What if we have a different Calender for Game Industry Events/Technology dates?
Imagine it being either below, or above the current Calender. Like the other Calender it can be closed if you don't like it. The Events on the Calender don't really need to all be about Halo. Just games, and technology events in general. Doesn't even have to have anything to do with video games so long as it's technological in nature, and is really significant (like people landing on Mars, or compelling new technology that's a game changer).
About say 8 or 10 of the most recent Industry Events will show up in the "Industry Calender" and you'd have to click a link to the full Calender to see all the future Events. Each event will also have more information on their own pages just like the Calender Events. It's the stuff you couldn't cram into the title.
You can also filter the Calender between platforms, like: Console, Handheld, PC, misc, and etc. Or just choose the "All" option.
The text would look like this kind of. Sorry for lack of diversity. I don't really keep up with stuff for PS4 or the other platforms: