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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Well here's the main thread where I post every Event I have planned for the foreseeable future: before I post their own Sign-Up Threads. More information [MUST READ]: Event sorting: Event Banners, Current planned Events, and Event information You're free to reply to this thread however you like. Ideas, concerns, and suggestions are always welcome!
  2. EVERYONE! 343i just updated Halo 4 so that you recieve Achievements that apparently glitched up. I got 14 out of nowhere just by getting on. So... get on Halo 4.

  3. I just got on Halo 4, and suddenly 14 Achievements became unlocked. All of them Castle, Majestic, and Crimson Achievements which I don't believe I met the criteria to unlock in the first place... so: A: I DID meet the criteria and now I'm closer to 2000G B: I DIDN'T meet the criteria and this is just a fix for people who couldn't get the achievements for Crimson, Majestic, or Castle because... well... good luck finding those maps in Matchmaking. Either way I'm pretty ecstatic. Free Gs? Heck yea! lol
  4. Its a really long process. Its like adding layers and layers of color and using a blending tool to blend. Its hard to explain. Thanks guys for the support!
  5. From what I see the majority of Protown has been totally useless lately. That's a big help clarifying who could potentially be Mafian... They're probably all communicating behind the frontline, but it would REALLY HELP IF PROTOWN GOT IN HERE TO SAY A FEW THINGS EVERY NOW AND THEN. :c
  6. Here's my Iron Man drawing... well it's a progress pic, but still - http://343i.org/2f5

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Oh and thanks guy and gal! :D

    3. Guts


      OMGWTFBBQ How can you draw like that?! Its amazing!

    4. rrhuntington
  7. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Here's a progress pic for my Iron Man commission. As you can see it's nearly finished.

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram, and Self Destruct (Hell Verruckt) on here... or in some trans-dymensional area since I am a hellspawn after all...

  8. Erm... ehhh... I seriously don't know how that could happen... Maybe you did all the things the achievements asked, but they didn't unlock until now? But hey if there's free achievements and all... imma go get on Halo 4 real quick.
  9. Have you been living under a rock? Lol he's been dead. Voted out last round, or the round before.
  10. Oh I forgot Ruby was dead lol my bad. The Mafian was chosen before Scene 1 was posted, so Yang already had everything in place when he put it up. + If you had actually read my Recaps you would know this: Scene 2 Suspects: + Bnus + Unease N3wsnut - rrhuntington - Ledgend1221 There's 2 Mafians Max per Lynch (if Bnus was Mafian then that would break the rules), and we already know rrhunt and Ledgend are Mafian, so that makes Bnus Pro-Town.
  11. Ruby and Bnus are still alive.
  12. Is Ledgend getting roasted, or what? I hate to be impatient, I really do. But waiting a few extra days every Lynch/Execution is really elongating the game: no offense Yang. You're still a good host regardless. This'll go down as "The sloooooowest Mafia game ever". I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.
  13. There's allloooot of time between now and Halo 5, so maybe the experience will change... like Halo 4 did.
  14. Details on the Master Chief Collection Medals in this week's Bulletin, as posted by iBot: http://343i.org/2ez

  15. Ghostbusters Reboot... I don't know how I feel about that.

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I'm gonna have to reboot the directors right in the keister.

    2. Delpen9


      We're in the same boot.

  16. UPDATE: Bravo says that Warlord will NOT have a dynamic element: "No interactive element on Warlord. A few things were experimented with, but nothing stuck, and in the end it was confirmed that a good ol’ fashion match of 4v4 Warlock CTF cures any ailment."
  17. If all the weapons were on the same foot, and none of them were inferior to each other, then It would get boring reeeeeal quick. Each gun has it's own niche, and thrives in it. It's not rocket science that a gun outside of it's comfort zone won't survive (ie Using a Suppressor at long range).
  18. There has been ALLOT of news coming from IGN recently. You should keep a lookout on their site.
  19. H-H-H-H-H-H-H-HOOOORRRNNNNEEEEETTT!!!!!! Good work Axilus!
  20. IGN gives H2A's Campaign Resolution, MCC Resolution, and other bonus facts - http://343i.org/2eu

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