Hmm... why don't we suspect either N3wsnut or Bnus? Bnus could easily be a prime Mob Boss. I've seen him in action from the previous PMs, and I believe he could pull it off very well...
I change my vote from Ledgend1221 to Bnus. Give me proof that you're not Mafia, and I will change my vote (same goes for Bnus, and everyone else on the list).
Here's why:
1: "You never voted for me the last couple games, and we were Pro-Town buddies!" Guess what: you never invited me to the Pro-Town PM this game, which leads me to believe that you suspect me as Mafia, and are using that "instant trustworthyness" you've had the last couple games to gain access to the Pro-Town PM without suspicion from the other players (cause Bnus definitely can't be Mafian, right?).
2: The last two games you were Pro-Town, which leaves it highly likely you could be Mafian this game (well Delpen9 would disagree with the chance part). The same goes for me, I don't deny that. But I am not Mafia. The only proof I could give you would be that I never received a PM from Yang or the other Mafians. That "online list" that a special someone showed me does not have me on it (which is the list of people viewing their PMs when Yang sent out the Role PMs). Ask the rest of the pro-towns where the evidence is, and they will show you (I'm sure the person who showed me is in the PM... thanks allot).
3: You haven't even attempted to interact with me at all this game like other games (maybe a little, but definitely not as much as previous games). That leaves me to believe you have something keeping you from acting normally with me, like you being Mafia (which we know the Mafian role tends to make people act differently to adjust to the role).
I do put into account that you have school, and cannot be on here as much, but I believe that these reasons are solid.