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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. If it is then it's because of Bandwagon voting, and for no particular reason.
  2. Correction: He hasn't even said anything of question in the recent pages.
  3. I really think you should put reasons why you're voting for someone instead of flat-out saying "I vote for dis dude" for no reason.
  4. ATTENTION! If Yang just chose a random Civvy to be Mafian to scale the skill gap to be even for all the new players... then that means one of YOU is now Mafia. Take that information in for a bit... The integrity of some "special place" may be under question if this is the case - just to warn you.
  5. Why? You trying to cover for someone? Like P34nut?
  6. Hmm... I don't want to be "that guy" with switching around votes but... I switch my vote from Bnus to Unease N3wsnut. Sorry. I wanna see where this goes. You could've voted for Zeebs to cover for yourself and the rest of the Mafia. No one would suspect a thing...
  7. Hey Guardian, welcome to the forums!
  8. You're a genus among stuhpids.
  9. Fine, I'll let off. I'm extremely P-O'd though so I'll refrain from going further into that.
  10. Not confirmed Pro-Town eh? Tell me why I haven't been invited to the "feels" PM when Delpen9 just said there were them. What makes this even more dastardly is that Butch attempted to send me a PM saying that was the official Pro-Town PM, and that the PM hasn't even started this game, but according to you there is another one...
  11. *Continuing from where I left off* Which that PM started near the 3rd page of Mafia 5.0, which is nearly at the very beginning of 5.0 (pages get taken up quick due to the large amount of replies at the beginning). And yes there are PMs in the beginning that give the players a feel for who could be which role, and multiple Pro-Town PMs get started after the List has been whittled down. What I'm getting at is that I have not been invited to a single Pro-Town PM vs the previous games where I have been invited to ALL of them (not including private convos between certain players).
  12. Oh really? Pro-Town 5.0 PM started not even a day after Scene 1 came about:
  13. Oh yeah you too. That random generator is like totally bias if you or Bnus end up not being Mafia this game. You and I both know that is total bull. The Pro-Town PM is started like immediately after the game begins, even though the people who are in it are not confirmed Pro-Towns.
  14. Hmm... why don't we suspect either N3wsnut or Bnus? Bnus could easily be a prime Mob Boss. I've seen him in action from the previous PMs, and I believe he could pull it off very well... I change my vote from Ledgend1221 to Bnus. Give me proof that you're not Mafia, and I will change my vote (same goes for Bnus, and everyone else on the list). Here's why: 1: "You never voted for me the last couple games, and we were Pro-Town buddies!" Guess what: you never invited me to the Pro-Town PM this game, which leads me to believe that you suspect me as Mafia, and are using that "instant trustworthyness" you've had the last couple games to gain access to the Pro-Town PM without suspicion from the other players (cause Bnus definitely can't be Mafian, right?). 2: The last two games you were Pro-Town, which leaves it highly likely you could be Mafian this game (well Delpen9 would disagree with the chance part). The same goes for me, I don't deny that. But I am not Mafia. The only proof I could give you would be that I never received a PM from Yang or the other Mafians. That "online list" that a special someone showed me does not have me on it (which is the list of people viewing their PMs when Yang sent out the Role PMs). Ask the rest of the pro-towns where the evidence is, and they will show you (I'm sure the person who showed me is in the PM... thanks allot). 3: You haven't even attempted to interact with me at all this game like other games (maybe a little, but definitely not as much as previous games). That leaves me to believe you have something keeping you from acting normally with me, like you being Mafia (which we know the Mafian role tends to make people act differently to adjust to the role). I do put into account that you have school, and cannot be on here as much, but I believe that these reasons are solid.
  15. There's a little something called "Trolling/Fooling around" which someone like Ledgend is prone to do. If you take a look waaaay back in the earlier pages I screwed around as well, yet I don't have any special role. Why? Because I think it's funny. I could do it some more too. Primary update for Mafians: The latecomers have arrived so you can now target and kill them We got new people in the game??
  16. I believe we should have Halo 4 style Loadouts, but not for every Playlist. I believe a good compromise is having two different toggle Matchmaking-Search options for a Playlist like Team Slayer. 1st option is to NOT have Loadouts, and the 2nd option is for everyone to have their own customizable Loadouts. That way people who actually like Loadouts can play Team Slayer without having to bend to the rules of not having Loadouts (I for one would rather play that).
  17. He may have a role, but it does not mean he's flat out Mafian. You could be voting for the Medic or Detective for all we know.
  18. *raises fist at sky* WHYYYYYYY!??!?!??! ;_____; *Sigh* I don't have anything to work with, so I vote Ledgend1221. Blind vote. I'll probably change it later on.
  19. 343iBot vs Vigilant Intellect. Who would win? Who would beat the other, and end up enslaving the human race?

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      iBot. <3

      The good always triumphs, lad.

    2. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      How would they enslave the human race? Beckonin's taco army does dat

  20. o____o ...but I like my hut ;_;
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