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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Is it going to be a running gag to include lists with near 0 visibility on who could be Mafia? Like god damn it's a total brainbender with these freaking things. I wanna abstain, but I want to nab a Mafian more. My vote goes to rrhuntington for dodging the Lynch with N3wsnut. My reason is below. Analysis on the 4 turds: - rrhuntington: Escaped the double lynch with P34nut. It does not mean he's Mafia though due to Yang's confirmation that he could have put 2 Civvies in that lynch. I'm not yet sure why there wasn't any backlash over this... 2 Civvies to kill and no Mafians. I don't believe it. - Bnus: Constantly bragged that he was Mafia, and being an all around troll. Whether this was to divert attention, or actually a grab at hiding in plain sight remains to be seen. Yoshi investigated Bnus before Yang chose a new Mafian, so the investigation is void. - Caboose the Ace: Constantly egging about Moles. Everyone knows there's Mafian moles in EVERY game. That's how they find out about the Roles. Now that they are all dead they'll just pick us off one by one. This may not be cause to actually vote for Caboose, but it's a somewhat solid reason. - Mereel: Zilch. Nada. I don't have anything on him. He's been very quiet in the game. You can believe being inactive separates you from being Mafia all you want. You're wrong. Caboose was a Mafian last game and apparently "left" for like a week. He claims he didn't know until he was dead, but I don't buy it.
  2. Then there's nothing to worry about. The Mafians already know who isn't Mafia anyway. The Roles are all dead. It's just a matter of them taking out the Kingpins and letting the rest of Protown destroy themselves... so there IS something to worry about. :c We better get it together or they will win. Next round if we don't get a Mafian then I believe we're screwed from here on out.
  3. Doesn't that happen in every game?
  4. Bnus was investigated before Yang chose a new Mafian.
  5. We'll get those bugs. The only good bug is a dead bug!
  6. We are not 343i. Go to Waypoint where they have ice cream. Now 343i is in one of the most stressful positions: getting Halo back to it's former glory (if that's even possible). I'm sure 343i is looking through all avenues to make sure they don't screw up (Halo 4 was a testbed, and now it's all on them after their "first game").
  7. Yep yer back. But please don't do anything bad to end your newly found redemption and get banned again, k?
  8. l Swab the poopdeck ye bilge rat!
  9. Post your favorite, or most influential band, and tell me how it came to be - http://343i.org/2di

