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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Well I guess you can't use the Roundups to figure out things as much as before... if at all now. + due to the fact that there can be 4 Mafians per Lynch ANY person who was confirmed using Scene Deduction is now unconfirmed. So Yang could be Mafia for all we know. The Roundups are getting a nerf from me AKA I'm not going to post them as much.
  2. How would it benefit you? You just saved a potential Mafian, and now you're asking us to kill him. Either you just wasted your 1 good power, or something fishy is going on here.
  3. Mafia 7.0 Roundup #4 Roundups 1-3 are obsolete. Unease P34nut, lynched. Yoshi1176 (Jailkeeper) was executed.
  4. Hasn't it occurred to you that maybe Yoshi DID help the Mafians, but he was killed because he was of no use to them anymore?
  5. You look like a Mafian to me, so I accuse you. You can defend yourself however you want. Octillion.
  6. Yaaay I'm 19. Worthy of an Event maybe...?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maestro


      You can now enjoy all of the vices Canada has to offer.

    3. Akali


      I did it so maybe

    4. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Oh wow, forgot. X(


      Hope you're having a great birthday, though! ^_^

  7. Welcome to the forum, UMBRELLA. That's a snazzy looking Gundam right there. I think the Prototype from Halo: Legend's... The Prototype fits the mobile suit bill.
  8. This. Strangely when I was playing, the Achievements would only unlock when I was online. The ones I unlocked offline were afk, and unlocked when I got online. I don't know why. I have also heard that Coop is glitchy, so maybe you experienced a glitch?
  9. 1- Unease P34nut (The Director) 0 - Sikslik7 0 - Ruby Rose 3 - Null (Ledgend1221, Yoshi1176, Sikslik7) X- Dexter Grif
  10. Good game. Forge is great. Especially Halo 2: Anniversary. I haven't played Matchmakng or Custom Games with people yet. Campaign is a blast. I'm not sure if Coop works though. I'm kinda saving the experience for when my cousin comes over next. The only problem I have is that the Achievements only unlock when you're online. If you unlock an Achievement offline then it will stay dormant, and officially unlock when you're on Xbox Live.
  11. "Recent games". You were Detective like 3-4 games ago. If I was Detective then I'd immediately contact the Medic and any Ghost Civvy: NOT pick favorites with the Ghosts, and relay your findings only to that one person (which Blake is withholding). Even the freaking Medic contacted me. You're only serving to alienate the Protowns from each other.
  12. Ohh ok, got it. I'll look around the GameCube games and see what I can do.
  13. You should do Metroid, Gauntlet, Super Smash Bros Melee, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Resident Evil 4, and... Idk whatever lol. I'd love to contribute too if you'd like It's fine if you don't. I'm loving the concept of this.
  14. The Mafians of 6.0 killed people who were confirmed so the rest of Protown didn't know who to trust. They were immediate targets.
  15. Mafia 7.0 Roundup #3 Roundups 1 & 2 are obsolete. Ultimate Remnant was capped by the Sniper. Rue was executed. Caboose was lynched.
  16. H2A Forge is freaking great.

  17. Then the Detective should give the role to someone who would actually USE IT. It's the lack of activity from the Detective that's dragging Protown down.
  18. Dear Detective ~ Why have you not contacted me? You do know I'm a dead Civvy right? And that the MEDIC contacted me? I feel like the Detectives have been doing the most horrible jobs the last few games.
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