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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. - Achievement Horse - Maze - Stronghold against invaders - Castle Wars - Fat Kid - Speed Halo - Wack A Mole - Drive or Die - Cops n' Robbers - Ro Sham Bo - Trash Compactor - Jenga - T-Rex Tank - Pitch Black - Jurassic Park - Ghostbusters
  2. We'll be anticipating your return, Arbiter!
  3. Well looks like we're going to have a tie. I don't think Rue will come back. :/ If no one voting for me or Shinya changes their vote then Hellpen9's vote should be the tie breaker (or else the tie will go to RNG).
  4. Oh, here's the original post on Instagram: http://instagram.com/p/uJwbV9yMgG/?modal=true
  5. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Here's the finished Iron Man drawing of mine. Kewl ain't it?

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram, Ludicrous-Speed on DeviantArt, and Self Destruct: the keeper of the Cheese Touch

  6. You've changed your mind about Mereel because he probably gave you 100 sketchy reasons why I'm Mafian in a PM. OR you actually took my evidence into account. He should be smart and not try to contact either me or you since one of us is Mafian. There's no possible way to prove which is which, like I've said 100 times. I can yell that I'm not the Mafian till my throat gives out, but it still wouldn't prove anything. I think you're over thinking this Del.
  7. I think it's "obvious" that Rue has been doing absolutely nothing in Mafia. Is that good enough evidence to show she's Mafia? No. You could say the same for everyone else who hasn't been doing anything. Vote: 2 - Shinya Kogami - (Self Destruct, Ultimate Remnant) 1 - Mereel - (Shinya Kogami) 1 - Rue - (Hellpen9) 1 - Self Destruct - (TK 666)
  8. The Boltshot does NOT need to go. The only thing it needs is a damage nerf, and it should be fine. On the other hand I think the real weapon that needs to go is... nothing. All the guns do their job, and do it well. There's no need to completely leave behind any of them when you could just tweak their settings in Halo 5.
  9. The game so far 9.0 Arachny / Ultimate Remnant, confirmed.
  10. Vote: 2 - Shinya Kogami - (Self Destruct, Ultimate Remnant) 1 - Mereel - (Shinya Kogami) 0 - Rue 0 - Self Destruct
  11. No hard feelings Shinya, but I have to vote you out. You already know my reasoning. I vote Shinya Kogami. Vote: 1 - Shinya Kogami 0 - Rue 0 - Self Destruct 0 - Mereel
  12. The game so far 8.0 Caboose the Ace, deaded.
  13. Caboose... I am extremely sorry for doubting you. We either A: Kill a Mafian now, or the 2 remaining ones will outvote us and kill us. :/ If you people don't want the Mafians winning then I suggest you get in here and start helping out.
  14. Hey BIG BEAR, welcome to the forums!
  15. UPDATE: The new projected time is: Sunday, November 2nd, 4 pm EST, 9 pm GMT This is because my internet is completely destroyed right now. As of yet it won't be able to handle Left 4 Dead 2 online: if I did play then it would be horribly laggy due to the Horde AI. My internet renews on the 2nd of every month, so I'll go ahead and move this to November 2nd. HOPEFULLY IT'LL WORK THEN!!
  16. I'm extremely sorry. My sister has my WiFi box, and I can't get on XBL until she gives it back. She told me she would at 6. By then I think it would be too late for some of the attendees, so the best thing would be to postpone. Again I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I fully plan to do the Event on another date though. Maybe next month.
  17. UPDATE: Left 4 Dead 2 Event is postponed. The new date is not certain yet. Sorry guys.
  18. What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?
  19. Without further ado... here's me for realz. Took this pic today when I was moving a ton of crap for my aunt, so I don't care if I look ragged. I also have a big chin... don't know why. Sometimes I like to sit, relax, and stroke my huge jaw. :spiteful:
  20. Hello MetalPolarBear ( \m/ ) welcome to the forums! I haven't read any of the books firsthand, but I have read synopsis and text from online. I am interested in the lore though. I read through Halopedia and Halo.wikia allot.
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