Im really not happy with any matchmaking anymore. For one, im getting sick and tired of having Slayer Pro shoved down our throats, It has me to the point i dont get on much anymore becasue thats ALL you get. If they want to make it that big of a playlist, please, make it in a seperate playlist so that people who want that, can choose to play it. ALSO, the forge maps, i cant stand having to play all of them constantly. I understand some of them here and there, but every stinking time i sign on and go to slayer, all i get is Forge Maps, and Slayer Pro. Enough is enough. Why give us the option to make our own custimized load outs, then shove a game down our throats that we cant even use them in?? What is the point? Kill cam, is horrible anymore, im wathicng people shoot a wall and im getting taken out in 3 shots or less, but when i drain and entire clip of any gun i have, nothing happens. I love Halo, i always have. The Campaign was excelent, i loved it. But Matchmaking, im sorry, it went down hill. If 343 dosent do anything about this, im going to be pushed away from a Franchise game that i have loved and supported since the first game. PLEASE, help me out everyone, im sure im not the only one that is tired of getting maps and certain game modes shoved down our throats. Slayer Pro needs to be its OWN game, not in regular slayer, and not ALL THREE options, every other time they load up!!