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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. I'm gonna need a little Vanilla Ice for my Ice-T

  2. 5 - The Director (Ledgend1221, Mereel, Dexter Grif, Ruby Rose, Axilus Prime) 4 - Mereel (The Director, rrhuntington, Sikslik7, Cerulean)
  3. I wanted to survive the game, but I just had to get voted out didn't I? Doesn't Protown have the "if you're Civvy, then we'll know who's not Mafia, and who to trust" justification? I think that applies here. I've had to deal with that 3 different times now in the current, and previous Mafia games. If you don't survive this game then there's always 8.0.
  4. 3 - The Director (Ledgend1221, Mereel, Dexter Grif) 3 - Mereel (The Director, rrhuntington, Sikslik7) All 3 Mafians sitting in a tree... I'm talking about the ones voting for Mereel.
  5. He's wrong because I actually have ALLOT of clues about allot of people in this game. PS: Is Mafia won by revealing all the information you've accumulated? No. You'll lose that way.
  6. It's obviously a tough choice between Mereel and TD. It's hard to be reliable when you barely know who to vote for. You Mafians were quick to vote out Mereel, so it's safe to say that TD is the better choice. If TD isn't Mafia then we'll know who to vote for next time. You have no idea.
  7. Nope. Vote The Director. If Mereel is a Civvy then I bet he'll end up getting executed in a future round. I'm fo real this time. Vote The Director. I optimis-promise
  8. Looks like we've got 2 Protowns here. I say we should go even, and let RNG decide who to kill. OR kill Mereel because he's being a weirder.
  9. Note to Self: Watch out for Anti-Nukes

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      If an anti-nuke is coming for you just reverse the polarity.

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Yes, as stated on Page 54 of Ned's School Survival Guide.

  10. I c u lurking Cerulean. Do you really want to host Cerulean? Yes? Delpen9... well wait you said you didn't want to. Yang? Ello? Who the hell is doing this? Am I co hosting, or hosting, or someone else is hosting or what? I'm bout to just lock and load host 8.0 already.... well after 7.0 is over. PS: 7.0 is getting gud so stay tuned.
  11. Idk. If Delpen9, or Yang have anything to say about it. I'd be willing to do 8.0 if they wanted me to. If they want to do it then that's fine by me.
  12. Yang or Delpen asked me like a month ago if I wanted to co host 8.0 with them, and I showed interest. So technically me, Yang, and Delpen had a grab for 8.0 long before you people.
  13. Sorry. We'll know who's Mafia soon enough. 4 - TK666 (The Director, Cerulean, Dexter Grif, Axilus Prime) 2 - The Director ( Mereel, Ledgend1221) 0 - Yang Xiao Long 1 - rrhuntington (Sikslik7)
  14. I've figured something out. Mereel/TK666 isn't Mafia. Everyone is quick to vote him out. Why? You would have 2 Mafians left. I think I know who is Mafia now: Sikslik7 The Director Cerulean Vote the Director.
  15. Yes. The Beta starts for everyone who has the MCC on December 29th.
  16. The Detective investigated Yoshi before he was killed. These investigations are legit. Lol I pinned you as Mafia yesterday. Chop chop. 4 - TK666 (Cerulean, Ledgend1221, Dexter Grif) 1 - The Director (Mereel) 0 - SlenderYang 1 - rrhuntington (Sikslik7) 1 of these is Mafia. 1 of these is the Juggernaut. rrhuntington Mereel The Director Cerulean Oh and Mereel, if you're a Civvy then you're doing an absolute horrible job of defending yourself.
  17. Congratulations. You just sealed your fate. It's decided. Vote Mereel/TK666 and you'll have your Mafian.
  18. Don't vote Yang or The Director. Trust me. rrhuntington or TK666 are your best bets.
  19. The Jailkeeper was killed quite literally on the page before this one lol Yosh1176 is the Jailkeeper.
  20. I got a custom Ro Sham Bo map & gametype up on my MCC Fileshare if you want to check it out. GT is SelfDestruct217.

  21. Yo gabea101, welcome to the forum! Nice vid.
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