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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Why? One of the Mafians will be dead so wouldn't we NOT need another Civvy? We have like 10 or 14 left anyway, and there will be only 3 Mafians left. That seems fair to me. Not to mention they've been thrashing Protown this whole game with only 4 people compared to 14 Protowns.
  2. Alright someone better get on it or else we'll have to wait until Yang comes back (unforseen). I can't do it. My PC crapped out on internet, and I can barely do anything on it. Mobile is my refuge until next month.
  3. Welcome.. eh Peanut Butter to the forums! That's probably the weirdest name I've seen thus far, but that's a good thing lol. c:
  4. Calling all Toa: Bnus has betrayed us. He is an enemy of the state, and will be disassembled. PSA over.

  5. Draw my luscious Kanohi mask or whatever you call it.
  6. Onua need to get his a$$ in here. Takanuva demands it!
  7. Hmm... Centurion I reaaaaally want to keep my vote on you... but I fear that if I do and you end up being Civvy then there will be a massive error in this Lynch like previously. :c You're probably going to die anyway, but I won't be a part of that massacre. If you end up Mafian then congrats to my comrades for FINALLY nabbing a Mafian. If you're not then I guess it won't be on me. In the meantime: I switch my vote from TheSilverCenturion to Null. There's just no other evidence for the other people, or myself (at least I don't think). I'm opting out of this Lynch.
  8. Lets split up and search for clues, gang!

    1. rrhuntington


      Red's ran rasshole!

    2. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      lets find Kanohi Avohkii!

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Alright, Shaggy and scooby, look for clues in the basement. Daphne, Velma, and I will take the bedroom.

  9. I believe I had Halo 2 during the 2004-2007 period (that estimate may be wrong), but I didn't know what XBL was at that time so I never signed up. Of course I clocked allot of hours playing the game in Campaign, and some Splitscreen MP matches. I didn't attempt to get an official XBL account until either 2010 or 2011 (I started playing online with Halo: Reach).
  10. Ohh ok that makes sense. I'll update it again, thanks.
  11. I updated the "Game So Far" list to include Bnus (who was actually investigated by Yoshi according to TD). I'll post the list again after this Lynch is over.
  12. I_Make_Big_Boom


    From the album: Tacos and what not

    Finished up Agent Locke drawing of mine. Here's my art page over on Instagram: http://instagram.com/joe_winfree

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram, Self Destruct the mashed tater flinger

  13. I'd love to see some sort of bundle between Halo Wars, ODST, Reach, and maybe Spartan Assault on Xbone. More Halo games the better I say. Good catch Blake!
  14. You're joking right? Have you even read what I've said at all? ._. I DON'T go with Bandwagon. I've said multiple times that I HATE Bandwagon. Bandwagon is when people vote for someone for no reason because everyone else is doing it. Just because I vote for the same person doesn't mean I'm a part of that "Hype". If you even paid attention to what I've said I gave very credible evidence to prove Centurion's guiltyness. Therefore my vote is for a reason where everyone else just votes for the heck of it to see what happens (they probably do have motives and reasons to prove their vote is valid but they take no time to post any of those validations). I'm "informative" because I just so happen to be a person who likes to over analyse things. I don't plan on changing that any time soon, so look forward to me posting huge walls of text in the near future.
  15. Well it looks like it's either me or the Centurion. I don't think there is any compelling evidence to show I'm suspicious (feel free to give it), but go ahead and vote me. I vote TheSilverCenturion. You seemingly were the only one in contact with the Detective, and somehow Yoshi died right after BOTH the Medic, and Jailkeeper were killed. There has to be a connection between you and the murders. Sorry if you die and there was 0 connection. Nothing personal. I'm voting for the most logical choice. Plus we need to nab a Mafian ASAP instead of the Civvy genocide going on. The only connection between me and Rrhuntington is that there is little evidence to prove we're Mafia. BUT Rrhunt was the other person with N3wsnut who escaped the Lynch: meaning he could of been the Mafian choice in that Lynch. But like I said Yang could've put 2 Civvies there. Idk. That's still some valid evidence until Yang confirms there weren't 2 Civvies in that Lynch.
  16. The game so far 2.0... UPDATE: TD mentioned that Yoshi investigated Bnus as an Innocent, but why Yoshi didn't post that is beyond me.
  17. You need to make it big so people don't skim over it. Like this: Suspect List (Yang updated his post) Self Destruct TheSilverCenturion Blake BellaMoMma Butch Flowers
  18. I know. I just want to hear it straight from Yoshi.
  19. Jailkeeper... Medic... Detective... ALL killed in a row... how could this happen? :C I want to believe that TD posted the actual Detective's investigation results, but I want to hear it straight from the horse's mouth just to be sure. Yoshi can you please post your investigation results? It leads me to believe that Yang might have messed up again, but I don't know if that's true. Either way we should vote for Ledgend1221 if he shows up on the Lynch (if Yoshi's evidence proves to be correct). You're forgetting that one of the Pro-Towns just happens to be Mafia now: which is pretty much the Mole you're talking about.
  20. You can go where you wannu! You can leave your pants behind!

    1. Akali


      Unless you're going school. Then you take your pants with you

    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      ... And if your pants don't dance and if they won't dance, well they're no pants of mine

  21. I think the potential aid of the Mafians should be punishable by 20 years jail time with no parole. Anyhoo hip hip hooray. Now am I the only one who thinks the next Execution is a little overdue? If so I implore the Mafians to get it over with. Oh and get on my level 川`⊆ ´川
  22. You're not afraid of the dark, are you?

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Helps me lighten up.

    2. rrhuntington



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