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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Welp. Ruby is deaded. And I def know who I'm voting for. Ledgend1221 you're a dead man. Lol wowee robotics
  2. Wat? WAT? Your sig gets a 9.9 because those last two OOs seem a little too illuminated compared to the rest of the letters. I think the O before the last should be a little darker, but that's just me.
  3. I posted "We are not 343i" because I did not know whether or not you knew (since it seems you're a new member). I just want to make it clear that we have no affiliation with 343i other then that we are a fan forum for Halo. A large misconception new members get when they come on here is that we are the official website for 343 Industries when we are not, so we have to reinforce our place whenever we can so we don't mislead people. Now the MCC has all 4 Chief games (including Halo CE Anniversary, and Halo 2 Anniversary) so that's why I put that. Either way: CE Anniversary will not be coming to PC any time soon. Sorry. There are always petitions for these things and maybe 343i will actually do something about it, but they have said multiple times that there are no plans to do so. But there is a large support for the game to come to PC. Lastly I separate my sentences to make it easier for people to read, not for dramatic effect. I definitely don't like reading paragraphs of text, so I try to keep my posts away from that (even though this one happens to be the opposite). That's just the way I do things.
  4. What is that? Adventure Time? I think it's funny so you get a 10, but it confuses me.
  5. I'd be alright if it wasn't in Halo 5, but my god... having to walk around without being able to Sprint in the other Halos was such a PAIN! I know that's how other people like it, but I don't think sprintless is for me. But I can adapt if I need to if it's gone. I think the best option would be to have the option to have or not have it in Halo 5. Playlists with it, and without it and etc.
  6. Here's me: I like Drab because no one else has it. Makes me look like a zombie. PS: I didn't feel like going on Waypoint to get the lone Armor PNG since there was already one on my profile.
  7. There are no plans for a Halo Anniversary (MCC) for PC at the moment. Maybe after launch there will be. There are many petitions out there, and 343i has heard the outcry. Oh if you haven't noticed: we are not 343i.
  8. Me and EK's event is at the same time as Titanfall. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/37874-sd-eks-halo-wars-spooktacular/"]http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/37874-sd-eks-halo-wars-spooktacular I'll join in on the ODST Event though.
  9. Potato Phone?? This is pretty cool Austin! Makes me jealous that I've never attended an Expo. Good for ye.
  10. Thanks guys. If only the freaking Mafians would get the show on the road already... BUT if it's Yang then take as long as you need (but please make it soon).
  11. No Berries, he's talking about Elites in the Campaign! Get it together woman!! Anyway Arbiter, I never really noticed the shield difference between the Elites. My approach was "Shoot first, ask questions... never". I don't know why. Maybe shooting them with a Shotgun pretty much negates any shielding an Elite has up close. Try shooting at them with a different weapon and see if there's a difference: which I believe there is one due to the Higher Ranks usually receiving the better gear.
  12. The game so far 4.0 Soo... I'm just going to keep making these? What am I the de-facto poster, or what? (sorry if it's hard to read.) UPDATE: Bnus is confirmed Pro-Town due to Scene deduction (1 or 2 Mafians max are in a single Lynch, but when there's 2 then the other 2 people are automatically confirmed Civvies. The new Mafian was chosen before Scene 1 so it does not factor here).
  13. Could be you. Could be me. Could be Sara, Sam, Sally, or Dupwee. I wouldn't want to know anyway. I kinda like staying alive if you know what I mean.
  14. I actually think MLG would approach 343i over having more Halo tournaments instead of 343i coming to them first. Kinda like MLG being the ex-girlfriend who dumped you, and then you become more interesting and she notices that and comes crawling back.
  15. Ridley Scott's role in Halo: Nightfall - http://343i.org/2eg

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