  10. Here's a querky idea: post either your favorite Band, or a Band which you think has influenced you the most. Be it them giving you inspiration, sparking interest in other Genres, being a gateway Band to your actual favorite Bands and etc. Give me the full story. I'll start. I listen to a multitude of Bands, but in the beginning my list was extremely small. I didn't really listen to Metal that much throughout the 2000s (or I don't remember any). I do remember listening to the Mjolnor Mix ALLOT but that's besides the point. When I was younger I listened to songs like Move Along by All American Rejects (I got that song specifically from a Bionicle commercial. The one with Piraka), or some One Republic songs. Maybe a hint of Eminem. THEN it struck me. One day I was in my Mom's room watching MTV (when they actually showed Music Videos) and the video for Disturbed's The Night came on. It was like a freight train to my consciousness. I couldn't get the song out my head lol. I would try to go there every day in hopes the song would come on. Here's the music video for the song I credit most to opening Metal to me: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UBv9TUQUDy0 Eventually MTV opened the doorway to songs like Sulfur by Slipknot, Sound of Madness by Shinedown, I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace, and Fade by Staind. It was the beginning of a revolution for my musical taste. As time went on Disturbed became my favorite band. At one time I had ALL the songs from their 5 albums. I personally owned 3 of their Albums (Ten Thousand Fists, Indestructible, and Asylum). I was present when the original commercials for Asylum came on... and I was blown away. But then it began to fade. Disturbed was a gateway band to me. I craved for heavier and heavier music, and Disturbed failed to deliver that (though Down With The Sickness, and Stupify were pretty heavy). I began listening to bands like Lamb of God, Godsmack, and Slipknot to a further extent (though like most people the deep growls peeved me a bit, but I grew to like it). It progressed to me beginning to listen to heavier and heavier music. Disturbed began to lose it's place. Fast forward to today. My Band list numbers 20+, and it's growing. I've listened to the heaviest crap you'll ever hear and I absolutely love it. It's hard to believe I once hated Metal. I now actively listen to bands like Meshuggah, Strapping Young Lad, Gojira, Chimaira, Opeth and more. Heres the sad part... I basically had a falling out with Disturbed. I no longer own all the songs, and I gave the albums to my friend. I do have a few songs I still like (The Night will always be with me). I listened to their songs to death over the years, and it's hard to listen to most of their material now without getting bored. I'm still interested in what Disturbed has in store for their 6th album. Even though it doesn't have as large as a place with me like it used to I still hold it closely as one of, if not THE Band that peaked my interest in Metal. That's it for me. I'm interested in what you people got to share.
  11. Trolling or not: there's still a chance you could be Mafia. It's getting bleak. Come next round at the next Execution scene ANOTHER Civvy will be dead. A grand total of 5 Civvies killed in a row...
  12. I may have some responsibility here for your death, but at least I tried to rewind that by switching votes and not voting for ye. This sux. 4 PROTOWNS KILLED IN A ROW!!? HOW THE HECK THIS HAPPEN MATA NUI???!?!
  13. In pictures of the Planets such as Earth, Saturn, Jupiter and etc, why doesn't the background Galaxy and Stars show up? On Earth on a very dark night you can see the surrounding Universe (Galaxies, Stars, Nebulas, etc) but a picture in space of a Planet yields none of that? Is the Planet too bright?
  14. In order for Halo 5 to succeed it would need to have more "space to do things" which the 360 does not have (this is apparent with Halo 4). Like Caboose says, Halo is a focal point to sell Xboxes. MS will for sure use Halo 5 to sell Xbox Ones. If it were for the 360 too then interest in the Xbone version would not be as high as it was without the 360 version. I honestly don't want Halo 5 to ever be on 360. The 360's days are numbered. It had it's run, and Halo needs to move on to greener pastures.
  15. What is with all these hair brained posts!?! WAAAT??? I'm not hating btw: these things are hilarious... in a good way. C: Now onto the inevitable: WE ARE NOT 343I. Halowaypoint is their base of operations. Relating to the OP: What you have stated is in a realm which is highly open to interpretation, and I think something like that could come to pass. BUT... buut... read dis ↓ I think the only way to be truly infected is to be hitched by a Flood Infection Form (but I know contact with Flood biomass may enact the process too). Once a Flood Infection Form gets you you are pretty much screwed. It taps into your nervous system (I believe killing you in the process) and then drastically changes your bodily structure. Any, and all traces of the original person are now void at this point: save for it's knowledge assimilated into the Flood Hivemind (or Gravemind watevs). There is one instance where a Flood Infecto wasn't able to fully overcome a Human. The good old Wallace A. Jenkins, who was infected by an old Infecto, and retained some of his control over his body (but the Infecto definitely did it's work rearranging his body structure quite horribly). He ended up blowing some ship to hell to prevent the Flood from laying waste to Earth... which also consisted of himself. Now any regular Infecto would completely devastate a Human it would come in contact to, BUT a very old weakened one (like the Wallace Infecto) might enable someone such as the Chief to retain control should it try to assimilate him. But there are unknowns. Chief, as you know, is not a normal Human. He's got all them augmentations and all that science crap going on: physically, and mentally beyond a run of the mill Human (that sure didn't stop Humans like John Forge from kicking major a$$ though: Forge even got into a fight with Spartan Douglas). So what exactly will happen to a Spartan when infected has yet to be fully seen. Halo 4 did show infected Spartans who were immensely agile and formidable, but that was based off of UNSC simulations and not "Real World" representations of infected Spartans: which consist of 0 inhabitants. Now here's the biggest Con to the idea: IF Chief were to become infected, but still be the good old Chief, then he in essence would still be a walking conduit for the Flood. I think Flood Spores would radiate from his body, and do short work on any ecosystem it comes in contact to (that Halfjaw dude even says a Flood Spore could destroy an entire species). So if Chief were to really succeed in this form... he would eventually have to kill himself to prevent the Flood from spreading. I don't think it would last long.
  16. Takanuva loves paused games. Takanuva also anticipates Centurion's "Roasting" if you will. :spiteful:
  17. Heyo Locke, welcome to your home away from home!
  18. Hey brutekiller, welcome to the forums! (Me liek killing Brutes too :spiteful:)
  19. 2319! 2319!!!!

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      And 47 days without an accident...

  20. Ohhh ok I get it. I vote yes to this I guess. Oh and I don't want to rush... buut... can the Execution like happen... soon?
  21. What happens when Yang comes back? You go back to being Mafia hombre? Or are you disqualified from the game altogether? Do you come back to the game as a dead Gangbanger? Cause even though we don't have the special roles anymore you could tell the Mafians what the Protowns (who trust you to keep secrets) were up to when you were host. So that would give an advantage to the Mafians (if you choose to reveal what they've said). I don't want to go apecrazy with this, but I believe if you're going to be host then you have to either be banned from the current game when Yang comes back, or stay as a Mafian corpse and not talk about what was said when you were Host. I doubt anyone would actually contact you with Protown plans or anything... but still.
  22. We don't even have the slightest clue who the other Mafians are. How are we supposed to cope with a new guy? That would make for 6 Mafians this entire game.
  23. Uhhh... what? Oh and welcome to the forums and all that.
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