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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Isn't the new map pack full of Future Weapons and Vehicles? I think that's what that egg is for.
  2. We sell quilts at discount price! Living in an Amish paradise!

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      We churn butter once or twice, living in an Amish paradise!

    2. Helix Amell
    3. Drizzy_Dan
  3. Since you're pretty much asking to die I'll go ahead and vote for you in every Lynch list for the foreseeable future. That's what you want, right? + The reason no one is paying attention is due to them either thinking you're trolling or just blatantly announcing your role (which the people don't want to start making noise about it since they could be killed by the Mafia next). That'll be 1 Mafian down so all we need is 3 more. rrhuntington is now under consideration after he escaped the Lynch with N3wsnut BUT Yang did say he could have put two Pro-Towns in that Lynch... so he may be innocent. Oh and I'll do a Recap in a bit.
  4. ...don't call me that. Don't go shouting that random people are Mafia unless you have the proof to back it up.
  5. It was rrhuntington, Bnus, and Ledgend.
  6. I would love to say Chopper, Hornet, or Falcon but I have something else in mind... The Revenant (Halo: Reach). The Revenant was one of the few vehicles I actually enjoyed driving. It was swift, maneuverable, and had the bonus of a Passenger seat + It was pretty deadly (if used right). I can understand that the maps in Halo 4 were a little too small to hold such a vehicle (not to mention it was a little OP), but I would love for it to return in Halo 5.
  7. Niiiiiice! I saw the progress pics on Facebook. That's amazing man.
  8. Halo 4 era Chief is da best around imo. I like all the other armor too. C:
  9. I think it's a gamble to do big-budget Space Opera TV shows. I accustom it to the fact that if the Show Devs make the show, and then it completely crashes in the viewing department, then they end up losing money: even it some people still watch it.
  10. You definitely told us alright... but from what I remember you didn't give evidence to prove your claim. Wow thanks. I might as well not post any more logical walls of analysis text anymore if that is what the reception will be... So if N3wsnut is the Medic... then that means rrhuntington is Mafia? Yang you did put a civvy and a Mafian in the last vote right?
  11. Ya know we're not 343i right? I know dern well I'll still thank them for doing the MCC for us though. Anyway welcome back to the community TuNaG0TL0sT!
  12. Kenway I have to do Community Service with my brother from 12-5pm, so is there any way we can push back the event? Maybe on Sunday?
  13. EDIT: Oops that's for PS. J - Jiralinae or whatever you call Brutes from Halo.
  14. E for explosions... cause everyone knows CoD can't survive without em.
  15. From my perspective you and everyone else voted for an equally meritable choice with the information we had at the time: which was next to none. This vote was a 50/50 with no strings attached. We would either nab the Mafian, or kill the Civvy (unfortunately the Medic is the case). I chose N3wsnut due to what I believed to be sound evidence, but after I went back it turned out to be void. I see my error in that, but I don't believe this Lynch was a failure.
  16. So you're telling me... that BOTH the Jailkeeper and Medic were killed in the same round? O_o ...This does not look good. EDIT: Sorry Yoshi I accidentally quoted you. I want believe you. I really do. But I know better then that. Maybe in the next few rounds when we get more evidence I'll take up your offer.
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