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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. IGN posted an in-depth look at the Master Chief Collection with a list of "Bonus Facts", one of them a quip on the Halo 2: Anniversary Resolution. Frank O'Connor assured not that long ago that 343i was doing everything it could to get H2A to full 1080p, but was unsure whether or not they could achieve it in time. The new information shows that his worry is now the case. Blur's H2A cinematics look so real, that it's scary (hehe) In the BF (Bonus Fact... there's literally no other way to describe it) 343i Executive Producer Dan Ayoub told IGN: “During development we were really pleased with the way the engine and buffer allowed us to switch instantly between classic and Anniversary engines that are running simultaneously – however that, as you might expect, put a hit on resolution." "The campaign of Halo 2: Anniversary looked fantastic at 720p with the level of detail and clarity it gave us, but like every other aspect of the game and tech, we wanted to push it further. So in the last weeks of development, our teams were able to meet a stretch goal and the campaign of Halo 2: Anniversary now runs 60 fps at a crisp resolution of 1328x1080, which is a significant and meaningful boost in image quality we think fans are really going to appreciate. All of the other games across the entire package of The Master Chief Collection run 60 fps at 1920x1080 native.” So the final resolution for both the H2/H2A Campaign is 1328x1080p, and the rest of MCC runs at 1920x1080p native. Side Note: Dynamic Elements (like the stalactites of Lockdown) can be removed in Forge Before the resolution revelation IGN posted a few facts about The Master Chief Collection that were unknown at this point. Here's the near-full-letter quote of the list: There is no confirmation yet for Pre-Loading the MCC. Halo 3 and Halo 4 make use of the Xbox One controller's impulse triggers out of the box. Halo: CE and Halo 2 may have that functionality added in via a game update shortly after release. The Scorpion tank is in the Coagulation Anniversary remake, but you have to turn it on in Forge. In classic Halo 2 multiplayer, the Ghost's fuel tank could be shot, causing the Ghost to explode. This is also possible in the Halo 2-emulating Xbox One engine that runs the six Anniversary maps. 343i states - "We had to get Havok to recreate aspects of the original physics code used for Halo 2,". Halo: CE Anniversary's Kinect features are not supported in MCC. Halo: CE's multiplayer maps are the PC versions of the maps due to resolution, but their settings, such as spawn points, are set to make them play exactly as the original Xbox versions (i.e. the Banshee won't be on Blood Gulch). - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: IGN http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/10/07/the-horse-you-rode-in-on-a-halo-the-master-chief-collection-story-ign-first
  2. Don't forget the Halo Wars Event this Saturday! The roster is currently filled, but you can keep a look out if they vacate - http://343i.org/2es

  3. Yes I have. I quite clearly remember spawning with the Rifles/Pistols in MP. I said "Without the perk" so yea I meant Halo 5 Guardians. I know this man. And the Pistol being a secondary: that is a role. I don't understand how you think it's not. It's so you dont feel defenseless when you run out of ammo. I didn't even use the Perk in Halo 4 and I managed. You're acting like it's taboo or something. + The AR is for CQC and I'd hardly give it as much props as a Rifle (since I hate using an AR).
  4. Because starting with 2 Primary weapons from the get go without the perk is overkill. Halo 5 is Arena gameplay. Like previous Halos you will most likely start with a Rifle/Pistol. If you give the Players 2 Primaries then you're empowering the Players a little too much. The Pistol does have a role: being a secondary weapon used if you run out of Rifle ammo. It does not need a larger role because it's been doing fine till now. Effectively "If it ain't broke don't fix it". Do I want the CE Magnum back? Yes. But I don't see it happening.
  5. If they did then we wouldn't know would we? It's not like we can pinpoint if another Mafian from the same Lynch is voting for a Mafian. They definitely would use that tactic, but I don't think it's of use to us to pay attention to it.
  6. A: Vote Ledgend and kill a confirmed Mafian. B: Vote someone else on the list, and potentially kill another Civvy You might be able to get a Mafian with the second choice... but are you willing to risk it? We did that in previous Lynches. It didn't turn out that well if you don't remember. We're better off killing Ledgend. We don't kill Ledgend now, and he'll get away. Another RNG Russian Roulette for the next Lynch.
