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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. The Master Chief Collection game manual was posted online today on xboxlive.com, and included a full list of all the MCC Skulls, and Halo 2: Anniversary Skulls. There's also some other information I'll touch on... but first we'll start with Skulls: - All the skulls from the previous games are making a return. - The original skulls in Halo 2 are still there. - 2 of the Skulls in H2A are not unlocked in the Campaign. Their requirements are in the Skull list below. - The Grunt Funeral skull is not hidden in CE since it was pre-order DLC, and therefore does not have an achievement tied to it. It also seems that Grunt Funeral will be unlocked from the start. - Most skulls spanning across Halo: CE, 2, and 3 will unlock achievements once found. Halo 4 has no skull finding achievements (since there's no skulls hidden in it's campaign). - All the Halo 3, and Halo 4 Skulls are unlocked from the start. The Halo 3 skulls are still hidden in the Campaign. - You can now toggle Halo 4 skulls in Spartan Ops. All the Master Chief Collection Skulls: Miscellaneous information from the Game Manual: - Specializations for Halo 4 are gone. - All 5 Loadouts, and Loadout items for Halo 4 are unlocked from the start. Specialization Loadout Perk exclusive items are also unlocked. - It is currently unknown what will become of the Specialization exclusive Armor, and Weapon Skins. - The 3 add-on Perks for Halo 4 don't seem to be included from the start. - Theater is only available for Halo 2: Anniversary (I'm not sure if it's fully there for H2A), Halo 3, and Halo 4 (though the availability to each of those games is questionable). Theater is not in Halo: CE or Halo 2. - Theater clips cannot be permanently saved to your File Share. You can save clips using Xbox DVR. - The number of people who can be in a Forge game at a time is maxed at 8. - A popup to download the Halo Channel app may appear the first time you watch Halo: Nightfall, but it's unknown if you need the app to watch the show. - Subtitles for all the games can be toggled on or off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Sources: XboxLive.com, Halo4Nation https://dlassets-ssl.xboxlive.com/public/content/f33009f4-14ff-4821-94e3-c3573c868c2e/GameManual/97d0359f-4eb2-45ea-af0d-bd3f90529585/en-US/index.html#TOC http://halo4nation.com/master-chief-collection/halo-2-anniversary-skulls-list/
  2. Nu. I only art for m3. Congrats bruh on the 1 year annivursry. Pls exus mi languag. Turkys cannt typ very wel.
  3. We have to wait for Yang to post the final Lynch scene with Rue. Then it'll be over.
  4. Full MCC Skulls list, and information gathered from the Game Manual - http://343i.org/2hu

  5. The Master Chief Collection game manual was posted a while ago on xboxlive.com, and included a full list of all the MCC Skulls, and Halo 2: Anniversary Skulls. There's also some other information I'll touch on... but first we'll start with Skulls: - Most of the pre-order Skulls are now unlocked in the MCC (except for Feather, which is exclusive until March 27th it seems). Bandanna, Boom, Bonded Pair, Pinata, and Grunt Funeral are now unlocked. - All the skulls from the previous games are making a return with a few new ones for Halo 2. - The original skulls in Halo 2 are still there, and are listed below along with the other Skulls. Most of the original skulls in Halo 2 require you to play on Legendary to find. - You can use skulls with 0.00x multiplier (like Bandanna, and Scarab) to find skulls in the Campaigns, and still get achievements for them. - The skulls hidden on the Mythic maps in Halo 3 are still there, and can be found in Forge mode. - The Grunt Funeral skull is not hidden in CE since it was pre-order DLC, and therefore does not have an achievement tied to it. - Most skulls spanning across Halo: CE, 2, and 3 will unlock achievements once found. Halo 4 has no skull finding achievements (since there's no skulls hidden in it's campaign). - All of the Skulls are unlocked from the start except for the "Swarm" Skull in Halo 2. - You can now toggle Halo 4 skulls in Spartan Ops. - Skulls with a Score Multiplier of 0, when activated, cannot earn you specific Achievements in the MCC (such as the Scarab & Bandanna Skulls). For a list of all the pre-order bonuses head here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/35475-halo-the-master-chief-collection-pre-order-skulls-and-bonuses/ All Skulls in the MCC list that are Pre-Order bonuses & miscellaneous offers will be denoted by a ***. All original Halo 2 Skulls that can be found in the Campaign will be denoted by this color, and every other skull will be this color. All the Master Chief Collection Skulls & LASO Playlists: Miscellaneous information from the Game Manual: - Specializations for Halo 4 are gone. The Specialization exclusive armor & skins are unlocked from the start. - All 5 Loadouts, and Loadout items for Halo 4 are unlocked from the start. Specialization Loadout Perk exclusive items are also unlocked. - The 3 add-on Perks for Halo 4 don't seem to be included from the start. - Theater is only available for Halo 2: Anniversary (I'm not sure if it's fully there for H2A), Halo 3, and Halo 4 (though the availability to each of those games is questionable). Theater is not in Halo: CE or Halo 2. - Theater clips cannot be permanently saved to your File Share. You can save clips using Xbox DVR. - The number of people who can be in a Forge game at a time is maxed at 8. - A popup to download the Halo Channel app may appear the first time you watch Halo: Nightfall, but it's unknown if you need the app to watch the show. - Subtitles for all the games can be toggled on or off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Sources: XboxLive.com, Halo4Nation https://dlassets-ssl.xboxlive.com/public/content/f33009f4-14ff-4821-94e3-c3573c868c2e/GameManual/97d0359f-4eb2-45ea-af0d-bd3f90529585/en-US/index.html#TOC http://halo4nation.com/master-chief-collection/halo-2-anniversary-skulls-list/ This post has been promoted to an article
