Can I study the scene in privacy please?" The Cop let out a stressful sigh, "Sure. I wanted to get out of here the moment I got here, hehe. I'll be outside if you need anything" the man patted the Detective on the back, and walked out into the hallway to join the other investigators. The Detective put on some elastic gloves, and removed the Juice Box from Caboose's hand. "Heavy... this isn't a Juice Box". The Juice was turned to find a small patch of white on the back. A fingernail handle lay within it. The Detective opened the compartment to find a tape recorder... the Detective pressed the play button. "Hello, Detective" The Detective in a fit of surprise nearly dropped the recorder, but kept their grip. The message with the robotic voice continued, "We know you're there. I know you're there. Glorious blood is painted on the walls... and we are the ones who have molded it with our overburdened hands. You believed we were defeated? No. You're kind is a disease, and we are the answer. The blood of this man is perfect. Clean of sin. But we have made it so. 7 was once our sacred symbol... but now 8 has taken it's mantle." "The only way for your kind to be cleansed... is for there to be death. We are it's angels. We are the acolytes: the nephalim. We... are the Mafia. And your sins will be cleansed soon enough". End of Scene 1, part 1 Caboose the Ace, Civilian, Executed by Mafia Suspects Yoshi1176 Santazer Axilus Prime Rue You have 48 hours to vote who dies.
  6. The only thing I find annoying is that they didn't bother to tell us what happened to the Bioweapon tested on Sedra. What happened to all those people? Did they get cured? Locke is shown walking around on there so it's safe to assume that the Bioweapon didn't last for long, but a good explanation would have been nice. That's all I can think of. Everything else about the show was fine to me. It' delved into more philosophical things like the power of life & death, and when the time for someone to make the hard choices begins. But who? Who gets to survive, and who gets to die? I already knew Locke was going to be the one who lives, but I liked how he still volunteered to stay behind. Very gritty. I also like how they kind of strayed from having too much influence from the Spartans. They were mentioned (including the Chief) a few times, but not too much. Randall was a former Spartan, but didn't affiliate himself with the people who made him who he became.
  7. Mafia 8.0 has 2-3 spots open for newcomers. Reply in the thread, and you will be added - http://343i.org/2lf

  8. There's a bunch of other things Offbeat is used for, and separating it from Forum Games I think would be highly beneficial.
  9. Well Delpen if you haven't noticed we could only get 18 players to join the game. I promoted the game for like a week. I might add some newcomers if enough of them want to join in. Unfortunately I can only think of 2 people who actually wanted to join.
  10. Mind = Blown Oh I forgot to mention this, but there are 5 Mafians this game instead of the 4 we agreed on a few days ago. There was an honest mix-up in the PMs. Looks like 8.0 will potentially get 6 Mafians this game if the Hacker chooses someone new.
  11. I should have put that in the thread. "Please remember the family tradition of accusing each other of being Mafia when the game starts! Good tidings for all!" Good times.
  12. PMs have been sent. Mafia 8.0 has begun! You have 48 hours.
  13. We're about to. The Ultimate Mafia, 8.0 is about to start!
  14. Don't forget the 3 humongous Forge Canvases for Halo 2: Anniversary.
  15. If we can get the full 24 attendees then I'll add another Mafian.
  16. Alright, we'll need a few more sign-ups before we can start the game. At this point I believe nearly everything for 8.0 is final. Once we get enough sign-ups we'll start the game, and nothing from 8.0 then on will not be changed. So if you have any suggestions/concerns about anything in 8.0 then feel free to voice them while you can.
  17. That's what I was thinking too. It would kind of make investigations void unless the Host tells the Detective that their role changed: which would certainly give away that they are the new Mafian. Votes are locked. Sniper's Ultimate is staying the same. However the question whether Ultimates should be locked, or unlocked I will leave to RNG to decide. The game needs to get moving. Sorry if RNG chooses the thing you didn't want. You can't blame me then.
  18. Sorry for the late reply. Welcome to the forums! 343i is working 'round the clock to fixing the problems with the MCC. They even delayed Spartan Strike to 2015 so they could focus on getting the game right.
  19. They choose someone to be on the Suspect List the following round. I'll fix the typo. The person who is sentenced dies along with the person who was voted out. This is shown in the simulation tab.
  20. It's just 1 person. I don't think that would be much of a problem. Not to mention the Detective could tell a few people who they investigated: including the Sniper.
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