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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Me and a few other people had the same problem, but all our ranks and colors went back to normal like 30 minutes ago. Back out and then go back into Reach and see if that works.
  2. Good game guys! Thanks for hosting MoM.
  3. Servers are back up if you didn't notice.
  4. Wasn't the Waypoint App for Mobile just for Reach stats?
  5. CAN THE MAFIANS GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD!!??? We've been waiting forever.
  6. The Event was pretty cool, but a little short (due to EK's GTAV Event) but it's alright! Sorry about the lag, I didn't think I would have problems. Anyway thank you all for coming, and I'll see you on the next Event!
  7. He used Force Lightning and made them all go boom.
  8. Boop. I was expecting an angry mob on Mafia today, but it's eerily quiet for some reason..
  9. Kenway has to go to a funeral, so I don't know how long he could be gone for. :c And yeah 4 people is better than nothing.
  11. It's on Delta Halo in Campaign I think. I probably should have put "This is Campaign" up there. Oh and thanks! Yeah that Sniper... gawd it's amazing
  12. What he said made the most sense out of any comment as of now. And Caboose isn't accusing anyone of anything. He's speculating over BZ1's actual role. If he was accusing him Caboose would say "Zeebs you're Mafia". Random irrational outbursts tend to make people believe you got something off in a "Ok this dude is Mafia or special role" kind of way.
  13. Welp guys if no one else joins then looks like this is gonna be a Horde Event... unless of course you want to play online, or play Customs with Bots Thanks again for signing up!
  14. UPDATE: Another screenshot of Master Chief Avatars was revealed on Halo4Nation. I updated the topic accordingly, but here's the image:
  15. I have that one already. But I do need 2 more achievements and I'll get 100% in Reach... well if you're up to doing other achievements besides The Chips. Oh and I can help you out with the Chips achievement if you want, but 10:00 AM is like waaay too early for me. It would have to be like idk 2-4pm EST.
  16. I might be up to this if I don't have anything important going on when you start.
  17. If you end up being Mafia... I'm going to flip the hell out. Yeah make you look like a Mafian in ROUND 1. THE ROUND THAT EVERYONE KNOWS WHERE THERE IS 0 EVIDENCE. We either A: Try to make sense of it, or B: Do nothing. The first option is better since someone ends up dying (or getting Jailbroken), and then we have something to work off of. And I've told you numerous times there is no legitimate proof to prove that you're Pro-Town aside from the way people act, and of course slip-ups (like Ruby for example). Now you may be wondering. "Self Destruct why are you so active all of a sudden? You were never this active in the previous games!" Yes that's true. As you may know, being MoM kinda restricts your free time a bit. Even now I have allot of things to do, but not being MoM anymore relieves some of the pressure. Not to mention my Internet just got renewed, and now I can have at it on the Interwebs, like I did back in Mafia Returns. c:
  18. Honestly I think it's just bandwagon voting, so I'm not getting on that train. 3 - Caboose the Ace 5 - BeckoningZebra1 0 - Delpen9 0 - Arachny 2 - Null I change my vote from Arachny to Caboose The Ace.
  19. Lol I don't think 343i expects people to sit there toggling the audio back and forth because of how horrible it would sound. They would probably get a headache or something doing that nonstop. Hopefully 343i ends up putting in something to keep that from happening.
  20. You do know that BZ1 could be diverting attention from everyone else to himself not because he's Mafian, but because 1 of the people on the Lynch List happens to be one of the special roles: so he could be attempting to spare them this round. He himself could either die and become trustworthy as a confirmed Civvy, or die as the Mafian. Either way you have to consider all the different variables. No Mafian/Detective would be that stupid to sit there and paint a target on their head by calling themselves the Detective without a reason for it (like I stated above). If they have no motives they would immediately become mincemeat on the Lynch List, and that would get them killed and exposed (not to mention this is round 1: the most random round, and easiest one to exploit). It would be highly unstrategic to kill themselves off at the beginning. I think what you people should see it as is BZ1 trying to save the other guys by getting himself killed in thier place. BUT he could be Mafian/Detective, and just completely ruined his chances of succeeding along with never being able to help protown with investigations again.
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