  7. I alternate between the 3, but use Pulse less frequently. It's a still very useful Grenade. For me it's a tie between Frag and Sticky.
  8. Warlock official reveal for H2A, and full list of remakes - http://343i.org/2ep

  9. It's an inferior weapon because it's not a Rifle. It's a Pistol. Rifles have more damage. That's the logic I think Deadnut is getting at here. As it stands I believe the Pistol can be used as an effective weapon at low-mid ranges, but Rifles will outclass it. It's just a "Oh crap I've run out of DMR ammo, and I've only got my Pistol" thing. But I have had success getting kills with the Pistol even though I was being attacked by people using DMRs/Light Rifles/Carbines. Like the Nut says, it's called a Secondary for a reason. Your Primary is what you'll use to wreck people with, and your Secondary is just for choice situations. Giving too much power to the Secondary effectively makes it like you're carrying two Primaries without the Perk. But your concept I don't believe would go to that extreme. With that said I think your idea could work.
  10. I wanna see a Flood Left 4 Dead Playist in H5G. All the cooliest (hehe) horrifically deadly Flood buddies that you remember, and playable against the Spartans: - Tank (Pure Form) - Chicken/Ranged (My nickname for it. It's the fast looking giant Rooster thing, and the blob with Spikes that shoots you) - Combat forms: A: Brutes: Toughest of the bunch, but slow B: Elites: Medium armor. Good midway point between the Combat Forms C: Humans: Weakest. Very fast - Infection Carrier (ugly bloated Infection Form carrier) - Infection Form Swarm - Zombie Birds (The Halo Wars buzzard things)
  11. I think it's just 343i's stab at trying to be as simple and uncomplicated as possible. Kinda has that tribal and prehistoric feel to it. I thought it was sketchy at first, but it's growing on me. And yes Warlord is freaking amazing.
  12. Over on IGN Max Hoberman, Presdent of Certain Affinity, revealed the final map for Halo 2: Anniversary: Warlock (though we knew that it was one of the remakes already). The map, now known as Warlord in H2A, features a brooding green atmosphere reminiscent of Shatter from Halo 4, but this one seems to be a little creepier (2spooooky4erryone). Screenshot of Warlord. H2A's Warlord is a remake of Halo 2's Warlock, and that map is actually a remake of Wizard from Halo: CE Aside from minor map tweaks (adding more cover, stepping stones to higher ground, fixing weapon spawns, and color coding bases for Multi Team) the map has not been changed dramatically. Max Hoberman does say that a Sentinel Beam (which has increased damage compared to Halo 2's) now spawns in the center of the map, and acts as one of the map's power weapons. The visuals have also been increased dramatically (obviously). It is unknown whether or not Warlord will feature a dynamic element. Warlord Map screenshots and concept art: IGN then revealed the new names for some of the remakes. Now we can see the full list of remakes + their respective new names (there are only 6 maps in H2A): Warlock (Warlord) Ascension (Zenith) Coagulation (Bloodline) Sanctuary (Shrine) Zanzibar (Stonetown) Lockout (Lockdown) IGN will be hosting map walkthroughs of all the H2A maps with Max Hoberman in the coming weeks. The Warlord walkthrough, and gameplay vid (of Team 343i vs Team IGN) is in the link below. *Halo 2: Anniversary is contained within Halo: The Master Chief Collection: which launches on November 11th in North America, and November 14th in the UK.* - - - - - Thoughts? Source: IGN http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/10/06/warlock-is-the-final-halo-2-remake-map-for-halo-the-master-chief-collection-ign-first View full article
