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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. If scene deduction (the process of elimination of suspects in the Scenes) doesn't prove people Mafia and isn't fact, then I don't know what is. It's NOT my opinion. You'll thank me later when we kill Mafians using my method.
  2. It's the same: except your shields don't recharge when sprinting, and you have Mobility basically (infinite sprint). So if your shields are down, and you want to escape then you're kinda outta luck. You'd be better off just walking around and into cover. Running isn't that much of a valid tactic anymore.
  3. I got the MCC and Xbone

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Oh man that's a few days after my B-Day lol. I was supposed to get mine on the 17th, but she was nice to me and gave it to me early.


      Just one-ish more week Maggs c:

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime



      ...I'm the only one here without it now aren't I. :(

    4. Rue
  4. I with this dudebro. I mean I don't understand how having Community Forum in the header makes us unaffiliated with 343i. I'm not really "knowledgeable" about Company policy, but from a glance it makes me think this is the official Community for 343 Industries (that's even the name of the site).
  5. I'm looking forward to New Horizon's flyby of Pluto in Summer of 2015... you to know get actual images of Pluto for the first time. This is cool too. That catch an asteroid thing, and bring it to an orbit around the Moon to study is intriguing.
  6. This is not the thread to post such a question like that, so I urge you make a standalone topic over in the Master Chief Collection area of the Forum. You can contact 343i on HaloWaypoint via the Forums, or via Email.
  7. He'd be armed to the teeth. To me that looks a little unprofessional. How is he supposed to change weapons without fumbling and dropping some of them? If he want's to dual wield the Pistols, but is carrying a LightRifle... where's he going to put the LightRifle? He'd have to drop it. And yes I do get your point. For the sake of gameplay something like that wouldn't normally happen, but it can. I said "...even if it's not entirely close to the canonical representation", which I meant the gameplay limitations keep the Spartans from being canonical Spartans. But I think there's room to allow more connection between gameplay and canon.
  8. Why would you want to carry 4 weapons? Let alone 3? We've gotten this far with just 2 weapons, and I haven't seen anyone complain that that was too low (except you). And I am being serious.
  9. Because I think it's damn time Spartans feel like Spartans: even if it's not entirely close to the canonical representation. And you can carry 3 weapons: A detached turret, and 2 guns. You could also just pick up whatever gun is laying around, and ditch your guns.
  10. I complained that the Spartans weren't actually Spartans in Halo 3. Because I thought Halo 3 was slow as hell. I've also played Crysis 2, and 3. I don't remember much, but I know the gameplay of Crysis 2 was alright. Can a Spartan pick up and throw another Player? No, that's in Crysis. Can a Spartan become cloaked on the fly when he wants to? No, you have to have an AA, or AA Powerup for that. Can a Spartan use some Rage mode? Yes, but you have to have the Damage Boost powerup, and it's not readily available to you from the start.
  11. Dawn, Requiem, Forerunner, Infinity, Reclaimer, Shutdown, Composer, Midnight
  12. They delete things which are offensive to the Community.
  13. I started playing with Halo 2, or Halo: CE on the original Xbox (eventually I got both). I never played on XBL for both of those games. It escalated to Halo 3, and Halo 3: ODST. Still no XBL. Finally, Reach became the first game I played legitimately on XBL. The second Halo I played legitimately was Halo 4. I could never get into Halo 3's XBL. It was too slow for me. Does that make me any less of a Halo fan for starting Live with Reach & 4? No, definitely not. The same is said for everyone else, and for people who started with Reach/4. Halo is not reserved for just the veterans of the series. Why do you think 343i constantly wants new people to experience the Franchise? So they can share the experience too. You ask for Halo to evolve but bash Halo 5 for doing exactly what you wanted it to do in the first place (but you didn't know what you wanted from Halo 5 besides the game evolving). You ask for change, but cringe when it comes. Can you tell me what makes a Halo game? I could. It's all a matter of opinion. My ideas would be just as valid as yours & everyone elses. Get 20 different Halo fans from around the world together to decide what should, and should not be in a Halo game, and I bet they'll make little, if any progress. So in order for the game to evolve... there has to be change. And that change will always turn people away. 343i has to reach a sweet spot of not too little, but not too much change: a daunting task with such a large franchise such as Halo. I realize the fiasco that was Halo 4. It was a shame since the game was soo beautiful. I hated to see Halo 4 die. I definitely WOULD NOT want that to happen again. I like what 343i is doing so far with Halo 5. It's strange really. Before the launch of Halo 4 I felt the same way, and I ended up loving that game. I'm hoping the same becomes true with Halo 5.
  14. They're supposed to activate now. They're unlocked on December 12th for everyone.
  15. It wouldn't be Halo if there was no Controller Scheme diversity (not to mention you'd make allot of people mad), so I can say with assurance that Halo 5 will feature more Control Schemes that map the gameplay buttons differently. I'd certainly prefer Green Thumb instead of that 1 controller scheme, but I can conform if I want.
  16. You have original Halo 2. It's in the Master Chief Collection. The original MP is crammed in there ready to play at your leisure (though everyone seems to be experiencing server issues which I think won't last). We're talking original graphics here. The main difference is that the game is 1080p 60fps compared to the original being... however p 22-30fps or something. I don't see a separate Halo 2 game for Xbox One happening. At least not any time soon. If you're willing to pay 60$ for Halo 2 alone then I think you might as well get some extra content with the package: as in the rest of the stuff in the Master Chief Collection.
  17. Added ALLOT of new information to the Halo 5: Beta thread - http://343i.org/2j3

  18. No. New sound effects will stay with the new Graphics, and old sound effects will stay with the old graphics.
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