  6. NO PROBREMO!!! Loved the Event. Gwam? GWAAAM?? GWAAM LAAM?? GWAAAAAAAM!!
  7. ODST: - Challenging - Maps are well built - Fun for awhile - Good co-op - Character customization carries into Firefight - No matchmaking - Gets repetitive after awhile - Firefight achievements take forever to get just for 10 gamerscore - Tougher without friends - Laggy online play Reach: - Challenging, to a point - Maps are well built - Good enemy variety, and game modes - Matchmaking - Rewards cR, and Challenges for playing - Spartans vs Elite players - Firefight settings can be altered - Character customization carries into Firefight - Firefight settings can be altered so you're invincible, and easy to get the achievements (not matchmaking) - Gets repetitive after awhile - Enemies spawn on the map with no explanation - Not as challenging as ODST - Potential for lag
  8. I don't know what I just read but I like it. In December you shall know me as Elf Destruct.
  9. There is no Recon Skull. Halo 3: ODST had all the Skulls unlocked from the start.
  10. Cortana's chip was destroyed in the console Chief put it in on the Didact's ship Mantle's Approach, so the one he has in Halo 5 is a different one. At the end of Escalation "The next 72 Hours" or something, Chief went back to Infinity, and had his armor repaired. The one shown in the trailer, and box art is a different crack caused by something else (maybe even the Didact again, but it's not the same crack). The first crack (after Halo 4, and during The Next 72 Hours) clearly showed a hole through the visor to Chief's eye, and was on his left side. The one shown in Halo 5 is on his right side, and is not entirely through the visor: it's just a crack in Halo 5.
  11. Got me a twitter, and followed the Forum twitter:
  12. So you wait until now to say I was a Mafian? Don't you think that would've helped Protown before the game ended? + There was no rule against suicide this game because of how outlandish it is. Go ask Centurion or Bnus if the rule against it can be in 7.0.
  13. WHERE'S YANG WITH THE SCENE!!! There goes the Halloween post... Gobble.
  14. Bombshell: Even MORE Achievements for the MCC! - http://343i.org/2hp

  15. Penitent Tangent? I change my answer to 04-343 Guilty Spark.
  16. PS: Yang, Delpen9 voted for Rue before the voting ended. Me & Rue didn't vote. You know what to do. Page 58. Here's Delpen9's vote before voting ended Yang.
  17. Rue Delpen9 Hellpen9 Rue is the only Civvy.
  18. I don't know if we'll be able to get a full party by Sunday, so if we don't here's the game plan: If at least 3-4 of us show up then we'll all hop into a Party to chat and get on the same team to play with randoms. If we only have 3 then I'll invite the random guy whos on our team. I'm also up to Campaign if you guys want to do that instead of Versus. As always, thanks for signing up.
  19. I wanna be the "Aliens" dude from History Channel, but I need a suit, and a sign that says "Aliens" on it. I've got the wig handled. I don't know if I'll be able to get the suit and sign by tomorrow.
  20. I would tell you but I can't get on Waypoint. It's glitched for me. I also don't know where the button is since it's a new layout and all, but I know it's there.
  21. You're just going to delay the inevitable. RNG kills one of us. 2/3 chance a Mafian dies, and Rue survives. Mafia execute her next round: Mafia wins. Protown has lost. Mafians win 6.0 PS: Here's Delpen9 voting for Rue right after the scene was posted. She's as good as dead.
  22. Go to halowaypoint and make a thread in the forums asking to get unbanned. Include everything you've said here.
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