  13. Over on IGN Max Hoberman, Presdent of Certain Affinity, revealed the final map for Halo 2: Anniversary: Warlock (though we knew that it was one of the remakes already). The map, now known as Warlord in H2A, features a brooding green atmosphere reminiscent of Shatter from Halo 4, but this one seems to be a little creepier (2spooooky4erryone). Screenshot of Warlord. H2A's Warlord is a remake of Halo 2's Warlock, and that map is actually a remake of Wizard from Halo: CE Aside from minor map tweaks (adding more cover, stepping stones to higher ground, fixing weapon spawns, and color coding bases for Multi Team) the map has not been changed dramatically. Max Hoberman does say that a Sentinel Beam (which has increased damage compared to Halo 2's) now spawns in the center of the map, and acts as one of the map's power weapons. The visuals have also been increased dramatically (obviously). It is unknown whether or not Warlord will feature a dynamic element. Warlord Map screenshots and concept art: IGN then revealed the new names for some of the remakes. Now we can see the full list of remakes + their respective new names (there are only 6 maps in H2A): Warlock (Warlord) Ascension (Zenith) Coagulation (Bloodline) Sanctuary (Shrine) Zanzibar (Stonetown) Lockout (Lockdown) IGN will be hosting map walkthroughs of all the H2A maps with Max Hoberman in the coming weeks. The Warlord walkthrough, and gameplay vid (of Team 343i vs Team IGN) is in the link below. *Halo 2: Anniversary is contained within Halo: The Master Chief Collection: which launches on November 11th in North America, and November 14th in the UK.* - - - - - Thoughts? Source: IGN http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/10/06/warlock-is-the-final-halo-2-remake-map-for-halo-the-master-chief-collection-ign-first
  14. Over on IGN Max Hoberman, Presdent of Certain Affinity, revealed the final map for Halo 2: Anniversary: Warlock (though we knew that it was one of the remakes already). The map, now known as Warlord in H2A, features a brooding green atmosphere reminiscent of Shatter from Halo 4, but this one seems to be a little creepier (2spooooky4erryone). Screenshot of Warlord. H2A's Warlord is a remake of Halo 2's Warlock, and that map is actually a remake of Wizard from Halo: CE Aside from minor map tweaks (adding more cover, stepping stones to higher ground, fixing weapon spawns, and color coding bases for Multi Team) the map has not been changed dramatically. Max Hoberman does say that a Sentinel Beam (which has increased damage compared to Halo 2's) now spawns in the center of the map, and acts as one of the map's power weapons. The visuals have also been increased dramatically (obviously). It is unknown whether or not Warlord will feature a dynamic element. UPDATE: Bravo says that Warlord will NOT have a dynamic element: "No interactive element on Warlord. A few things were experimented with, but nothing stuck, and in the end it was confirmed that a good ol’ fashion match of 4v4 Warlock CTF cures any ailment." Warlord Map screenshots and concept art: IGN then revealed the new names for some of the remakes. Now we can see the full list of remakes + their respective new names (there are only 6 maps in H2A): Warlock (Warlord) Ascension (Zenith) Coagulation (Bloodline) Sanctuary (Shrine) Zanzibar (Stonetown) Lockout (Lockdown) IGN will be hosting map walkthroughs of all the H2A maps with Max Hoberman in the coming weeks. The Warlord walkthrough, and gameplay vid (of Team 343i vs Team IGN) is in the link below. *Halo 2: Anniversary is contained within Halo: The Master Chief Collection: which launches on November 11th in North America, and November 14th in the UK.* - - - - - Thoughts? Source: IGN http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/10/06/warlock-is-the-final-halo-2-remake-map-for-halo-the-master-chief-collection-ign-first This post has been promoted to an article
  15. Vote: 5 - Ledgend1221 1 - Delpen9 0 - Arachny 0 - Shinya Kogami
  16. I can if you want. We can all just hop into Party Chat so we can talk to each other.
  17. We're better off killing a known Mafian outright then trusting sketchy evidence. If you haven't noticed we voted for people in the past who we thought were Mafian... look how that turned out. + If Delpen9 was helping you and he is Mafia then that's against the rules.
  18. It's img Cool armor though. I always wanted Deadeye, but I can settle for PRIME.
  19. Vote: 3 - Ledgend1221 1 - Delpen9 0 - Arachny 0 - Shinya Kogami
  20. Yoshi investigated Ledgend. With that note I vote Ledgend1221.
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